We are told that "antifa" just means "anti-fascist."
This brilliant observation, ever original, is stated as if it were some sort of argument in their favor, as if that means that antifa is therefore a good thing.
By making the keen cognition that "antifa" means "anti-fascist", which never gets old, they are of course implying that antifa is anti-fascist.
People of particularly penetrating intelligence explicitly state that because of their name and what it means, antifa is anti-fascist.
'It's in the name,' they say, proud of their ingenious espial.
This unique eureka, of which one never tires, is no doubt the mark of a mental maverick of rare rationality, no matter how commonly the refrain is repeated.
Then there are the erudite elite who astutely profess that by definition, the people antifa attack are fascist!
Ah, yes, well this means, then, that North Korea is a democrat republic. It’s called the Democratic Republic of North Korea, so it must be a democratic republic.
We can rest assured the principle applies to the People's Republic of China and so forth.
This necessarily means that Nazis are socialist. After all, it's in the name. ‘Nazi’ is short for Nationalsozialistische which means 'national socialist' which is a type of socialism with emphasis on the nation, like the socialism of soviet Russia, China, Cuba, Nazi Germany and so on.
This also means that you should trust the used car dealers over at Honest Herb's Wheel Deals and not hesitate to sign their Totally Trustworthy and Harmless Legally Binding Used Car Contract nor bother to read over the clause where you are required to pay them a large chunk of your paycheck - or whatever assets you have in lieu - annually for the rest of your life nor the clause where it indebts your children to them. Nope. You can trust them, because of the name.
All this means, of course, that a group called Gays Against Groomers are in fact a group of gay people who are against groomers (pedophiles).
This would mean, then, that those they oppose are groomers (pedophiles).
Naturally, those who are against Gays Against Groomers are groomers (pedophiles).
Well, I am here to show you that antifa are against Gays Against Groomers and that therefore, inevitably and inescapably, by their own logic...
Antifa is Pro-Pedophilia.
Antifa has appropriated the Twitter handle for Gays Against Groomers and planted their pedo pride flag atop the ramparts. Gays Against Groomers is,
a coalition of gay people who oppose the recent trend of indoctrinating and sexualizing children under the guide of “LGBTQIA+”
Not only did Twitter “cancel” their account, but they gave their handle to antifa. Founder Jaimee Michell created the Twitter account for Gays Against Groomers using the handle @againstgroomers. This is what is once looked like…
By August 3, 2022, however, the handle was “cancelled” and then taken over by pro-pedo antifa, apparently.
As one can see, they pronounce themselves to be, “Fighting against fascism in all its forms” which means, by their own argumentation, that they consider opposition to child-rape to be fascism! Some might object to this observation by saying this could be a hoax. Hoax or not, this account is followed by, among others, this antifa group with thousands of followers including It’s Going Down, Jared Holt, NYC Antifa and Mark Bray, author of Antifa - The Anti-Fascist Handbook.
Thus, whether it is a real antifa account or mere mockery is beside the point. According to the Daily Caller,
Media Matters argued that the word is being used to smear LGBT people as sexual predators and urged Twitter to crack down on the term.
Rather than concern themselves with the misuse of the term, as in libel, they would rather censor the term itself, depriving people of a means by which to identify predators who want to rape children. That seems rather questionable, and misguided in the very least, certainly suspicious, some say.
The Daily Caller also reports,
“Media Matters has attempted to do what many other groomer protecting organizations and publications have already tried, which is to paint Gays Against Groomers, a coalition comprised solely of gay people, as anti-LGBTQ,” Michell, who runs the Twitter account “Gays Against Groomers,” told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
In summary, by their own argumentation, antifa is anti-gay and pro-pedophila. Gays Against Groomers can currently be found on Twitter using the handle @againstgrmrs.

For those who may have seen my earlier reports in this area, know that not only does antifa have individual pedophiles in their ranks such as Blake D. Hampe, but antifa recently pooled together about $500,000 to bail out one of their own who was arrested for kidnapping and raping a child and trafficking her across national borders. That’s almost a public declaration of defense of child sex trafficking.
In my report Antifa Crypto-Pedos Want Your Children I show, among other things that the antifa publisher AK Press proudly sells Trust Kids! - Stories on Youth Autonomy and Confronting Adult Supremacy which argues that kids should be allowed to go off on their own to pursue adult relationships with adult strangers.
There’s nothing to counteract this increasing acceptance of child rape by the radical left. Expect this to go a lot further. I hope I’m wrong but I fear I’m not.
In the description to this video is a link to my written report upon which this video is based. It contains links for everything. Please share and subscribe.
Gender Ideology was pushed very deliberately and with blinding rapidity into Western Society by a highly funded and politically connected network.