“The indictment of Azar, a regular at Antifa riots in Portland, nearly six months after the incident, is sending shockwaves across Antifa militants in the Pacific Northwest…Fellow Antifa members on Twitter have been fuming that video footage shot by a comrade, Melissa Lewis, was used in the case as evidence against Azar.” - Andy Ngo and Hannah Nightingale for the Post Millennial, December 12th, 2021
It’s always funny when antifas turn against each other. It’s funnier when they incriminate each other, it’s a joy to watch them betray each other and, as rare as it is, it’s satisfying when justice is served upon them.
In this installment, an antifa and faces felony charges among other charges because of incriminating video filmed by other antifas and - wouldn’t you know it - it’s those knuckleheads from our last antifa report! Also, the blonde knootnick is pursuing a fool’s errand in taking a journalist to court.
Melissa “Claudio” Lewis with the blonde hair and mom jeans and Aisha Shah with the teal hair and shorts.
On June 18th, 2021, an antifa named Alissa Eleanor Azar1 assaulted some people in a clash in a park near Portland, Oregon. She ran up to a man while dowsing him in with some sort of high power spray, likely mace. While it seemed to have no immediate effect on him due to his shield and face covering, Alissa Azar quickly turned to spray a woman who was a less protected. Alissa “antifa” Azar pursued the woman and continued to spray her with mace or some other substance before being knocked on her ass by the aforementioned man.
This was filmed by an antifa named Aisha Shah2 who uploaded the video to her Youtube channel Free Our Mind News. One can hear Aisha’s honking voice starting at 0:07 yelling, “Proud Boys at their finest, right here!” and so on.
Alissa can be seen beginning at 0:15 entering the frame from the viewer’s right. She sprays the man, perhaps a Proud Boy, then turns to spray the woman before the man turns to pummel her to the ground.
While Aisha Shah’s video of Alissa’s actions is still on her Youtube channel, it seems that’s not the video that incriminated her. It was a video from an other angle from the other schnook; Melissa “Claudio” Lewis3.
Melissa’s video is embedded in this report for the Post Millennial4 by Andy Ngo and Hannah Nightingale published on December 12th, 2021 and Melissa is suing Andy Ngo for sharing her video content. We will circle back to that. Alissa Azar is seen entering from the left. This video shows much more clearly that Alissa assaulted the woman as that woman was fleeing.
In the original version of this report, I had written that I was not sure if Melissa “Claudio” Lewis had filmed the video embedded in the Post Millennial article by Andy Ngo and Hannah Nightengale. I am updating here because through bilocation we can say that this is likely Melissa’s video.
Notice that part way through the video, the camera person runs forward, passing Alissa on their left, pauses, backs up and then suddenly falls. In the following video tweeted by Andy Ngo someone whose appearance matches Melissa rushes forward, past Alissa on their left, pauses, backs up and then trips backwards in the chaos of falling and brawling people.
Melissa rushing past Alissa.
Melissa falling backwards with her arms flailing outward.
You see, in Multomah County with it’s city of Portland, the district attorney famously gives outrageously lenient treatment to rioters. As Ngo is suggesting, things may be different in Clackamas County.
Notice that the Dak, @dakisback2, is griping about “Claudio”, Melissa Lewis, saying that…
Claudio's footage of Alissa defending themself on June 18th was the PRIMARY evidence used against Alissa to allow a grand jury to indict them. Are we still going to allow someone who is constantly making poor decisions that are affecting our lives in our radical spaces?
Ah! More infighting with these two antifas! Someone responded to Dak with…
Have you spoken to Alissa and asked her how she feels before creating this Twitter fight? Do we just all use fucked situations to attack folks we don’t like on social media now? I mean, I get the point but it does feel a little hypocritical coming from you, just sayin
Portland Antifa member Alissa Eleanor Azar, 30, was indicted by a Clackamas County, Ore., grand jury on charges connected to a riot in June.
She was charged with felony riot, two misdemeanor charges of disorderly conduct in the second degree and unlawful use of stun gun, tear gas or mace in the second degree. She was arraigned last Thursday.
On June 18, right-wing and conservative activists held what they called a voter registration drive in Clackamette Park, Oregon City. People wearing symbols of the Proud Boys were in attendance. Ahead of the event, Portland Antifa and far-left accounts on Twitter called for a counter direct-action. Clashes broke out when the far-left militants moved to assault the right-wing side, who had men in riot gear and shields acting as volunteer security.
Azar was captured on camera during the brawl rushing in to pepper spray a woman in heels and a dress standing in the park before getting knocked to the ground by a right-wing fighter in riot gear. From the Antifa side, a man shouted repeatedly to Azar: "Mace the female!"
The indictment of Azar, a regular at Antifa riots in Portland, nearly six months after the incident, is sending shockwaves across Antifa militants in the Pacific Northwest. Azar had previously been arrested and charged in March in Multnomah County, where Portland is, for her role in an Antifa riot, but her case was dropped by district attorney Mike Schmidt. Azar's current case is being prosecuted by the Clackamas County district attorney John Wentworth.
Azar identifies herself as a journalist, and has been inaccurately identified as such in news stories. She frequently talks about her Syrian background and has tweeted support of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, who is accused of carrying out genocide against Syrians by human rights organizations. She also once posted about her concern that Jews in the "entire [entertainment] industry" might discriminate against her.
Violent Antifa member Alissa Azar has written in support of Syrian dictator and accused genocaidare Bashar al-Assad; she expressed concern that Jews in the entertainment industry would discriminate against her
Though the 30-year-old single mother sometimes wears fake press markings and posts videos and photos online, she has been observed participating in violent direct action on behalf of her Antifa comrades numerous times in the Portland-area since the summer of 2020. Some of her riot propaganda is posted on her Patreon, where she doesn't disclose that she is a participant of the violent direct actions. She also runs an OnlyFans account, where she reportedly averages over $23,000 a month in subscription payments and describes herself as a "slutty anarchist."
Alissa Azar reportedly makes over $23,000 a month through her OnlyFans sex content page
After displaying some of the tweets we saw above, the article continues…
Fellow Antifa members on Twitter have been fuming that video footage shot by a comrade, Melissa Lewis, was used in the case as evidence against Azar.
The article goes over the tweets by Alissa that we went over earlier and concludes…
Azar's next court date is on Jan. 27, 2022. Azar has been reached for comment.
You may remember in my report “Antifa Targets & Attacks a Baby, Children & Adults of Mixed Color (Who Does Antifa Actually Attack? #20)” (written version here, video version here) that among the antifas who attacked the families in a park in Portland, Oregon on August 7th, 2021 was none other than Aisha Shah and Melissa “Claudio” Lewis.
In the blue jeans we see Melissa “Claudio” Lewis and in the black shorts and teal hair is Aisha Shah. This image was cropped from a snapshot from thebcpreacher’s livestream from Portland, OR on August 4th. See here.
Same video at the same point, 2 sections enlarged and superimposed on original image.
You may remember that I reported…
I contacted Aisha by email to ask why she removed her video of the attack from the Free Our Mind News Youtube channel and, well, a dialogue ensued, one could say. One could also say that the conversation is a window into her character. Though comically slow, she is disturbing nonetheless.
Original photo from Aisha Shah’s Facebook, altered by Justin Trouble.
I did not know that Melissa was present for the attack. She sort-of accidentally gave that info away. See, these women are not exactly smart and, well, they are unintentionally funny in a village idiot kind of way. Also, Melissa is not very good at keeping secrets. Some bad feelings between these women were revealed.
Melissa “Claudio” Lewis and Louis “the Leftist” Marquez.
Here’s a transcript of my emails with Aisha and my emails with Melissa. Here’s a visual summary of these women’s thinking with regard to this whole fascism/anti-fascism thing.
If you don’t recall, it’s no matter at all. It’s just that you would, I’m sure, appreciate this comedy even more.
At any rate, Melissa and some other antifa are apparently taking Andy Ngo to court and Tim Pool, at least, thinks their chances are laughably self-defeating. These half-wits who say “property is theft” are complaining that Andy was shares “their” videos.
∴ Liberty ∴ Strength ∴ Honor ∴ Justice ∴ Truth ∴ Love ∴ Laughter ∴
The IWWFJU is the IWW Freelance Journalists Union. The IWW is the Industrial Workers of the World, commonly called the Wobblies, a communist “union open to workers from all industries” according to their Twitter. The IWW and antifa overlap each other. You may have noticed some of the many versions of their symbol (see below) sported by antifas. I first heard about them when I was a kid in the 80s. At some punk show, I was handed an IWW pamphlet. Since I had been screwed out of a lot of money I earned pushing shopping carts for a summer job - sore and sweating, working harder than anyone else there - because of a union that forced the company to give them a big cut of the first month’s pay, I wasn’t exactly sympathetic the IWW’s goals.
Image from Oregon Encyclopedia. Caption: “IWW poster. Courtesy Oregon Hist. Soc. Research Lib., Orhi77728IWW.”
Notice the headline; “ARRESTS AWAIT I.W.W. GANGS HEADED THIS WAY” Source: Oregon Encyclopedia. Caption: “Portland Evening Telegram front page, July 16, 1913. Courtesy Oregon Hist. Soc. Research Lib., Orhi77733”
Source: Oregon Encyclopedia. Caption: “An early issue of the Spirit of the Times, an IWW publication First pages., Courtesy Oregon Hist. Soc. Research Lib., Pam331 886142i.”
Source: Oregon Encyclopedia. Caption: “An early issue of the Spirit of the Times, an IWW publication First pages., Courtesy Oregon Hist. Soc. Research Lib., Pam331 886142i.”