Hearing Reveals Trump Did Not Incite Jan 6 Events
One of the things that some of us already knew about January 6th was confirmed by the recent January 6th hearings; people had planned to and had begun to try to “stop the steal” before Trump gave his speech that day, despite the media narrative that it was Trump’s speech that day that incited them to try to storm the Capitol.
By the way, just an aside, it seems to have been forgotten that the NY Times itself reported back in January of 2021…
When President Trump railed against the election results from a stage near the White House on Wednesday, his loyalists were already gathering at the Capitol.
For the most part, the narrative has been that they stormed the Capitol because of Trump’s speech. For example, the BBC had directly claimed…
In a 70-minute address, he exhorted them to march on Congress where politicians had met to certify Democrat Joe Biden's win. The attack began moments after he took the applause.
You see, when he told them to be peaceful, he was telling them to be violent. Never mind that early reports say that they went to the Capitol before he told them anything because it must be Trump’s fault, as it was decided soon enough that they stormed the Capitol because of Trump’s speech. They are not adults with their own minds who are responsible for their own actions. No. Trump told them to be peaceful so they had no choice but to storm the Capitol and be violent.
Never mind, also, that people were let in to the Capitol by authorities.1 Also, we must never ask if it was right for those people to try to disrupt the election certification. Please forget that Biden was arrested for trespassing at the Capitol when he was younger, according to him. Never mind that top Democrat politicians have questioned election results in the past. That was ok. It’s just not OK when right wingers do it. Forget that they did it in the past. Ignore the fact that they have been telling people to fight in the streets because that’s good, because Trump told them to be peaceful and that’s bad.
Regarding the House select committee investigating the January 6 Capitol event, the Guardian reports…
The panel’s star witness, Nick Quested, is an Emmy award-winning British documentary film-maker who founded the indie film company Goldcrest and embedded with the Proud Boys in the weeks after Donald Trump lost the 2020 election as part of a project about division in America.
Here’s video of his testimony. He states, starting at 3:30…
We met up with the Proud Boys somewhere around 10:30am and they were starting to walk down the Mall, eh, Easterly direction towards the Capitol.
Raw Story reported that Quested stated in the hearings…
that on the morning of the insurrection, while Trump was giving a speech, he trailed members of the Proud Boys as they did recon on the Capitol looking for weak spots, and then he joined them for tacos.
"We took some photographs on the east side of the Capitol, and then we went for lunch. We went for tacos," Quested stated during Thursday night's hearing.
This article by Raw Story was headlined Proud Boys did recon on weak points of Capitol during Trump's speech on Jan. 6 -- and then went for tacos. Note the word “during” in that headline. It did not state “as a result of” or whatever. But it should have read “before”.
They want you to click on their website to get add revenue so they put out this news story and try to get you to think that it is a game-changing bit of news. They want you to click the article but they want you to walk away thinking that the narrative still holds true - that trump caused an insurrection or coup attempt or whatnot. That’s why the narrative is now ‘Maybe Trump’s speech didn’t cause it, but he caused it.’
Raw Story adds…
Trump seemed to guide their hand in their efforts in the days leading up to the breach.
Ahhh, so never mind the story that Trump incited an insurrection with his speech that day that they were pushing up until this. Never mind that, you see, because even though Trump didn’t incite them to insurrection that day like they said, he incited them in the days leading up to that day. Sure. That seems like honest and trustworthy reporting Sure. By the way, I archive all these articles so you can read them without pop-ups and without giving them add revenue.
As a result of his testimony, mainstream news is trying spin it. The New York Time did not so much as mention that he testified that they did that before trump’s speech began in their report about his testimony.
All they are doing is calling our attention to the fact that they lied to us.
Documentarian Nick Quested revealed on Thursday that the militia group cased the Capitol on the morning of the insurrection
Hundreds of Proud Boys assembled near the Capitol on the mid-morning of Jan. 6 — well before Donald Trump’s speech at the ellipse — and appeared to perform reconnaissance for the attack on the Capitol that they would spearhead later that afternoon.
Yet they imply that it was Trump’s fault. They just shift from the narrative that Trump’s speech caused them to do it to the narrative that Trump caused them to do it by other means, like conspiracy.
The BBC also recently acknowledged that it started before Trump’s speech began. But, though they report as much and admit that Trump said, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard,” they still suggest that Trump did incite it with his speech.
PBS News Hour also reported that Quested noted…
that the Proud Boys already began to walk towards the Capitol before former President Donald Trump’s speech by the Ellipse behind the White House had begun.
CNN reported that Quested stated in an interview…
I turned up on the National Mall around 10:30 am and the Proud Boys were already marching in an easterly direction towards the western side of the Capitol
USA Today also reported that Quested…
told lawmakers Thursday that he met up with hundreds Proud Boys at about 10:30 a.m. on Jan 6.
But then they report that Quested said they…
walked away from the president's speech
…when in reality the speech had not yet begun. They should have clarified that they walked away from the location where Trump’s speech was to be held but that it had not yet begun when they walked away from that location. Tsk, tsk. That’s lying by omission.
Former congressman Mick Mulvaney tweeted…

Representative Swalwell responded with this politically incorrect tweet…

I responded to him with this…

Thank you for reading!
~ Justin Case
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