Wounded Warrior Tiny Won't Waffle
Chapter 10 of PROUD BOY SHOT By ANTIFA ∴ Full In-Depth Story with Proof of Everything
Table of Contents
“And I know I got shot. Guess what? It’s not going to stop me…I’m standing right now with my crutch. This is how I give back to a country that gave me everything. And even if I lose my legs, I will be there. If I lose my hands, I will be there. As long as there’s breathe in my body, I will stand for what is right. I will fight for freedom and liberty in America…The time to wake up the sheep, the time to educate the sheep is over. It’s time to wake up the lions.”
- Tusitala ‘Tiny’ Toese
While bullets were fired in Tiny’s direction, Miguel Lofland was running in the other direction with the rest of the antifa black bloc. Miguel was not shot. Miguel was not so much as touched. But soon after the shooting, Miguel complained how the incident was so intense for him that he was taking a break from doing antifa shit. Soon after, his social media (that we know of) disappeared.
While Miguel ran in the opposite direction as the bullet, the shooting had the opposite effect on Tiny. Tiny, who was shot through the ankle/foot, made a video from his hospital bed about how he couldn’t wait to get back out and do “patriot shit” and went on to speak at a number of events in the days and weeks following.
On September 6th, the Common Sense Conservative uploaded “Another Update On “Tiny” Tusitala Toese”.
As early as September 6th, while he was still hospitalized, the call went out to rally for justice for Tiny.
September 8th
Robert Zerfing, the Common Sense Conservative, puts out an update video to say that Tiny had been sent home from the hospital.
September 9th
Villain Report uploaded “Quick interview/update Tiny Toese”. Among other things, Tiny describes his injury and prognosis and what it felt like to be shot. He also thanks people for their support. He makes a point to say that he won’t quit or retire.
Indeed, on September10th, the very next day, Tiny was seen at a protest in a livestream by Villain Report called “Civil Disobedience Vancouver, WA”. His appearance in the stream is very brief.
Tiny also appears in the Common Sense Conservative’s livestream of the event. Furthermore, Tiny had plans to speak at other upcoming rallies.
September 11th, Melissa tweeted…

But, alas, antifa was not very keen to deal with the wrath their bullets unleashed.
September 17th
The Olympian published “Olympia police planning for return of Proud Boys, Antifa on Saturday, city says”. This article reads, in part…
The city expects to see a right-wing Proud Boys group participate in a noon rally against vaccine mandates at the Capitol Campus and a 2 p.m. gathering outside City Hall…
…The city believes the 2 p.m. Saturday gathering will be in response to the Sept. 4 shooting. Olympia police are actively preparing for this event.
The article goes on and on about how much better prepared the Olympia police planned to be than they were on September 4th. They quote Chief Jelcick as saying that this time, they would employ a more “aggressive approach to law violations”.
Well, that’s not exactly a high bar to raise. I mean, saying that you’ll do more than nothing isn’t exactly confidence-building for a community that reportedly is vocal about their frustration over that lack of police response to the clash leading up to the shooting. Well, to be fair, they did more than nothing. They watched from a distance.
September 18th
Patriots, including Tiny, returned to Olympia City Hall. Robert Zerfing, the Common Sense Conservative livestreamed the event from where it started at the state capitol building. The CSC would later upload this video of Tiny speaking.
The event then moved to Olympia City Hall where Robert livestreamed again and gave a speech as did Kerry and others. Tiny talks to the mainstream media starting at 38:30 and gives his speech starting at 1:28:15.
Free Press media NEWS also livestreamed the city hall portion of the event.
Keith of Patriot Warrior Media was there and his video “***Tiny’s Back and He has something to say to MSM***” shows Tiny giving an impromptu speech to the mainstream media.
Cop Watcher Chris Ponte filmed Tiny speaking from an other angle.
Getting back to the Free Press Media NEWS livestream, Tiny gave his more official speech to the rally starting at 1:28:30. Later, “Tiny Honors the OG’s” as filmed by Keith of Patriot Warrior Media.
September 25th
The Free Press Media NEWS livestreamed “LIVE: SOS Save our State rally in Wapato, Wa” in which Tiny gives an amazing speech starting at 4:00. Alternatively, the speech can be seen beginning at about 1:22:50 in the Common Sense Conservative livestream of the event.
It was so good, in fact, that I felt compelled to transcribe it here. Here’s some of it…
…I wasn’t always a Trump supporter. I hated Trump. I believed the media and everything…
So I look up videos to like try to see these white supremacists. The first guy that I saw looked like a coconut like me. I’m like, hold up, I thought these people was white supremacists. What the hell is going on?
And so I went to Berkeley California at the first rally they had there…and I came across like Latinos that are wearing MAGA hats. But what changed my heart is when I saw a Vietnam Vet like with the MAGA hat getting mobbed by antifa. And me coming from a culture where respect the elderly, respect the females, say hell no. I hopped in and I fought back.
And I came back to Vancouver, did my research, found out I’m an idiot, you know, I’ve been manipulated by the media and I make the promise that I will never allow such thing to happen to anybody that come out to take a stand for America. Ima be that person to be that human shield in the front line to protect people...
…it’s time for people to take a stand.
The time to wake up the sheep, the time to educate the sheep is over. It’s time to wake up the lions…
…I am here to remind these, these tyrants at the top, these evil doers, that, hey, when I said, ‘Don’t tread on me, don’t tread on me, but I’m not going to say don’t tread on me again. Ima say tread on me and see what happens!’
That’s my message nowadays because I am sick and tired of our forefathers is turning in their graves because this country was a country that was created by men with balls and now it’s run by idiots!
And we’re still sleeping. When is enough is enough? We say don’t tread on me. You fly that flag all the time, and they pass laws against the First Amendment. Guess what - when I came here, educated myself about the history of America, the first law against guns should have been the time to rise up. Should have been the time to rise up. There’s a reason why it says shall not infringe in there. That law right there, the reason why the government is attacking it, because that law gives the people a fighting chance against a tyrannical government that turns on them.
What’s the use of having it when we’re not putting it to good use? What’s the use? And yet, we’re still over here being led like sheep. Now, right now, I’m calling on all my lions. Time to take a stand. Time to strike the fear of God in the hearts of tyrants and evil and tell them that know this country is by the people, for the people and we the people say no more…
…And I know I got shot. Guess what? It’s not going to stop me. I said this in Olympia - the same way I’m standing right now with my crutch, I - this is how I give back to a country that gave me everything. And even if I lose my legs, I will be there. If I lose my hands, I will be there. As long as there’s breathe in my body, I will stand for what is right. I will fight for freedom and liberty in America.
The question was asked by the brother; What are you willing to sacrifice? They can’t lock us all up. The cannot. You know what the real virus is that is really holding this country back? Fear…
…I stood in Olympia and a lot of people was scared because of what I was saying. Saying, Tiny, you’re threatening politicians. I said, No. I’m reminding them of their place. Here’s the thing. I said to Inslee and all these tyrants. The time to light those cannons from 1775 to 76…is coming and you better be scared because when the people rise up and we’re on our way, we’re going to bring the rope with us to hang your treasonous ass! And they can hear that all they want. They can send people to try to lock Tiny up. I’m ready for it. Because I’ve already gave my word and my word is my bond - that I will take a stand for this country and if Tiny falls let 10 more, 20 more, a hundred more lions rise and take a stand!
Do not morn, you know, the falling of a warrior, but stand up and continue the mission, stand up. Stop retreating, start moving forward, return this country back to it’s foundation where in God we trust. Freedom is the culture and the Constitution is the law of the land.
Start waking up people. Start waking up. God bless all you guys. Tiny out. Red white and blue all the way.
(Last updated Oct 6, 5pm)