On social media, I pretend to be a woke transgender antifa POC. They think I am one of them so they do not block me or report me. So I get to watch what they share. I am telling you now that it will not be long before the radical left is openly pro-pedophile. They will try to use the legitimate grievance that there’s nothing wrong with being gay to gain sympathy and support for people who want to rape children.
Of course, it is possible to honestly think that allowing drag queens to read stories to little kids is harmless, though it’s hard to imagine parents guardians who are that stupid. One can argue whether or not everyone knows such gender confusion is harmful to a child’s mind. But, it is not rape. One can argue, however, that it can be a form of grooming or at least of incrementalism, however unintentional.
First we were told that allowing grown men to go into the ladies room was harmless and not a step down a slippery slope. We were told that if you oppose it, it is not because you are concerned with child safety but rather because you are a transphobe.

Then we were told that Drag Queen Story Time (also called Drag Queen Story Hour) was harmless and not a step down a slippery slope. We were told that if you oppose it, it is not because you are concerned with child safety but rather because you are a transphobe. Here’s an example of a call for people protest against people who are protesting against a drag queen story time. By the way, apparently one of the drag queens admitted that they are grooming kids. Notice antifa symbol (the 3 arrows known as the iron arrows) that apparently some antifa drew on top of the flyer.

Then came videos of children watching transgender people or drag queens dance in a sort of stripper style with stripper poles, kids apparently slipping money into the panties of a half-naked drag queen strippers or kids dancing for money with stripper poles and so on. We were told that it was harmless and not an other step down a slippery slope. We were told that if you oppose it, it is not because you are concerned with child safety but rather because you are a fascist.
Yes, surely there really are idiots out there who honestly think there’s nothing wrong with this stuff as long as it doesn’t harm kids.
Also, surely there are people out there who want an other step down that slope and an other and an other because THEY WANT TO RAPE CHILDREN!
As someone who witnesses their social media circles, I am seeing a rapidly increasing overlap between pedos and antifa. I am not just talking about the antifa pedos I have begun to report on (see here and here). I am talking about a general move towards publicly supporting pedos. Antifa will move beyond that to physically assaulting people who stand up against pedophiles.
An other such step is the support for and encouragement of transgender therapy and surgery for children as young as 9. By taking the stance that children can be mature and responsible enough to give informed consent for such serious changes to their minds and bodies, one necessarily supports the view that children can be mature and responsible enough to give informed consent for having sex and sex with adults. However unintentional or unwitting, that is the unavoidable implication.
By the way, I would explain here that antifa recently pooled together about $500,000 (that’s HALF-A-MILLION DOLLARS) to bail out one of their own who was arrested for kidnapping and raping a child and trafficking her across national borders but that falls under the category of straight-forward pedophile support so that’s for my series Antifa Pedos. This report is about antifas who make an effort to conceal their pedophilia.
Because some people want to rape kids, they want to convince you that children can give informed consent for this and that and just in general, so you should trust kids to go off on their own and possibly meet up with that adult they met online and possibly be kidnapped and raped or worse.
Witness the following. According to this book, parents should not oppress their kids by protecting them from predators. No, they argue, children should be “liberated” from being protected by those who love them so they can be free to be groomed and raped by these people. Yes, they actually use the term oppression to describe protection of children from harm! They literally argue that,
oppressive attitudes toward children, far from being “natural” forms of kinship with the youngest members of our families and communities, have identifiable social and historical roots.
The following is from a single Twitter thread.

Here’s some responses…

This adult man is into kids toys and kid’s books.
Here’s… ummmm… well, someone’s response to this pedo (archived here)…

Also, see this (archived here)…

…and this response (archived here)…

…and this (archived here)…

…and this (archived here)…

Then there’s this…

Here’s one reply to the above from, well, a person I know (archived here)...

Here’s a case of antifa being against a specific group that is specifically against groomers and not gay people or trans people, etc. So what excuse does antifa have?
One might wonder what this has to do with antifa. The publisher, AK press, uses the antifa colors in their logo, the black and red flags in their graphics and publishes many pro-antifa books and other products.
They also sell NO! Against Adult Supremacy…
"Every hierarchy, every abuse, every act of domination that seeks to justify or excuse itself appeals through analogy to the rule of adults over children. We are all indoctrinated from birth in ways of 'because I said so.' The flags of supposed experience, benevolence, and familial obligation are the first of many paraded through our lives to celebrate the suppression of our agency, the dismissal of our desires, the reduction of our personhood. Our whole world is caught in a cycle of abuse, largely unexamined and unnamed. And at its root lies our dehumanisation of children."
Got that? Protecting your kids from rapists is dehumanizing.
It makes one wonder what their book Under the Love Umbrella is about since it seems to be about/for kids.
What about that Twitter account @coffeewcomrades? That account clearly shows that they are antifa. See the following.

If you don’t know, Spronsen was antifa (see my video 3rd Antifa Killed - Antifa Urge Murder & Arson). Now check this out,

Here’s their Independence Day tweet.
Here are some responses to that first tweet. Have a barf bin ready to puke into.

That Twitter account claims this woman is a “FORMER crime scene investigator, police officer, and civilian drug prevention educator. Currently working for true justice. (she/her)”
I have to wonder why she no longer works for law enforcement, if she ever did and is not just lying about it.
Here’s the response to that response.
Here’s AK Press promoting that book anew on September 8, 2022…

Above I wrote that antifa does not know I am among them on social media. But at least one account blocked me because I showed my cards a bit. You see, I saw the following…

…and tagged Gays Against Groomers (now gays against broomers) because that is the sort of thing they expose. Unsurprisingly, the @AnarchistFed account blocked me.

If you don’t know, It’s Going Down is antifa’s largest propaganda outlet. Just today they tweeted this,

Got that? A protest against pedophilia is a “hate rally” they say.
Here’s more…

This next tweet is from an antifa account.
This account uses the term “bloc” in their handle which indicates antifa (as in “black bloc”, “soviet bloc” and so on). Also, it expresses the antifa view that what they oppose is fascist even though it isn’t.

Here’s an other such tweet from an other antifa account.

This tweet has a flyer from an antifa group with clear-cut antifa symbolism and name in the lower left.

Here’s an other such flyer with the iron arrows antifa symbol…

Meanwhile, Gays Against Groomers has to keep making new Twitter accounts as they are shut down. The group created the Twitter account for Gays Against Groomers using the handle @againstgroomers. This is what is once looked like…
By August 3, 2022, however, the handle was “cancelled” and then taken over by pr-pedo antifa, apparently.
As one can see, they pronounce, “Fighting against fascism in all its forms” which means that they consider opposition to child-rape to be fascism! The account is followed by, among others, this antifa group with thousands of followers including It’s Going Down, Jared Holt, NYC Antifa and Mark Bray, author of Antifa - The Anti-Fascist Handbook.
For more, see #dqst, #DragQueenStoryTime, #DragStoryHourUK, #DragQueenStoryHour, #groomers, #groomer, #Grooming, #CSA, #ChildSexualAbuse, #SexualAssault, #Rape, #GaysAgainstGroomers
Also see series Antifa Pedos and see M.A.P.s in my Culture War Encyclopedia.
I’ll let this person get the last word.

Thanks for reading! Please see my other reports, my videos, and consider donating.
Liberty my right ∴ Truth my sword Laughter my shield ∴ Knowledge my steed Love my solace ∴ Honor my reward
Keep up the great work!