Antifa Targets & Attacks a Baby, Children & Adults of Mixed Color
Who Does Antifa Actually Attack? #20
See the video version of this video here.
On August 7th, 2021 antifa attacked a group of people including a baby and children of different colors and ages including some so young that they had to be carried away. It was a small and sparse family-type crowd gathered in a park for a politicized religious event.
They could see who they were attacking. Though they would surely say they support BLM, as a video taken by someone in the “black bloc” (a mobilized group of antifa in black clothing) shows, they could clearly see the black people, including the black children, as they threw things at them. They saw no swastikas, no white pointy hoods or burning crosses. They did not see so much as one Proud Boy. Though it went without saying, a few people shouted that there were kids there. They continued to attack.
As I have documented in this series “Who Does Antifa Actually Attack?”, in addition to people of all the “marginalized groups” they claim to defend, they have attacked children, but rarely so blatantly. To my knowledge, they had not attacked toddlers or babies until now.

The event was to start at noon at the Battlefield Oregon Memorial in Tom McCall Waterfront Park in Portland, Oregon featuring Pastor Artur Pawloski on his Courageous Faith Tour. He is infamous for being arrested for holding church service in spite of the government in Canada and may see jail time for it. This is why I call this a politicized religious event.
Though some, in their adorable naiveté, argue that because they call themselves “antifa” they must be anti-fascist, these self-declared “anti-fascists” actually use terrorism in attempt to prevent (some) people from exercising their freedoms and rights (for political reasons) and lately, at least in the USA, they predictably act as proxy enforcers for the establishment’s lockdowns and mandates by attacking anti-mandate/anti-lockdown protests. It is apparent, then, that antifa came to attack these families because the pastor they came to hear asserts freedom and rights in defiance of the dictatorial (“fascist”) demands of the powers that be.
The event had been relocated to the Waterfront Docks, a nearby spot in the same park. In their “black bloc” clothing with their faces concealed, antifa approached chanting “Hail Satan!” Some think they may have been the Satanic Portland Antifascists. See more in the notes.1 They attacked.

Julie Turcol tells me that she took the photo below before the attack. Take note of the children; one in white, one in red and one in blue. The man on the right is Quincy Anatello, their father. Pastor Artur Pawlowski is the man extending his hand toward an other man. To the right of him, holding a bottle, is Joey Gibson of Patriot Prayer.

Below is a still from a livestream Quincy posted to his BCP Live page on Facebook. It shows his wife, Jamee Anatello shielding three their sons from the projectiles.

The next still shows a fourth son and a woman named Julie Turcol (at least on Facebook) shielding Jamee and Quincy’s baby in a stroller.

The next still shows baby Rayne in a stroller and Julie’s arm after they had all escaped the attack and the clouds of tear gas/mace/pepper-spray.

As we will see, there were other children who had to run or be carried because they were too young.
The Christian Post published “Mother of baby nearly hit in face by Antifa flash bomb at prayer rally slams media for ignoring violence” (archived here) in which Ryan Foley writes…
In an interview with The Christian Post, Anatello, who attended the event with five of her eight children, recalled how the presence of Antifa at the gathering caught her by surprise: “I’ve always judged the events really well … what’s safe to take my kids to, what’s not.”
“It never once crossed my mind that this would be an event they would show up to,” she added. Anatello told CP that Antifa militants showed up at Tom McCall Park “before the event even started.” Noting that she arrived “20 to 30 minutes early,” Anatello estimated that “there was probably more Antifa” there than Christians gathered for the event.
Anatello lamented the local media’s lack of interest in her story. Describing Antifa as “dangerous” and stressing that “they need to be stopped,” Anatello said local media elected to focus on the alleged presence of the Proud Boys — a group frequently labeled by critics as a white supremacist organization, even though they are less white than Antifa and led by an Afro-Cuban — at the event in the days following the attack.
“No local media has taken my story. I spoke with two different stations and they rejected it,” she said. “I believe that the reason they have not taken my story is because the narrative around here is that the Proud Boys are white supremacists when they’re not. And people around here just refuse to name Antifa as dangerous.”
Anatello slammed the media for perpetuating what she characterized as an inaccurate portrayal of Antifa: “Antifa has been praised as being … not just anti-fascist … they care about Black Lives Matter. … They’ve been seen on video harassing and being violent toward gay people, Asians, black people, transgenders, and the media has stayed silent toward that. … I want people to know that … that is who they are. They are racist and … dangerous.”
Further down…
…“We went downtown last year … this was during the day so everybody was at work but already after the downtown parks had been .... destroyed and burned and we took our ‘Trust Jesus’ banner down there,” she recalled. “The Antifa members saw us out and started spray-painting on the ground in front of us, and they kept getting closer and closer and I asked them to please stop because the spray-paint was going into my child’s face and they blamed me for … being in downtown.”…
Indeed, they don’t fight hate, they hate.
Aligning the Evidence
Someone who goes by Aisha Shah2 (at least on Facebook) who makes it as clear as possible that she is antifa3 as I’ve archived here and here) was with the approaching “black bloc” and recorded the attack. According to a video uploaded to the Rumble channel Mary Todd and it’s description,
This footage was recorded and uploaded by Aisha Shah of "Free Our Mind News" on 08-07-21. It was subsequently removed from YouTube after Aisha's comrades scorned her for recording their assault.
The Aisha Shah/Free Our Mind News video which began approximately 12:18pm is synchronized with a livestream by Quincy Anatello which began at 12:19pm and a livestream by Jamee Anatello which began at 12:20pm in a video called “New Angles Emerge from ANTIFA ATTACK on peaceful prayer gathering” which was uploaded to the Youtube channel Mary Todd.
In the beginning of this video, after a short written intro, we see the Aisha Shah/Free Our Mind News video by itself for about 53 seconds before it is synched with Quincy’s and, shortly after that, with Jamee’s livestream.
What Actually Happened?
Thanks to Mary Todd or whoever did the work of synchronizing the three videos in the, “New Angles…” video, we can document this attack quite well.
As they approach antifa limply chants “Hail Satan” and then “No Trump! No KKK! No fascist USA!”. Quincy and Jamie and, more importantly, their sons and their 8 month old baby girl/stroller are visible. The point here is that they were attacking those who they claim to defend - “marginalized” people such as “people of color”, children and babies.
At 0:28 we can see three of the four sons Jamie and Quincy had with them. Two are wearing red shirts and the smallest is wearing a blue shirt.

At 0:31, the tallest son can be seen beside Quincy in his recognizable shirt. To the left of them, a girl with long black hair can be seen being lead by the hand by an adult.
Starting at 0:33 an object enters the screen from the upper right with smoke trailing behind it. It seems to be something with a lit fuse being thrown from antifa towards what was the stage for the event. It will explode at 0:38.

At 0:36 an object (perhaps an egg) is thrown from the black bloc towards the black children and the baby.
At 0:37 an antifa hurls an other object at the children and baby.
As the object is hurled, something - perhaps that smoking object that was thrown a few seconds earlier - explodes with an orange glow, sparks, a flash and a boom. Smoke then rises from that spot.

At 0:42 antifa launches an other object at the kids right after Jamie yells, “We have fucking kids here!” It seems to be an egg that it pulls from an egg carton but when it hits the ground it leaves a trail of something white.
An other object thrown at the kids.
An other.

Eggs and other objects are thrown over and over again.
If the video is paused at 0:48, a striking image is seen of the small boy in the blue shirt fleeing the attack.
Then, starting at 0:49, Quincy’s Thebcpreacher livestream is synched-in from it’s beginning at 12:19pm (which means that the attack started at approximately 12:18pm to 12:19pm). The boys and the baby stroller (and an other black adult) can be seen right away.
An other object is seen being thrown at the kids at 0:51 in the lower video and an other at 1:13 and an other at 1:29. This leaves a splatter of black liquid on the grass (see the upper video). Meanwhile one of the antifas in a red shirt enters the frame in the lower video. Object after object is tossed by antifa as the supposedly violent Asian-American Nazi fascist leader of a vicious gang called Patriot Prayer Joey Gibson stands alone peacefully and unarmed yelling, “Why are you doing this? Why? This is fascism!” at about 1:45.
Quincy and someone else (Joey Gibson, it seems to me) are heard yelling to antifa that the pastor they came to hear was arrested by the government for standing up for freedom. In other words, unlike antifa, the pastor is actually against fascism.
Then at 2:01, Jamie’s livestream (starting at 12:20pm) is synched in with the other two videos. At 2:08 someone shouts that the attacked should go home because they don’t want hate speech in “their” city. Does that seem anti-fascist to you?
At 2:14 some object is thrown by antifa as is visible on both of the videos on the right.
Let’s pause here at 3:16 to look at two women holding cameras.

By watching carefully, one can tell that the woman in black with the teal hair is the person filming the Free Our Mind video in the bottom right. This is Aisha of Free Our Mind News. To the left of Aisha with blonde hair and blue jeans holding a camera is Melissa “Claudio” Lewis, the @Claudio_Report. We will return to these women later.
Back to the comparison video. Also at 2:16 antifa throws an other object and again at 2:24, 2:30, and 2:36 and so on and on. Meanwhile, Jamie says antifa threw rocks as well as eggs and etc. and she says that the arm of a woman (Julie) was hit when she shielded Jamie’s baby’s face from a firework.
At 2:49 there is an other explosion and rising smoke.
This may be the same explosion in this short video from the other side, one can see a smoking object and hear a loud bang as a woman and child run away from the antifa black bloc. See the still below in which one can see the antifa black bloc, Quincy and the smoke from the firecracker that the woman and boy run from.

Meanwhile, Julie Turcol told me, the woman in the photo below in the dress, Monica and the woman in the white pants in the second photo below, PJ, got Jamie and Quincey’s sons and their baby daughter North along the water to a safer spot in the park. Jamie stays for a few minutes, still filming, before joining her children. Quincey stays behind to continue livestreaming.

Back to the comparative video where we see an other projectile at 2:55. At 3:00, one of the attacked throws an object back at antifa.
Then an antifa screams, fumbles with a backpack and pulls out some sort of black object before waving it at them and then charging at the man who threw one of their projectiles back at them. The supposedly dangerous fascist Joey Gibson maintains his composure as always. The other antifas advance behind him, throwing things. At 4:03, one of the antifas shoves the man who threw something back at them and the man shoves back. This can also be seen in this video posted by Julie.
They grab the microphone and announce “All cops are bastards in the name of Jesus, amen.” At 4:27 they spray Joey Gibson right in the face.
This can be seen from an other angle in the video in the tweet below.

At 1:10 in this video, one can see a man enter the screen from the right, apparently to rescue his instrument from the attack. This would be at least a third black man and fourth black adult among the “fascists” whom antifa attacked that day.
Back to the other video. Antifa knocks over and throws around the sound equipment. At 5:03 one can see two small children being carried away by adults as well as the boy who we saw running from one of the explosions.
As some antifa throw more objects as a man preaches in defiance to the terrorists. Antifa of them sprays again.
A smoke bomb emits a red cloud starting at 5:30. An other is thrown soon after and it emits a yellowish cloud.
MackSavage posted this video showing the tear gas or smoke bombs or whatever they are from a nearby bridge titled, “Domestic Terrorists Attack peaceful Christians trying to pray!” The video description reads,
Sat August 7th 2021 12pm pastor Athur Pawlowski organized an event to pray and preach about Jesus Christ. A group of black clad violent thugs attacked vulnerable women children and elderly with explosives pepper spray, paint, eggs and various items. witness's say the group was chanting "Hail Satan" as they approached the Christian group. Despite being aggressively assaulted the speakers still gave their speeches after regrouping.
Back to the other video. At 5:57 Aisha asks a man, “People say that the pastor has said transphobic comments. Is that true? Do you know the pastor?”
He responds, “I just heard that he suffered some persecution in Alberta province.”
“Alberta province.” she repeats. A bang is heard at 6:13.
“I heard that it was transphobic comments. Is that true?” she repeats
“I don’t know,” he repeats.
“Do you follow this pastor or no?”
“Uh, no I just came to see…”
“Oh, I see.”
“…what he was going to say…”
One can see this exchange from an other angle in the video tweeted by @NDpendentPDX that we saw above.

Meanwhile, the smoke clouds waft and people flee with their children.
Though, earlier, the person (evidently Aisha) filming the Free Our Mind News video denied being with antifa, at 6:52 she demonstrates that she is aligned with them (and hence she is antifa) by the fact that she and others in the black bloc were on one side of some verbal arguments and some of the people they attacked were on the other side of these arguments. Once again, we see the people antifa attacks trying to reason with antifa and antifa responding with anti-intellectual stupidity, threats, harassment and violence.
Aisha (allegedly) cements the fact that she is antifa by saying (a little later, at 8:13) that, “Fascists aren’t welcome here in Portland!” after witnessing and documenting her “comrades” using violence to prevent people from exercising their freedoms. At the time of this writing, on her Facebook profile, she is clearly signaling (virtue-signaling) that she is antifa. From her Facebook, she links to Free Our Mind News on Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, and Wordpress. Therefore it is apparent that Aisha Shah is the person behind Free Our Mind News and that she is antifa. She also has a new video on Youtube called, “Take A Hike W/Antifa: Lower and Upper Horsetail Falls, OR!!”.
This video of the attack by MackSavage shows her filming the people on the “stage”. You can see the guy in the big hat and the red and black flannel shirt run to pick up something at roughly 1:50 in this video. Looking at about 7:58 in the comparison video, we can see that it is the female in the shorts who is filming the Free Our Mind News video and is therefore Aisha.

I am currently in contact with he via email. I have asked her why she removed her footage from her Youtube channel. She replied that it was, “for security issues”. I asked for elaboration and she responded in part, “Security issues with my videos aren't any of your business.” My response included, “It has been reported that fascists have pressured you to remove the video because it showed them assaulting anti-fascists. Is that true?” You see, I am referencing the note at the beginning of the Mary Todd video which says that Aisha removed her video due to pressure from antifa (who are fascists). But of course, I am toying with her because she will think I am referring to the people antifa attacked rather than antifa.
Back o the other video. Starting at about 7:00, one can see a fifth black adult fleeing the so-called anti-fascists.
Starting at 9:04, Jamee Anatello, having fled to a nearby spot, begins to give her account of what had just happened. She explains that Julie had shielded Jamie and Quincy’s baby from a firework thrown by antifa, showing her baby and Julie’s arm which has minor burns/bruises.
Julie would later post this to Facebook.
Meanwhile, the video taken from the antifa side ends. Starting at 10:42, Jamie starts yelling, “Screw all of you who support antifa!” Meanwhile, in Quincy’s video, he shows one of the smoke grenades or what ever it is called.
The video ends at 11:46. However, Jamee’s livestream went on for about an other minute and Quincy’s BCP Live livestream continues for almost one and a half hours more. Quincy and other black and white people discuss the attack they endured.
Haley Adams tweeted this…
Around 12:30 in Quincy’s video, one can see two antifas trying to intimidate people. One of them says to Quincy “You hate Muslims!” and says that Quincy was at, “the union hall saying you hate Muslims”. He seems to be referring to January 19, 2019 at Seiu Hall when/where Quincy shouted through a megaphone about how he wants “all the dirty, filthy Muslims” out of the country. I reported on this in greater context in this multimedia report.
At any rate, this man more-or-less says that they (antifa) attacked those families in the park earlier because Quincy said mean things two years earlier and was there in the park that day. Again, they think that attacking innocent children is justified by one man’s mean words. Joey Gibson was there when Quincy said those words at Seiu Hall. I talked with Gibson about it. Gibson more-or-less said that he disagrees with Quincy about that. As we saw, antifa attacked Gibson this day. So they attacked at least one person who disagreed with those words and babies who don’t even understand the argument in the first place.
Babies. They attacked babies.
About 16:50 in the video, Quincy says it looks like there is an other altercation.
At about 17:00 one can see and hear a (pathetic excuse for) a police officer punish the victims. He tells them to pack up and leave so as to not cause any more trouble. He says that he knows that it’s not fair. They tell the cop that some of their stuff was thrown in the river. The officer obviously doesn’t care. They note that the hypocrite would have protected Governor Kate Brown if she were there. The officer quickly leaves.
Walking away, Quincy says that “this is why people start - stop, almost, supporting the police.”
The officer responds with the Nuremburg defense; “Just following orders, guys.” I guess he doesn’t realize that the “just following orders” defense did not absolve the Nazis when they were on trial.

About 18:11 in the video, the officer starts to argue with the victims he refuses to protect and serve. Julie Turcol can be seen and certainly heard yelling at the police. She is on the opposite side of the vehicle at the driver’s window in the blue-green top. I wish we could hear her better. Having blocked a baby from being hit with an exploding firework, I think it’s fair to say that her anger is righteous.
Some Proud Boys show up to do the cop’s job for them and one yells, “I suggest you do your damn job! I suggest you do your damn job!” The cops leave in disgrace without ever doing their sworn duty. As Quincy showed in his livestream, though a little late, the planned event was held nearby at the original intended location. Irony!
At 1:01pm (approximately 48:00 in thebcpreacher’s livestream) Melissa, the woman in the grandma jeans with the camera, tweeted…

Meanwhile, as we can see in the livestream, they still had the equipment they needed and were doing what they initially wanted to do at the location they chose in the first place. This is missed on miss antifa. Yeah, her blade is dull indeed as I found out. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
Melissa made a series of tweets starting at 1:12pm...

By about 1:26:30, one can see that some antifa, including the infamous wheelchair antifa guy had showed up, though you can hear his distinct voice heckling a preacher before you can see him at this point in the livestream. One can see some guys who at least seem like Proud Boys have showed up as well. Zane Sparling of the Portland Tribune would tweet this short video from around that time…
Zane would write this “report” for the Portland Tribune about the incident. It contains many inaccuracies and leaves out crucial details. In fact, in light of all the readily available evidence that contradicts what he claimed, it hardly seems possible that he just made a series of honest mistakes. It seems he is just lying. For those of us who cover these things, this is not surprising. Local media routinely lies about the Proud Boys, antifa, and those who antifa attack. I have contacted him about these inaccuracies and have asked him for sources to support a number of claims in his article. I also pointed out that one of his sources contradicts something he wrote in the article. He has yet to respond. If I elaborated fully it would be too much to include here.
Enter Jamal, the guy trolling antifa in these photos tweeted by Haley Adams…
Back in Quincy’s livestream at about 1:38:49, Jamal Filbert (who is a Proud Boy if memory serves me right) says that being gay is an abomination and Quincy agrees. I disagree strongly. The only reason I bring up my views here is to make the following point…
One should stand for the truth and stand for people’s rights regardless of one’s opinions.
Quincy’s livestream ends at 1:39:53.
It seems that following this, some of the guys who seem like Proud Boys clashed with antifa (including the antifa in the wheel chair who was talking with Quincy earlier) nearby on the street as police sit a few feet away doing nothing. Jamal does not seem to be with them. One can see Skylar Jernigan and cop-watcher Robert West with them.

Beside the guy in the wheel chair, one can see an older man in a motorized wheel chair with the antifa group. I mention this because according to Sparlings’ report for the Portland Tribune,
One lefty demonstrator, a 64-year-old Portlander named Wade Varner, said he was merely passing through the park with his dog, Traffic, but said he felt obligated to challenge those on the right.
"The Nazis came out and we drove them off again," said Varner, describing himself as a Navy veteran who served on the U.S.S. Fulton. "I'm sitting here, totally unarmed, in a wheelchair, and this f--ker shoots me in the face with a paintball."
One can see that he was not just sitting there and I have yet to find something to support the claim that he was shot with a paintball. Then the guys left.
Olmos tweeted this…

At any rate, the guys who seem like Proud Boys should have done everything they could to avoid putting that dog (apparently named “Traffic”) in harms way. Of course, they dog should never have been brought into the situation (which, by the way appears to have been started by antifas while following the other guys who appeared to have been walking away from the antifas).
By the way, in case this does not go without saying, the Proud Boys are an official group with official membership. Antifa are neither, though antifa has cells with their own names and symbols such as the Satanic Portland Antifascists (who are apparently part of Satanic Portland). Thus, one can rightfully say that anyone who partakes in antifa activities is antifa but one can not rightfully say that anyone who seems to be a Proud Boy is a Proud Boy.
The following day, Jamie Anatello recapped the events live on Facebook with “Recap part 1” and “Recap part 2”. Later that day, she livestreamed this video with the message,
YOU CAN'T HOLD US DOWN. antifa doesn't own our city. Those cowards never come when we're ready, they rather fight babys and call it a win. Come meet Jesus tonight, you know where we are!
More to the Story
On 20 Aug., 2021, a black woman crashed a Portland press conference organized by several antifa-allied groups (e.g., Don't Shoot Portland, Oregon Justice Resource Center, United Mutual Aid Network, etc.) ahead of a riot announced by antifa for 22 Aug., 2021. The woman called out antifa for throwing explosive fireworks and pepper-spraying her children at a family prayer event earlier in the month. The attack on Evangelical Christian worshippers on the Portland waterfront was ignored by the local press. Video recorded by "The Black Conservative Preacher
This woman was Jamee Anatello (Frankly Jamee). Quincy video recorded it and posted it as “MOTHER CRASHES #PORTLAND PRESS CONFERENCE”.
By the way, the man in the wheel chair at the press conference, Dustin Brandon, is far from just an innocent disabled person nor is he neutral. He is a staple of the local antifa activities. For example, he can be seen taking part in the lynch mob against Andy Ngo in this video “ANTIFA ATTACKS ANDY NGO YET AGAIN”. He knows better. He was playing dumb at that press conference.
One might wonder what she meant by, “Imagine crumbling under the pressure of stickers!”. Well…

An other video of the press conference crash uploaded by Kid Kodi contains some of the hilarious aftermath not seen in the more viral video. In what, at least to me, is the punchline to the whole thing, the man who Jamie had interrupted apparently said (through an interpreter), “So, Lou, are you still recording here? Are you supporting this whole thing? So, getting all the attention on this? Trying to get all those numbers? This shows proof. There it is. White supremacy, right then and there.” After which some stifled laughs can be heard.
But wait, there’s more laughs ahead. He then claims that he will fight fascism at an upcoming event. Then the wheel chair guy takes center stage (at about 4:22) and whines about his image being plastered all over town, somehow trying to use this to support his claim that Quincy is dangerous, and says, “If that’s not a hate crime, what is?”
Then… if you’re drinking anything, swallow before this next part… then he bitches about antifa getting their asses handed to them as of late and whines that it’s because the government (they call fascist) and the police (they say are all bastards, all racist and must be defunded) aren’t doing their jobs!
Video of Jamie crashing the press conference has gone viral, leading to her appearance on NewsMax in late August. She is also featured in other viral video clips in which she owns some people. See below.

Brandon Brown4 filmed this other priceless interaction shortly after…
Then this happened…
Did you hear that? When asked if he asked if he associated with racists, he responds, no, I don’t associate with antifa!
If you read this, thanks for that video, Kerry! This occurred on the same day and roughly the same location as this…

…which Brandon Brown also filmed…
…and this…
Truth-Trolling Antifa

Let’s return to the two camera women, Aisha Shah (AKA Jamila Shah, Aisha J Shah, etc.) and Melissa “Claudio” Lewis. I contacted Aisha by email to ask why she removed her video of the attack from the Free Our Mind News Youtube channel and, well, a dialogue ensued, one could say. One could also say that the conversation is a window into her character. Though comically slow, she is disturbing nonetheless.

I did not know that Melissa was present for the attack. She sort-of accidentally gave that info away. See, these women are not exactly smart and, well, they are unintentionally funny in a village idiot kind of way. Also, Melissa is not very good at keeping secrets. Some bad feelings between these women were revealed.
Here’s a transcript of my emails with Aisha and my emails with Melissa. Here’s a visual summary of these women’s thinking with regard to this whole fascism/anti-fascism thing.
Here’s an update about Melissa - “Antifa Incriminates Antifa 'OnlyFans Starlet' in Felony - Oh! The Dramedy!”
Here’s a newer update about Melissa - “Antifas $cammed by Their Lawyer - They Lo$t Their Law$uit Again$t Andy Ngo & Made Their Lawyer Richer!”
Freedom vs Fascism
You have the freedom to gather peacefully with others, to enjoy your freedom of speech and your freedom of religion. If a mob attempts to use fear, intimidation and violence to prevent you from exercising those freedoms, they are not anti-fascist. They are, by definition, terrorists. If they do so with the help of the government (police, politicians, district attorneys and so on), academia and with the cooperation of the corporate the media, they are fascist.
Also, those who are intentionally violent towards babies and other children forfeit their humanity and should be prevented from ever having the opportunity to hurt innocent people ever again. Whether this means prison for life or execution, if there’s a good reason to deprive a person of freedoms, it is because they seek to hurt or kill children.
Antifa has murdered adults. They have fired off a gun wildly at a school while trying to murder a cop. They have engaged in arson, possible bombing attempts, possible (or probable) rape. They attack the people they claim to protect: women, non-white people, immigrants, LBGT people, disabled people and so on. They have attacked children and now a baby.
And why? They used intimidation and violence to deprive Americans of their rights. Terrorism. They do this with the assistance of the media the local government. Fascism.
ACABSTUDIOS @acabstudios - August 7 2021 2:18pm PST - (tweet with video) - “Fascists just bailed hillbilly style” - (Twitter)
Anatello, Jamee (as Jamee Lynn on Facebook) - livestreamed August 7 2021 12:20pm PST - (video) caption: “BLACK BLOCK ANTIFA threw a bomb that would've hit my baby's face if a friend hadn't covered her face today at a CHURCH event in the park. Antifa risks our safety every time!” - (Facebook) - (post no longer available)
@BasedNewsNtwrk Viva La Furiosa (Haley Adams) - August 7 2021 3:24pm PST - (tweet with video) - “Christians were attacked in down town Portland for gathering to hear Pastor Arthur Pawlowski speak!” - (Twitter)
@BasedNewsNtwrk Vote Joe Kent For Congress WA (Haley Adams) - August 15 2021 11:14pm PST - (tweet with photos) - “Follow @Jamahl_usa1st account, he's a good patriot!” - (Twitter)
@BasedNewsNtwrkVote Joe Kent For Congress WA - August 7 2021 pm PST - (tweet with video) - “ - (Twitter)
@BasedNewsNtwrkVote Joe Kent For Congress WA - August 7 2021 pm PST - (tweet with video) - “ - (Twitter)
@BasedNewsNtwrkVote Joe Kent For Congress WA - August 7 2021 pm PST - (tweet with video) - “ - (Twitter)
@BasedNewsNtwrkVote Joe Kent For Congress WA - August 7 2021 pm PST - (tweet with video) - “ - (Twitter)
BCP Live - livestream August 7 2021 12:19pm PST - “#LIVE - PASTOR @ARTUR PAWLOWSKI IN #PORTLAND” (Facebook)
BCP Live - August 8 (filmed approximately 12:19pm PST August 7) 2021 - (untitled video) - description: “A mother shields her children from the danger and threat of #domestic #terrorist #antifa as they came to intimidate and assult a group of Christians having a worship service in #portland, #oregon.”
BCP Live - August 8 (regarding August 7) 2021 - (untitled video) - description: “Here are two points of view, in real time of the assults & attacks on Christians yesterday in Portland, Oregon as we gathered to listen to a edifying message from Pastor Artur Pawlowski. In this you will see a flash grenade explosion that Antifa threw or rolled toward men, women and children of all nationalities and ages.” - (Facebook)
BehindEnemaLiesNews @BehindEnemaLies - August 7 2021 - (tweet with video) - “Nate Cisneros confirming that Behind Enemy Lines was responsible for organizing an armed group in attendance at Artur Pawlowski's event today in Portland.” - (Twitter)
BehindEnemaLiesNews@BehindEnemaLies - August 8 (regarding August 7) 2021 - (tweet with video) - “CW: Homophobic slurs - - - - - - - Nate Cisneros, Jake Beaird(BEL), Jeff Grace, and seemingly a fourth individual assault a bystander at the Portland waterfront. In the exchange they knock the person's coffee and phone from their hands, then shove them repeatedly. ” (Twitter)
Black Conservative Preacher - August 11 2021 (filmed August 7) 2021 - (video) - “Pepper Spray Deployed Toward Baby” (Youtube)
Black Conservative Preacher - August 20 2021 - “MOTHER CRASHES #PORTLAND PRESS CONFERENCE” (Youtube)
Brown, Brandon - August 23 (filmed August 22) 2021 - “Proud Boys Flip a zombie van that crashed when Antifa tried to run them over.” (Youtube)
Brown, Brandon - August 23 (filmed August 22) 2021 - “Christian woman Jamee Anatello at a Proud Boys rally in Portland Oregon holding leftists accountable” (Youtube)
dak @dakisback2 - August 7 2021 3:35pm - (tweet with video) - “joey getting maced” (Twitter)
dak @dakisback2 - August 7 2021 4:34pm - (tweet with video) - “Joey Gibson got half a can of bear mace to the face today.” (Twitter)
Faithwire - April 3 2021 - “Polish Pastor Chases Cops Out of Church on Easter Weekend: ‘Get Out! You Nazis!’” - (Youtube)
Farnsworth Ferrangest - January 22 2019 - “Street Preacher vs Jezebels and Demoncrats” (Youtube)
Foley, Ryan - August 24 2021 - “Mother of baby nearly hit in face by Antifa flash bomb at prayer rally slams media for ignoring violence” - The Christian Post
Hansen, Taylor @TaylerUSA - August 22 2021 6:39pm - (tweet with video) “A Conservative Preachers Wife who had her children attacked at a Christian event confronted the ANTIFA that has shown up to the Summer Of Love event.” - (Twitter)
Hansen, Taylor @TaylerUSA - August 22 2021 7:11pm - (tweet with video) “ANTIFA and Right Wing Groups have begun to class in Portland Explosive devices are being set off right next to a gas station.” - (Twitter)
Hansen, Taylor @TaylerUSA - August 22 2021 7:12pm - (tweet with video) “Continuation of the clash, directly hit with a artillery piece.” - (Twitter)
Hudson, Kerry @KerryHu26145617 - August 24 (filmed August 22) 2021 - (tweet with video) - “Did he just say that?” - (Twitter)
Independent Media PDX @NDpendentPDX - (tweet with video) - August 7 2021 8:24pm - “Artur Pawlowski, a preacher whose views & ideals (referring to the LGBTQ+ community as “sinners” & opposing sex work decrim.) directly oppose that of many local activists, held a prayer session on the Waterfront in Portland before an altercation ensued. #PDX#Portland” - (Twitter)
Independent Media PDX @NDpendentPDX - (tweet with video) - August 7 2021 8:39pm - “More of the altercation between a prayer group and a group in black bloc on the Waterfront this afternoon in downtown Portland. #Portland#PDX” - (Twitter)
Kid Kodi 1111 - August 20 2021 - “Angry mother interupts live news to be heard after mayor and police in Portland ignore her completly” - (Youtube)
Lynn, Jamee - livestream August 7 2021 3:20pm - caption: “BLACK BLOCK ANTIFA threw a bomb that would've hit my baby's face if a friend hadn't covered her face today at a CHURCH event in the park. Antifa risks our safety every time!” - (Facebook)
MackSavage - August 8 (filmed August 7) 2021 - “Domestic Terrorists Attack peaceful Christians trying to pray!” - description: “Sat August 7th 2021 12pm pastor Athur Pawlowski organized an event to pray and preach about Jesus Christ. A group of black clad violent thugs attacked vulnerable women children and elderly with explosives pepper spray, paint, eggs and various items. witness's say the group was chanting "Hail Satan" as they approached the Christian group. Despite being aggressively assaulted the speakers still gave their speeches after regrouping.” (Youtube)
Olmos, Sergio @MrOlmos - August 7 2021 (tweet with video) “Far-right activists and anti-fascists confront each other in downtown, Portland police sit in their car and watch” (Twitter)
Olmos, Sergio @MrOlmos - August 7 2021 (tweet with video) “Akbari Pouya was shot him in the face with a paintball. He says the far-right group were intimidating as they walked past. He had his car stolen in downtown Portland, he was speaking to his mother in Farsi when guys in body armor rolled up and he was caught in the crossfire” (Twitter)
Safi, Marlo - April 26 2021 - “Pastor Who Kicked Police Out Of Church Goes Off On The Lockdown ‘Gestapo’ — Again” [archive] - Daily Caller
Sparling, Zane @PDXzane - (tweet with video) - August 7 2021 - “Proud Boys with weapons in downtown Portland’s waterfront park today” (Twitter)
Sparling, Zane - August 7 2021 “Left-, right-wing groups clash at rally in downtown Portland” [archive] - Portland Tribune
Todd, Mary - August 20 (filmed August 7 & August 20) 2021 - “Quick Breakdown - Portland Press Conference Interrupted by woman attacked by Antifa.” - Description includes: “A Press Conference is interrupted by a woman who was attacked by Antifa at a peaceful prayer gathering weeks prior. We add context and sources to her impassioned words…” and “…SOURCES: The Black Conservative Preacher Villain Report Aisha Shah - Free Our Mind News VIDEO REMOVED - REUPLOADED TO: Drew Hernandez - Lives Matter Kalen D'Almeida” - (Youtube)
Todd, Mary - August 7 2021 - “Deleted Footage of Antifa Attack on Prayer Gathering in Portland (08-07-21)” - Description: “This footage was recorded and uploaded by Aisha Shah of "Free Our Mind News" on 08-07-21. It was subsequently removed from YouTube after Aisha's comrades scorned her for recording their assault.” - (Rumble)
Todd, Mary - August 9 (filmed August 7) 2021 - “New Angles Emerge from ANTIFA ATTACK on peaceful prayer gathering” - (Youtube)
Trouble, Justin - June 11 2019 - “Antifa in Mainstream Media & Twitter” - (archived because Wordpress censored it)
Turcol, Julie - August 15 2021 (filmed August 7) 2021- Facebook - post with message, photos and videos (see above)
Here’s more pertaining to the Satanic Portland Antifascists.

Her Facebook links to her Free Our Mind News Youtube channel whereon she has a video titled “Take A Hike W/Antifa: Lower and Upper Horsetail Falls, OR!!” which is pretty much just her hiking. This Youtube channel also has a video titled, “Proud Boy Punches Fem in Oregon City!” which shows her comrade Alyssa attacking an unarmed woman and getting punched for it. In that video, you can here Aisha yelling anti-Proud Boy sentiments.