If the reports we will look at are accurate, the director-general of the World Health Organization privately acknowledges that the ‘rona came from a lab in Wuhan, China.

On June 18, 2022, the Daily Mail published WHO chief 'believes Covid DID leak from Wuhan lab' after a 'catastrophic accident' in 2019 despite publicly maintaining 'all hypotheses remain on the table' by Glen Owen who writes that…
WHO initially branded lab leak fears 'a conspiracy theory', accepting China story
…but that WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus…
privately believes the Covid pandemic started following a leak from a Chinese laboratory, a senior Government source claims.
While publicly the group maintains that ‘all hypotheses remain on the table’ about the origins of Covid, the source said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organisation (WHO), had recently confided to a senior European politician that the most likely explanation was a catastrophic accident at a laboratory in Wuhan, where infections first spread during late 2019.
The Mail on Sunday first revealed concerns within Western intelligence services about the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where scientists were manipulating coronaviruses sampled from bats in caves nearly 1,000 miles away – the same caves where Covid-19 is suspected to have originated – in April 2020.
Owen also reports…
The WHO was initially criticised for its deferential approach to China over the pandemic, as well as a willingness to accept Beijing’s protestations that claims of a laboratory leak were just a ‘conspiracy theory’.
The report then goes on to make it clear that according to Director-General’s public statements, the virus’s origin is far from certain. Also…
An original probe into the outbreak by the WHO was resisted fiercely by China, leading to a report that concluded the SARS-CoV-2 virus probably passed to humans from a bat via another unidentified species.
But after 14 nations including the UK, US and Australia criticised its findings as being heavily compromised, Dr Tedros admitted the report’s flaws and ordered the new process.
They write, furthermore, that the government of the United Kingdom…
has taken a cautious approach to apportioning blame for Covid – something that China-sceptics attribute to a fear of offending Beijing.
However, American intelligence has placed the secretive Wuhan laboratory at the centre of its analysis.
Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claimed that workers at the institute had fallen ill with Covid-like symptoms in autumn 2019 – weeks before the alarm was raised, and said that as part of military projects its scientists were experimenting with a bat coronavirus very similar to the one that causes Covid.
A WHO spokesman said: ‘Dr Tedros has been consistently saying all hypotheses remain on the table as scientists pursue their work.’

One may notice that some reports refer to him as Dr Tedros or Dr Ghebreyesus and others leave out the Doctor title. According to Reuters, his doctorate is in philosophy in community health. They report that he also has a masters in immunology of infectious diseases. However, they report that he is not a medical doctor and, furthermore, that…
He is the first director-general in the WHO’s 72-year history not to be a medical doctor.
The Post Millennial also reported WHO director admits Covid likely leaked from 'catastrophic' Wuhan lab accident. In that piece, author Hannah Nightengale writes that earlier in 2022…
Senator Rand Paul grilled NIAID Director Dr. Anthony Fauci on previous emails that he had sent to Dr. Francis Collins, in which Fauci sought to take down epidemiologists that believed COVID-19 came from a lab.
"In an email exchange with Dr. [Francis] Collins you conspire and I quote here directly from the email to create a quick and devastating published takedown of three prominent epidemiologist from Harvard, Oxford and Stanford. (Apparently, there's a lot of fringe epidemiologist at Harvard, Oxford and Stanford.) And you quote in the email that they are from Dr. Collins and you you agree that they are fringe. Immediately as this takedown ethic," Paul critiqued.
"A published takedown, though," Paul continued, "you know, doesn't exactly conjure up the image of a dispassionate scientist. Instead of engaging them on the merits you and Dr. Collins sought to smear them is fringe and take them down. And not in journals, in lay press. This is not only antithetical to the scientific method; it's cheap politics and it's reprehensible, Dr. Fauci. Do you really think it's appropriate to use your $420,000 salary to attack scientists that disagree with you?"
It’s very, very suspicious. It’s also suspicious that in their transparent propaganda in praise of WHO head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the BBC writes…
Dr Tedros became a member of the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), which was in the vanguard of the 1991 overthrow of Ethiopia's Marxist dictator, Mengistu Haile Mariam
….but does not report that the TPLF itself is Marxist. According to the Guardian, the TPLF is…
inspired by Marxist-Leninism
According to the same Guardian piece, the TPLFs success is partially due to their secretiveness about their Marxism. There seems to be a pattern of secretiveness going on here with regard to the Marxism of the TPLF from which this WHO general-director emerged. Shame on the BBC!
Now then, do we get to say I told ya so? No, not yet anyway. But give it some time. You see, it seems that this is how they will eventually arrive at clearly, unambiguously admitting that it was a virus escaped from a lab in Wuhan China that Dr. Fauci took part in developing. But they will roll it out gradually, too gradually for the masses to notice. I do not know if it is by conscious design or just irrational human nature, but this seems to be yet an other case in which, though they should, they will never actually say they were wrong.
You see, though not long ago, there was no shortage of people claiming that it was a racist conspiracy theory to say that the virus came from China, not long from now, there will be an extreme shortage of people who will admit that not long ago, they claimed that it was a racist conspiracy theory to say that the virus came from China.
Who has admitted that they were wrong about Jussie Smollett? They had to report on the trial that showed he faked the whole thing, but as reluctantly as could be, of course. And, did they apologize? Has Brandon Biden apologized for being wrong about that? How about Kamala Harris? Thy were wrong and have not acknowledged it or apologized. To say that they display poor leadership qualities is a drastic understatement.
How about the media hoax about Trump’s crazy idea about using UV light medically? Have they admitted that was a hoax? How about Trump’s supposed crazy idea about using hydroxychloroquine medically? How about the their ivermectin hoax?
How about the Covington Catholic School kids? They were wrong about that. Have they apologized for that? Have they even ever come out to say that they were wrong about what happened there? How about the death of Officer Sicknick?
Those people in the media who pounded the message that Trump caused an attempted coup at the Capitol on January 6th, 2020; have they ever acknowledged that it has since come out that Trump did no such thing? No? Why not? It was public and readily available to all so-called journalists. I fail to see an excuse to not cover that revelation.
Will they ever admit they misreport on the Proud Boys routinely? How about Antifa?
What about the Kyle Rittenhouse incident? There was video out there that showed what actually happened. They went a very long time pretending that no such video existed and in the mean time, continued to lie to the public about what happened. Have they apologized for doing that on purpose? Have they even bothered to apologize as if they did it out of incompetence rather than malice?
What about the Dayton Ohio/Pulse Night Club shooter? Have they ever admitted that archives of his Twitter show he was Antifa? How about the man who killed that Antifa on February 19th? They say he is a Nazi but archives of his social media show that he specifically expressed opposition to Nazism along with other forms of socialism. Will they ever report that fact? Probably not.
So, do not hold your breath waiting for them to ever say they were wrong to call claims that the virus came from China were wrong or racist.
They will always be wrong and they will never admit it.
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