∴ For those without honor, the enemy of their enemy is their friend ∴
The Alliance Between CAIR & the Far-Left
CAIR, is the Council on American–Islamic Relations. Though the Council is supposed to counsel good American-Islamic relations, CAIR can be rather oppositional to America. Irony or just taqiyya?
In other words, by pretending to foster good relations between America and Islam, they engage in taqiyya, strategic deception in furtherance of the jihad, the struggle for Islam.
According to Robert Spencer, CAIR is “Hamas-linked”, members of CAIR refuse to denounce Hamas and Hezbollah and CAIR’s national outreach manager openly supports Hamas.
Lauren Comele Morris, investigator par exellence, has reported in depth and detail about the alliance between CAIR, Antifa, the Democratic Socialists of America in Portland and the city’s commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty in her import piece, “CAIR’s Collusion with Commissioner Ends the Joint Terrorism Task Force Relationship with Portland Police”. What she reports on in the aforementioned is one manifestation of a political “crossover”1 between the far-left and Islamism. Some call it the “Red-Green Alliance”.
Not to be confused with the so-called Red-Green Alliance between socialist parties and green parties or the “eco-socialist” party in Denmark called the Red-Green Alliance, this would be the Red-Green Alliance in which the green represents jihadism.2 It has been called “the increasing collaboration between radical progressive groups (the reds) and Islamists (the greens)”3 and this describes at least some of CAIR’s activity.
An other example of a “crossover” is the “Red-Black Alliance”.
Before the advent of the Red-Green Alliance, there was the Red-Black Alliance, which referred to the alliance of communism and fascism as in the case of the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany. This included, for example, Stalin’s support for the rise to power of the Nazi Party…4
But I digress. It seems CAIR does not care to cultivate peace between America and Islam but rather that they actually want to harm America and one of their tactics is to work with enemies of America. Jihadists find willing allies in socialists from the supposedly moderate Democratic Socialists of America to the Molotov-cocktail throwing variety, the ones who are willing to hurt innocent people, even children.
For those without honor, the enemy of their enemy is their friend.
CAIR’s Zakkir Khan & Antifa
In this piece we will look at how Muhammad Zakir Khan, the board chair of the Oregon chapter of CAIR and chief of staff for State Representative Janelle Bynum (Democrat), rather than fostering good relations between America and Islam, festers those relations by way of a partnership with the red and black; Antifa.
Antifa tends to use the red and black to signify socialism and anarchism. In reality, rather than being anarchists, they are against freedom, going so far as to attack those who actually protest for freedom against the dictates of an unconstitutional government and as to throw explosive fireworks at families in a park exercising their freedoms, for example. Thus the black more fittingly represents fascism as it did in the so-called red-black alliance of Stalin and Hitler.

Muhammad Zakir Khan is his full name. He prefers Zakir Khan. According to his LinkedIn, Muhammad Zak is or was “Chief of Staff to BIPOC Caucus Chair, Judiciary Chair, and Ways and Means member” of the Oregon House of Representatives.
Mo Zak echoes Antifa’s propaganda, especially that of Portland’s Antifa. BPR reported that Khan went “after Michelle Malkin for launching GoFundMe effort for battered Andy Ngo” after one of the times Ngo was attacked by Antifa.
For some years now, I’ve noticed Zak tweets and retweets in solidarity with Antifa. He expresses the same antipathy towards the same people and groups as Antifa, be it Andy Ngo, the Police, the Mayor, or anyone else they turn their rabid rage upon.
Below are a few examples that had been archived. The vast majority of his tweets have not been archived. Also, as we’ll see, he deletes these incriminating tweets.
For example, there is an archive of his account on July 28, 2019 that shows he retweeted this from Iowa Antifa…
…as well as these from Luis Marquez and Pop Mob…
On June 7th, 2020, he retweeted Antifa’s Gregory McKelvey…
On July 18th, 2020…
On July 19, 2020, Khan tweeted video of rioters at the federal building during that many month long siege. He roots for the rioters…
He then deleted the tweet.
Around that time, we see him, we see him rooting for the riot…
He amplifies Antifa propaganda…
…then deletes it…
He addresses Antifa, praises Antifa and encourages Antifa. Then he deletes the evidence.
Is encouraging riots in CAIR’s budget? How about the taqiyya part of deleting the evidence?
On day 53 of the riot, he tweeted…
Wouldn’t you know it? He deleted that too...
There was much more from him praising the riot as it was happening on that day alone. This is what he does. It’s a river of Antifa propaganda from Zak, flowing in to a reservoir that would be full of anti-American tweets if he did not perpetually drain it dry by deleting them. We saw just some of what he tweeted over just a few days.
Though he issues forth a voluminous spouting of rapid-fire twats tweets, the archives of his nixed @Muzzakh account and his current @ZakirSpeaks account are sparse. Oh yeah, for whatever reason, this Jihadi Joe’s older account no longer exists.
Here is more recent example of Mo Zakky Khan commending the Antifa group PopMob (Popular Mobilization)…

Zak Amplifies Antifa’s Propaganda
A horrible tragedy struck in Portland involving Antifa and right on queue, Zak, retweeted, tweeted and repeated what Antifa said about the incident, as we’ll see. Imprudent as usual, with an irresponsible disregard for truth, evidence or the principle of “innocent until proven guilty”.
Antifa marched in Portland on the night of February 19th, 2022. At about 8pmPST (Pacific Standard Time) a man who lived close to the march route, allegedly Benjamin Jeffrey Smith, shot 5 individuals in a smaller traffic-blocking group they call “corkers” ahead of the march, more specifically, the “Wall of Moms”, killing 1 of them, Brandy Knightly, AKA June Knightly, AKA T-Rex, and was himself shot and hospitalized, reportedly by Portland resident David Bumpus, one of the marchers. For details, see my upcoming report, “10th Antifa Killed” here on my Substack.
This Wall of Moms tweet from February 22 at 9:55pm gives us a clue about their political leanings…

In other words, WOM is a branding for a group of Antifas who “cork”. That night, February 19th at 8:39pmPST, Antifa’s Alissa Azar tweeted about the incident…

…and right on queue, Zakir Khan retweeted it.
It’s almost as if he follows this Antifa on Twitter. On February 19th at 9:03pmPST, this was tweeted by someone who was there for the incident…

This alleged video has yet to be made available as I write this. Thus, it was not possible for Mo Zak to have seen the alleged video before he shared the above.

What sort of American-Islamic relations does CAIR expect to foster with such imprudence? Is innocent unless proven guilty an alien concept to this terrorist sympathizer? At any rate, what a coincidence that this person he is retweeting apparently was one of the Antifa corkers. Also, why would he delete that tweet?
Zak retweeted this on February 19th at 11:12pmPST which almost makes it seem as if he follows these Antifas…
This lady figures quite prominently in my upcoming report, “10th Antifa Killed”. Zak tweeted this on February 20th at 2:21amPST…

To whom was he addressing that message? He tweeted this on February 20th at 2:22amPST…
…this on February 20th at 2:24amPST…
Ah, now we see whom he was addressing that to. By the way, he removed those tweets too.
February 20th at 2:56pm, a tweet…

…and delete…
February 20th at 3:01pm, tweet…

February 20th at 2:50pm, Zak takes issue with someone who says that the carrying of guns by protesters leads to trouble. He just wants someone to, um, give this person some, you know, um, perspective, if you know what I mean. He tweeted it…

…and deleted it…
February 20th at 2:57pm, tweet…

February 20th at 3:01pm, tweet…

February 20th at 3:06pm, tweet…

February 20th at 4:23pm, tweet…
February 20th at 4:22pm, tweet…

February 20th at 4:30pm, tweet…

At 7:37pm, Zakky Mo tweeted…

…and deleted…
He’s talking about the vigil for the deceased, June Knightly, that you can see in this article by OPB.

At 7:39pm, Zakky Mo tweeted…

…and deleted a rather silly claim. It’s certainly not very diplomatic to accuse the police of conspiring like that.
Nor is this tweet at 7:43pm likely to engender good relations…

It too was deleted.
9:29pm, tweet…

What we have seen is just some of what he tweeted in less than 24 hours. This continued, of course, but you get the idea. I will highlight just a few more because of my wise-ass responses.
He tweeted this then removed it…
Regarding that, I tweeted…

Also regarding that issue, I tweeted this…

By the way, Khan deleted the tweet that I highlighted in my tweet above. I wonder why. He also retweeted this which he removed…

So I tweeted this…

I mean, after all, if he is going to tweet stuff like this (then remove it)…
…which shows deep concern over the police and media saying that Smith lived there, then why can’t we show deep concern over Khan saying the shooter lived there?
He retweeted this (and then deleted it) which seems to confirm that Ben Smith expressed antipathy towards Nazis which undermines the propaganda that he expressed support for Nazis. Woops!

So I replied to the above with this…

…and to Zak with this…

On March 25th, Zakky Mo tweeted this…

I tweeted back…

Antifa Retweets Zakir Khan
In just a few hours we see Antifa retweeting Zak many times. The Antifa account Wall of Moms (who may be @BeverlyBarnum) retweeted this from Zakir…
…while @BeverleyBarnum would retweet this…
…and this…
We could go on and on but hopefully, by now, you get the idea.
As we have seen, Mo Zak Khan and CAIR are allied with Antifa. The Council on American Islamic Relations is slow jihadist poison masked by taqiyya. Not only does Zak deceive by pretending to want good relations with America, but he also attempts to deceive by hiding the evidence of his alliance with Antifa.
Be sure to read…
“Antifa Lies About Andy Ngo Again, Blames Him for the 10th Antifa Killed”,
“10th Antifa Killed - February 19, 2022, Portland, Oregon”
“Down the Bunny Hole = Telegram messages from Polybun (AKA PolyBunny)?”
“Who is the Man Who Shot 5 Antifas, Killing 1?”
FBI Knew About Alleged Antifa Killer
Thank you, ~ Justin Case Liberty my right ∴ Truth my sword Laughter my shield ∴ Knowledge my steed Love my solace ∴ Honor my reward Please see all my writings, my videos, and consider donating. Also, please share and subscribe...
The Red-Green Alliance belongs to a broader category of political warfare known as the “Crossover.” A Crossover takes place when political groups which ostensibly are hostile to each other form an alliance of convenience in order to achieve a political goal.
Quoted from “The Red-Green Alliance and the War against American Jewry, the American-Israel Alliance, and the Foundations of American Democracy” by Joel Fishman, published in Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, June 25, 2019.
Breitbart News. “The ‘Red-Green Alliance’: A New Anti-Semitism from the Far Left and Islam”. Breitbart, May 29, 2016.
Fishman, Joel. “The Red-Green Alliance and the War against American Jewry, the American-Israel Alliance, and the Foundations of American Democracy”. Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. June 25, 2019
Karagiannia, Emmanuel & Clark McCauley. “The Emerging Red-Green Alliance: Where Political Islam Meets the Radical Left”. Terrorism and Political Violence 25(2)
Shayshon, Eran. “The Red-Green Alliance is Coming to America”. Jewish Journal, December 22, 2021.
Quoted from “The Red-Green Alliance and the War against American Jewry, the American-Israel Alliance, and the Foundations of American Democracy” by Joel Fishman, published in Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, June 25, 2019.