You’ve heard the phrase; liberalism is a mental disorder. While that may not be literally true, some studies suggest that there’s a correlation between liberalism and mental illness.
In this piece, the term liberalism is used in the sense it is used in America and Canada (progressives or social justice warriors) outside of which the term is closer in meaning to what we call libertarianism.
Tabby and I were talking about a new anti-2nd Amendment piece of legislation being pushed through Congress that they claim will pave the way for more funding to enforce red flag laws and supposedly better background checks.

Tabby pointed out that this would disproportionately affect the left because, she said, there’s a correlation between leftism and mental illness. So, of course, I fact checked her. Meanwhile, she expanded on her claim and you can hear what she had to say in the upcoming video on this.
Please know that neither of us are trying to convince anyone to become more conservative, Republican and/or Christian or more religious at all. However, we’d both be happy if we convince someone to be less liberal (in the American sense of the term).

The study, Mental Illness and the Left by Emil O. W. Kirkegaard from May 2020 states…
It has been claimed that left-wingers or liberals (US sense) tend to more often suffer from mental illness than right-wingers or conservatives. This potential link was investigated using the General Social Survey cumulative cross-sectional dataset (1972-2018). A search of the available variables resulted in 5 items measuring one's own mental illness (e.g., ”Do you have any emotional or mental disability?”)…analysis showed that the relationship between mental illness, happiness, and political ideology has existed in the GSS data since the 1970s and still existed in the 2010s. Within-study meta-analysis of all the results found that extreme liberals had a 150% increased rate of mental illness compared to moderates. The finding of increased mental illness among left-wingers is congruent with numerous findings based on related constructs, such as positive relationships between conservatism, religiousness and health in general.
Regarding this study’s link between religiosity and mental health, Scott A. McGreal MSc. notes in Psychology Today…
However, the beneficial relationship between religiosity and health has only been found to apply in cultures in which religion is highly respected, and does not occur in more secular cultures (Stavrova, 2015).
In other words, whereas a person’s high level of religiosity in a highly religious society may be an indication of good mental health, a person’s high level of religiosity in a more secular society may be a sign of mentally illness.
Here’s some data from the study…

Some may cite a study from 2011 that seems to suggest opposite results. But as it was later revealed, these results were, um, accidentally switched. They wrote…
in the original manuscript, the descriptive analyses report that those higher in Eysenck's psychoticism are more conservative, but they are actually more liberal;
They also write that despite what the original reported, the study actually indicated that those with higher social desirability tend to be more conservative.
Sure. It was an accident. Also, the fact that it took years for them to admit the, um, mistake, is not at all suspicious. Sure. Except, in that correction, they, um, accidentally maintained one of the switched details. You see, in the, well, in the piece they passed off as a correction, there was still an incorrect statement. They write…
and where the original manuscript reports those higher in neuroticism…are more liberal, they are, in fact, more conservative.
That doesn’t seem right, does it? It seems to be either a statistical anomaly in the study or a falsehood written by the authors of this, um, correction. As the aforementioned article in Psychology Today states…
conservatism and liberalism are associated with the personality traits of conscientiousness and neuroticism, respectively, which are more robustly linked with mental health than religiosity.
In other words, neuroticism is correlated with liberalism, not conservatism.
In other words, not only was the study, um, accidentally switched around, to, um, coincidentally deceive people in a way that just accidentally happened to be along politically biased lines, and not only did it innocently take years for them to admit the, um, mistake, but when they did so, they still got it wrong - accidentally.
The New York Post reported…
Brad Verhulst, a Virginia Commonwealth University researcher and a co-author of the paper, said he was not sure who was to blame.
“I don’t know where it happened. All I know is it happened,” he told Retraction Watch, a blog that tracks corrections in academic papers. “It’s our fault for not figuring it out before.”
The journal said the error doesn’t change the main conclusions of the paper, which found that “personality traits do not cause people to develop political attitudes.”
But professor Steven Ludeke of the University of Southern Denmark, who pointed out the errors, told Retraction Watch that they “matter quite a lot.”
“The erroneous results represented some of the larger correlations between personality and politics ever reported; they were reported and interpreted, repeatedly, in the wrong direction,” he said.
At any rate, the damage is done. According to the NY Post…
The erroneous report has been cited 45 times, according to Thomson Reuters Web of Science.
But before you grumble that left-wingers are liars, let me point something out here: it seems a hoax was propagated in furtherance of the view that liberalism is correlated with mental illness. It seems someone by the name of Zach Goldberg put out a twitter thread about the Pew study that he said shows more evidence that leftism and insanity are correlated.
If Zach Goldberg was indeed hoaxing, I fail to see what his angle is. If he wanted to convince people that the left is crazy, he could have pointed to studies like the one we looked at above. But it seems he chose to lie instead. It’s like he has the right answer to a math problem but he got that answer by cheating. It seems his lie trickled all the way up to Tucker Carlson who mentioned the study on his TV show.
This apparent hoax may cause people to say that it is not true that leftism and mental illness are correlated because this study does not suggest that. Such people may not be aware of other studies, legitimate studies, that do show that correlation. They might say the claims that liberalism is correlated with mental disorders are based on a hoax. This may convince people that there is no correlation between liberalism and madness when, according to studies that actually exist, there is.
So, be careful. It took me a lot of time to dig deep enough to see that this study does not show what Zach Goldberg claims. See the note below if you want the details and “receipts”.1
In conclusion, it seems that liberalism and mental illness go hand-in-hand.

Please see our upcoming video in which we discuss this correlation between mental illness and liberalism. Subscribe to get my writings and subscribe to get our videos (on platforms other than Youtube because they constantly censor us).
Thank you for reading.
~ Justin Trouble
Please see all my writings, my videos, and consider donating. Also, please share and subscribe!
Liberty my right ∴ Truth my sword
Laughter my shield ∴ Knowledge my steed
Love my solace ∴ Honor my reward
December 16, 2011 - American Journal of Political Science, Brad Verhulst, Lindon Eaves, Peter K. Hatemi - Correlation not Causation: The Relationship between Personality Traits and Political Ideologies
August 6, 2015 - American Journal of Political Science, Brad Verhulst, Lindon Eaves, Peter K. Hatemi - Erratum to “Correlation not Causation: The Relationship between Personality Traits and Political Ideologies” American Journal of Political Science 56 (1), 34–51
June 9, 2016, New York Post, Danika Fears - Science says liberals, not conservatives, are psychotic
September 4, 2019 - Matt Vasilogambros - Pew Charitable Trusts - Red Flag Laws Spur Debate Over Due Process
March 26, 2020 - Pew Research Center - Worries About Coronavirus Surge, as Most Americans Expect a Recession – or Worse (backup)
April 11, 2020 - Zach Goldberg - Threadreader - (Twitter thread)
June, 1, 2020 - Mankind Quarterly Volume 62, Number 4, 2022 - Emil O. W. Kirkegaard - Mental Illness and the Left (backup)
November 24, 2020 - Richard Moorhead - Big League Politics - March Study Points to Pervasive Mental Illness Among White American Liberals
March 17, 2021 - Psychology Today -Scott A. McGreal MSc. Personality Traits, Mental Illness, and Ideology
April 13, 2021 - Gwen Farrell - Evie - Over 50% Of Liberal, White Women Under 30 Have A Mental Health Issue. Are We Worried Yet?
April 19, 2021 - Washington Free Beacon - Andrew Stiles - SCIENCE: White Libs More Likely To Have Mental Health Problems
In November, 2020, Big League Politics published March Study Points to Pervasive Mental Illness Among White American Liberals. In April of 2021, Evie Magazine published Over 50% Of Liberal, White Women Under 30 Have A Mental Health Issue. Are We Worried Yet? and the Washington Free Beacon published SCIENCE: White Libs More Likely To Have Mental Health Problems. All 3 of these (and perhaps articles by other sources) refer to the Pew Research Center’s American Trends Panel Wave 64 from March, 2020. Tucker Carlson refers to it in this clip…

The Pew report is called Worries About Coronavirus Surge, as Most Americans Expect a Recession – or Worse and I can’t find anything about mental health in it. In fact, according to my word-search (ctrl+F), the word “mental” does not appear in any of the 5 pages of the report.
At any rate, they based what they wrote about the study on a Twitter thread about the Pew study by Zach Goldberg, “Wokeness Studies scholar researching all things woke @ManhattanInst”. That last bit means that he is with something called the Manhattan Institute.
In the first tweet of his thread, Goldberg claims that based on the Pew data…
white (and especially 'very') liberals are far more likely than all other ideological-racial subgroups to report being diagnosed with a mental health condition.
In the thread, he also writes…
Overall, and with one exception (white moderates), those in 18-29 age group are more likely to report being diagnosed with a mental health condition. The differences among white liberals, though, are striking: almost half of white liberals in this cohort report a diagnosis.
There’s much more to the thread than that, but from what one can see, the Pew report does not contain the data, the charts that Goldberg includes in his thread. It seems I am not the only one to notice this…

Goldberg replied…
Here’s the image from the tweet…
I do not know what that image is supposed to be. It looks like a screen shot but it’s not from the Pew report nor is it from the whole 15 page study that their 5 page report is based on. Someone responded to that tweet by Goldberg with…
…to which someone added…

Goldberg did not respond to these. This seems to be an issue, doesn’t it? In response to that tweet we saw earlier with the Tucker Carlson clip, someone tweeted…

Goldberg replied to this with…
…about which I inquired…
Goldberg had added this to his response to @ryneian…
…to which I responded…

@ryneian had responded to that last tweet by Goldberg with…
If you were to click on that tweet, it would contain the 15 page study. While it contains more than the 5 page report, it does not contain what Goldberg claimed it contained. At any rate, Goldberg replied to that with..

I made an account and I downloaded the dataset. On page 3 we can see where Goldberg got that one questionnaire image from. But then there’s the other image that seems to show more of the questionnaire, page 26. However, there is no page 26. At any rate, the data set folder also contains a file called ATP W64 topline which contains questionnaire results including, on page 3, which addresses how often the respondents, in the preceding 7 days, “felt nervous, anxious, or on edge”, as well as how often they felt depressed, lonely, hopeful about the future and had trouble sleeping. On page 7, there is the question…
In the past 7 days, how often have you had physical reactions, such as sweating, trouble breathing, nausea, or a pounding heart, when THINKING about your experience with the coronavirus outbreak?
These questions and the data do not take into account political leanings. They are not inquiring about how often left wingers feel depressed compared to right wingers. They are not looking into how often liberals are anxious or on edge compared to conservatives.
Where is Goldberg getting that stuff from? I asked him…

So far, I have not received a response.