The funniest clowns are the ones who unintentionally make fools of themselves for the world’s amusement while thinking they are smarter than the world that is laughing at them. Enter Sam Harris.
Sam has also demonstrated what I have said for years - although religion allows bad people to get away with doing bad things to people, and although I do not belong to any religion, and although I wish that people could just be good to each other without the threat of eternal punishment, I do not think that humanity is quite ready for it yet. I could be wrong and I hope I am. Maybe religion, even with the threats of eternal damnation, or at least shitty reincarnations, doesn’t make people better. I don’t know. But it is clear that some atheists like Sam Harris, are just vile puddles of putrefaction. Would Sam be a better or worse person if he sincerely believed that his wrongdoings were sins in the eyes of God? I don’t know. Humans are not exactly rational beings, so reason is not a good guide to answer that question.
I thought Sam was an ethical person who was sincerely ethical, as opposed to people who act good to get into Heaven. I was wrong. I projected my own qualities onto Sam. I am sorry that I made that mistake. I now see that Sam is willfully, proudly ignorant, stupid, unethical, and may be a danger to children since he has made it abundantly clear that he has no concern for innocent children who are the victims of rape.
the mental process by which people attribute to others what is in their own minds.
Sam Harris recently demonstrated this to the world while, apparently, remaining oblivious to the fact that he was doing so. Even ignorant, dogmatic left wingers were shocked and embarrassed for him because he is apparently too stupid to see it himself. Sam, you weren’t supposed to actually say those obviously insane and stupid thoughts aloud. You were supposed to clothe them in virtue-signaling and use phrases that would short-circuit people’s reason so that it would not be as obvious that you’re just full of shit. But Sam didn’t bother. Sam said he doesn’t care about the contents of the Hunter Biden laptop. Sam said the words,
Listen, I don’t care what’s in Hunter Biden’s lapto- I mean Hunter Biden at that point Hunter Biden literally could have had the corpses of children in his basement - I would not have cared…
He goes on to say that what happened with Trump University which, he said, is worse than anything that could have been in Hunter’s laptop. Sam goes on to say that there was a left wing conspiracy to suppress the laptop story and Sam applauds that left wing conspiracy.
At one point he says that Trump was not beholden to the same forces as career politicians. Yes. He said that to support his argument against Trump. I am not kidding. I am not exaggerating. He literally said that Trump is dangerous because he’s not, well, he did not exactly use the word corrupt, but that’s what he said amounted to; Trump was not a Washington insider beholden to the same mechanisms that Washington politicians are subject to and, he argued, that was a bad thing. Why? He never explained.
Best-selling author Sam Harris has sparked outrage by claiming the “left-wing conspiracy” to bury The Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop was “warranted” to keep former President Donald Trump out of power — and Harris wouldn’t even care if the cracked-out first son had “the corpses of children in his basement.”
In a now-viral interview on the “TRIGGERnometry” podcast, Harris, 55, happily dismissed those who said it was “completely unfair” to have shut down The Post’s Twitter account to silence its explosive reporting.
The influential philosopher noted how critics called it “a left-wing conspiracy to deny the presidency to Donald Trump.”
“Absolutely it was. Absolutely. But I think it was warranted,” the “Waking Up” author claimed.
Harris said silencing The Post’s reporting “absolutely” was a “left-wing conspiracy to deny the presidency to Donald Trump,” one he felt “was warranted.”
“I don’t care what’s in Hunter Biden’s” laptop, he admitted, making clear that “there’s nothing” the troubled first son could do to alarm him.
“At that point, Hunter Biden literally could have had the corpses of children in his basement. I would not have cared,” Harris insisted.
The author further made it clear he supported quashing shocking info from the first son’s laptop even if it showed the “scope of [President] Joe Biden’s corruption,” noting stories accusing the commander-in-chief of “getting kickbacks from Hunter Biden’s deals in Ukraine” or “China.”.
When the hosts push back, Sam backtracks and says that it’s not a left-wing conspiracy because Liz Cheney is - he claims - right wing. So then the host makes it clear that he doesn’t care if it is left or right or whatever, it’s a conspiracy.
Sam agrees and says it’s good. He tries to use fear-mongering to short-circuit their reason in attempt to get them to agree with him. He compares Trump to a meteor headed towards earth in attempt to justify that which is unjust.
Starting at about 47:01, Sam says that Trump is racist. He of course offers nothing to support that. That being so, it is fair to say that Sam is projecting his racism onto Trump. In other words, Sam Harris is racist but not good enough to acknowledge it. He’d rather that someone else suffer for his fault.
So, Sam, you give up all pretense to any sort of ethical high ground, which is honest and good for the rest of us, but you have to have at least enough sense to know that if you surrender that, as you did, enthusiastically, you have nothing left. You made no rational argument, moron, even when repeatedly pushed to do so. All you did is express tribalism in the hopes that it would help your cause. All you did was show people that you are an idiot savant.
Your backtracking is pitiful and obvious. We all see right through you.
As with other idiot savants, as long as we stick to a very narrow field of expertise, the idiot in question seems quite capable. But when we move outside of that slim range of ability, an idiot savant is revealed as being an idiot. Thanks, Sam, for demonstrating this to the world. Thanks for being too stupid and irrational to know how stupid and irrational you are. You did the rest of us a favor.
Continuing with the definition of psychological projection,
For example, individuals who are in a self-critical state, consciously or unconsciously, may think that other people are critical of them…In contemporary psychological science the term continues to have the meaning of seeing the self in the other. This presumably universal tendency of the human social animal has both positive and negative effects. Depending on what qualities are projected and whether or not they are denied in the self, projection can be the basis of both warm empathy and cold hatred.
Yes, because up until recently, I apparently projected rationality and intelligence onto Sam Harris. But Sam Harris has recently proven that he only seems rational and intelligent when you stack him up against the stupidest and most irrational idiots of the world, like Ben Affleck.
Starting at 18:02 in the recent Triggernometry interview, Sam states that private social media companies should be allowed to decide who they allow on their platform. I agree, Sam. But wait! You’re talking about Twitter. Are you really so fucking stupid that you don’t know that Twitter is not a private company? Is that it? As USA Today reports,
Twitter has been a publicly traded company since 2013…
Maybe you should know what you are talking about, Sam, if you are going to talk about it, rather than make a jackass of yourself by speaking about that of which you are ignorant.
Starting at about 31:07, Sam says that it’s not Trump’s policies that he objects to. Sam isn’t exactly clear or specific. Keep in mind that this is not an interview from before Trump’s presidency. This is a recent interview, well after Trump’s first term! If Trump were so bad, why are we at this point we are at in history, Sam?
I would not have said the following before, but now I think it is more than fair to accuse Sam Harris of having no concern for the ethnic genocide that resident Biden approves of. Woah. Wait. Maybe Sam wants those people to be exterminated as if they are not human beings because they are Muslims. Maybe Sam doesn’t just object to the religion. Maybe he hates the people too. Hey, I’m being more than fair to Sam here. One is supposed to extend charity of interpretation to others. But if a person, Sam, demonstrates, even proudly proclaims that they have no concern for innocent child victims of rapists, then it is more than fair to imagine that he has no concern for victims of genocide, especially if they belong to a religion he claims he opposes out of rationality and ethics but which he is increasingly demonstrating that he opposes out of irrationality, hatred and tribalism.
Sam, I have zero respect for Islam, I think it is malignant and should be treated like the cancer that it is. I am talking about the religion, not the people. I do not think that people, even Muslim people should be ethnically cleansed by commies or anyone else. You, Sam, apparently have no issue with genocide and you think you have some sort of ethics to speak of? You think you are on an ethical high ground compared to other people?
All you are doing is demonstrating your own ignorant self-denying dismissal of your own psychological projection of your own vile qualities that you are too weak to acknowledge about yourself. All you are doing is shining a spotlight on your own ethical inferiority.
Out of irrational, tribal hatred for Trump (which is thinly veiled hatred for America), you people opened the door for resident Biden, whom I would call the worst president in history were it not for the fact that he was not elected. This is the fault of people like you, Sam, people who are so stupid, so irrational, so hate-filled, and so devoid of concern for raped children, that you applaud your own lack of ethics, your own vile, putrid, disgusting nature which you deny is inside of yourself and which you project outward onto others.
Some of you may be wondering what Sam’s objections to Trump were. Trump University. That’s it. That’s all he offered. Did he elaborate? No. Did he name other stuff? No. That’s it. That’s all. No joke. No exaggeration. He gave no other specifics, even when repeatedly pressed to do so. Watch the whole thing for yourself and see.
Sam also said,
Now that doesn’t answer the people who say ‘it’s still completely unfair to not have looked at the laptop in a timely way and to have shut down the NY Post Twitter count. That’s a left wing conspiracy to deny the presidency to Donald Trump.’ Absolutely it was. Absolutely. But I think it was warranted.
One of the hosts pushes back,
You’re saying you’re content with a left wing conspiracy to prevent somebody from being democratically elected president?
Sam stammers,
well, no, it’s not left wing…Liz Cheney is not left wing
Sam said very clearly that you not only were lied to about Hillary Clinton and the Anthony Weiner laptop but he also said very clearly that you should be lied to. You deserve it, you see.
Continuing with the definition of psychological projection…
In projection, what is internal is seen as external. People cannot get inside the minds of others; to understand someone else’s mental life, one must project one’s own experience…
…On the other hand, projection frequently functions as a psychological defense against painful internal states (“I am not the person feeling this; you are!”). When people project aspects of the self that are denied, unconscious, and hated and when they distort the object of projection in the process, projection can be felt as invalidating and destructive. At a social level, racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, and other malignant “othering” mindsets have been attributed at least partly to projection. There is research evidence, for example, that men with notably homophobic attitudes have higher-than-average same-sex arousal, of which they are unaware.
Some may be inclined to ask something like, “But what can any of us do about this psychological projection? Are we all helpless victims to this process?”
We can at least try to be whole. Accept that you are an animal with emotions and with irrational tendencies. The more you deny it, the worse it becomes, which is why a person like Sam Harris can be so clueless that he can make an idiot of himself to the world and not see it. Perhaps it is good to allow yourself to express your undeniable insanity. Rather than fall victim to it, I would imagine that the more you give it healthy expression, the less negative effect it will have. It is not as much the insanity as it is the denial that causes the trouble.
I could be wrong. What do you think? Leave a comment about that or anything else. Now let’s see some of the fallout.
“You were very clear,” one person replied, while another wrote, “The proof is in the pudding, Sam. You reiterated it multiple times after they pressed you on the same question.”
at heart, he’s a fascist leftist. Just another scumbag willing to not only deceive you, but openly brag about his willingness to deceive you — laugh right in your face — to show off for his left-wing pals.
And Harris’s willingness to deceive you and laugh about deceiving you is not his only sin. He also lies about Trump’s “corruption” being a fact when he has been convicted of nothing, despite six years and billions of dollars aligned against him in the media, local and federal law enforcement, and all the impeachments and January 6 kangaroo courts.
Harris claims:
Whatever the scope of Joe Biden’s corruption is… If we could go down that rabbit hole for a second and understand he’s getting kickbacks from Hunter Biden’s deals in Ukraine or wherever else — China — it is infinitesimal compared to the corruption we know Trump is involved in.
“We know Trump is involved in.”
We know?
You know what?
His only example is Trump University — lol — which he thinks is worse than a sitting president and vice president accepting kickbacks from foreign countries.
Trump is the most vetted man in the world, and they got bupkis, but Sam Harris — Mr. Free Thinker, Mr. Intellectually Honest — is lying about known corruption. There is no Known Corruption anywhere close to Trump.
What a phony Sam Harris is … and shame on those who have not always known that.
I mean, here it is, right out in the open. To get his way, Sam Harris is willing to lie to you, deceive you, manipulate information, and meddle in democracy. Moreover, the left and media are now so corrupt that he will pay no price for admitting to being corrupt beyond belief.
This is who these people are.
There is no low they will not hit to get their way, and admitting to that is now a badge of honor among the establishment.
The whole establishment needs to come down—all of it.
Here’s my question to you, Sam Harris; given that you have no concern for innocent children, why should anyone do anything to benefit you ever again? Why shouldn’t people just ignore you for the rest of your life? Why shouldn’t people refuse to do anything to give you access to food, water, medicine, shelter, transportation or anything else? Can you give us a rational and ethical reason why a sane, healthy society that cares for it’s innocent children not simply shun you until you lose everything? I mean, you have demonstrated that you are malignant, so…