On the spectrum from libertarian to authoritarian, Nazism, Marxism and fascism (as in “a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control”1) are at the totalitarian extreme of the authoritarian half. In fact, people often use the terms “fascist”, “Commie” and “Nazi” to mean authoritarian/totalitarian. Any honest person would agree that a government that actively works to deprive people of their rights is on the totalitarian (“fascist”) side of the spectrum. Even the blind can see that those who use threats and violence to enforce a government’s ban on rights are “fascist”.
Those who love liberty are of course on the libertarian side.

Those who use threats/violence to deprive people of their rights are not anti-fascist though they often claim to be so just as the propaganda department of Big Brother (“The English Socialist Party” or Ingsoc) called itself the Ministry of Truth in Orwell’s 1984.
Those who use threats/violence to pressure people and institutions to meet political demands are terrorists.
Those who do so in mobs on the streets in black clothing sometimes call themselves antifa.
They form groups. They have intel, personnel, goals, communications, meetings, engage in real world action and they organize. In fact, they are what the Cambridge Dictionary, for example, defines as, “a group of people who work together in an organized way for a shared purpose.” In other words, an organization.
They act as unpaid goons, as volunteer suckers, as unofficial enforcers for a government in violation of constitutional / human rights.
My stance is firmly on the libertarian side, the side of human rights and the Bill of Rights that protects them. I suppose my views can be sumed up in these words;
∴ Liberty ∴ Strength ∴ Honor ∴ Justice ∴ Truth ∴ Love ∴ Laughter ∴
This is from Merriam-Webster Dictionary’s definition of fascism.