Proof They Lied About COVID, UV Light, Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine
Don't Just Let it Go. Mark and Remember. Learn & Don't Repeat the Mistake.
Remember when they said that Joe Rogan was crazy to think that one could treat COVID with ivermectin1 because it was a “bizarre snake oil “cure””2 or a “horse dewormer”3?
Remember when mainstream media told us that Trump suggested that people inject bleach and this was “dangerous” and even caused people to drink household bleach? Remember the spectacle of panic they put on?
Remember when they said that Trump suggested that blood could be treated with UV light and that this was a crazy idea Trump invented as opposed to, say, a tried and true medical treatment that “has effectively been used for decades to reduce the spread of bacteria, such as tuberculosis”4?
It’s not as if he was suggesting the use of “medications that have been used for a long time”5 to treat humans, right? Right?
If one goes to the website for the NIH (National Institutes of Health), part of the US Health and Human Services, and conduct a little search under “hydroxychloroquine,” one finds some, well, interesting results.
For example, the first result, “Chloroquine or Hydroxychloroquine | COVID-19 Treatment” states that…
Both chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine increase the endosomal pH, which inhibits fusion between SARS-CoV-2 and the host cell membrane.
…after explaining that…
Hydroxychloroquine is used to treat autoimmune diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis, in addition to malaria.
One might wonder, then, why the FDA would approve of lucrative experimental drugs many years too early (it should have taken 5 to 10 years of research or more in real time6), experimental drugs for which they had to change the definition7 of the term “vaccine” so that they could be called “vaccines” and then try to hide the facts about those experimental drugs and their approval after “ensuring full transparency” but also decline to approve of hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19 and revoke their “Emergency Use Authorization” for it in June 2020.
Could it be the lucrative part? Could it be that hydroxychloroquine is “low-cost”8 unlike those experimental drugs the FDA rushed to approve? Of course not! That would mean that a government administration was corrupt. Perish the thought. They care about us and what is right, not about money. After all, it’s not as if research has suggested that “Hydroxychloroquine is effective, and consistently so when provided early, for COVID-19” - oh wait. It has.
That’s just a first glance. What if one were to search, “hydroxychloroquine covid”? How about “hydroxychloraquine HIV”?
Now, though, “hydroxychloroquine continues to be a routinely prescribed, well-tolerated, effective, and low-cost treatment for rheumatic disease,”9 I am not claiming that it is a perfectly effective and safe medication to use for COVID. That is beside the point. The point is that they tried to convince you that taking hydroxychloroquine was tantamount to injecting or drinking household bleach.

Like sunlight or radio waves, UV (ultra violet) light, also called UV radiation, is a range of electro-magnetic radiation. UVC is a range of UV.

Even the FDA admits, “UVC radiation has been shown to destroy the outer protein coating of the SARS-Coronavirus, which is a different virus from the current SARS-CoV-2 virus. The destruction ultimately leads to inactivation of the virus. (see Far-UVC light (222 nm) efficiently and safely inactivates airborne human coronaviruses). UVC radiation may also be effective in inactivating the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is the virus that causes the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).”10

Ok, well, just because they lied about those two things doesn’t mean they lied about ivermectin, right? It’s not like they lied about Rittenhouse, the McKlusky’s, Sicknick, Sandman, Smollett and more. Oh wait. They did. But still, I mean, ivermectin is horse paste! They said so. That means it’s crazy to suggest that it can be used for humans if it can be used for horses, right? If we search “ivermectin,” it is not as if we find that it is approved by the FDA as an anti-parasitic, to reduce malaria, to treat HIV, yellow fever, Zika, scabies, helminthiases, onchocerciasis, dengue and more. Oh wait. It is all that and more.11
OK, but it can’t be good for serious conditions like cancer, right? I mean if we search “ivermectin cancer” we find…well, promising research that…ok, well, but if we search “ivermectin covid”? First we see Ivermectin - COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines which states that ivermectin “may interfere with the attachment of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) spike protein to the human cell membrane” and that, “some studies of ivermectin have also reported potential anti-inflammatory properties, which have been postulated to be beneficial in people with COVID-19.” Still, “Ivermectin is not approved by the FDA for the treatment of any viral infection.” At any rate, many years of research of the effectiveness of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID would be required. Not that many years have passed. But do you think they are doing that research? Do you suppose they have any desire to approve of such a cheap drug? Maybe there’s just not enough money to be made in using it to treat viral infections for the FDA to care enough to approve of it no matter how effective it may be.
They write, “There is insufficient evidence for the COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel (the Panel) to recommend either for or against the use of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19.” That is hardly consistent with the trope that it’s crazy to suggest the use of ivermectin to treat COVID, is it?
That’s the point here. Again, it is not that hydroxychloroquine, UV and/or ivermectin are proven to be a good treatment for COVID. It’s that it is hardly insane or irresponsible to suggest so. That is the point.
Well, that and to demonstrate yet again how full of shit the media is…
In Forbes, senior contributor Dani Di Placido made reference to “the deworming drug Ivermectin,” calling it a “a bizarre snake oil “cure”” while referring to the experimental drugs they call vaccines as “conventional treatment.” He also wrote that “a number of anti-vaxxers have been ingesting doses of the medicine intended for livestock, i.e., horse deworming paste, in an attempt to bypass conventional treatment.”
The article features a tweet by “Journalist, Author, Podcaster” Elizabeth Vargas wherein she said that Rogan told the world that he took “an unsafe, unproven horse medication” for COVID.

The Independent referred to ivermectin as “‘unsafe’ horse de-wormer” and “a livestock de-worming medicine,” though they admitted that humans could use it for some conditions, just not COVID.
Salon called it “horse paste” a eleven times and made reference to “all these idiotic Trumpers poisoning themselves with horse paste.”
Junkee referred to ivermectin as “horse paste.” Author Michelle Rennex also wrote that it is a “dewormer meant for horses” and added, “Yes. Seriously.” Additionally, she called it “dangerous horse medications.”
Ken Klippenstein, investigative reporter at The Intercept called it “horse dewormer” in this now deleted (but archived) tweet…
Sports TV show host Zach Schwartz who called it “horse dewormer.”

Influencer PatStaresAt (@PatStaresAt on Twitter) tweeted that Rogan “could kill tens of thousands of people” by “going on insta to tell everyone that giving himself weirdo antibodies and horsey paste cleared his Covid right up.”

Speaking of irresponsible, the FDA itself tweeted that you should not take ivermectin because you are not a horse or a cow.
Rolling Stone called it “horse dewormer” and called Rogan a, “podcaster and anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist,” who, “bragged that he took ivermectin along with other experimental treatments after he tested positive for Covid-19.”
They claim, “As a result of the drug’s increased publicity, calls to poison control centers nationwide regarding ivermectin have multiplied, as have hospital and emergency room visits, the CDC said.”
The September 3, 2021 version of this propaganda piece claimed…
This week, Dr. Jason McElyea told KFOR the overdoses are causing backlogs in rural hospitals, leaving both beds and ambulance services scarce.
“The ERs are so backed up that gunshot victims were having hard times getting to facilities where they can get definitive care and be treated,” McElyea said.
“All of their ambulances are stuck at the hospital waiting for a bed to open so they can take the patient in and they don’t have any, that’s it,” said McElyea. “If there’s no ambulance to take the call, there’s no ambulance to come to the call.””
The updated version from September 5, 2021 states…
One hospital has denied Dr. Jason McElyea’s claim that ivermectin overdoses are causing emergency room backlogs and delays in medical care in rural Oklahoma, and Rolling Stone has been unable to independently verify any such cases as of the time of this update.
Following widespread publication of his statements, one hospital that the doctor’s group serves, NHS Sequoyah, said its ER has not treated any ivermectin overdoses and that it has not had to turn away anyone seeking care. This and other hospitals that the doctor’s group serves did not respond to requests for comment and the doctor has not responded to requests for further comment. We will update if we receive more information.
They refer to Joe Rogan as an “anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist” and say that he “bragged” about taking ivermectin in the original and the updated versions. They write that it is “usually reserved for deworming horses or livestock” in both versions too. However, they refer to ivermectin as “horse dewormer” in the original but not in the updated version.
Many people are dupes who could easily be lead to slaughter without any resistance. They are lead to believe. Belief is no substitute for knowledge. They do not have knowledge. They have belief, trust, trust in those who deceive them.
They are programmed by propagandists and professional liars. They love those who harm them. They believe those who lie to them.
They are common idiots. They will never wake up. Ultimately they would kill you if you try too hard to wake them up.
But a few are ready to leave the herd. They just need the evidence that they are following falsehoods.
Justin Trouble
∴ Liberty my right ∴ Truth my sword ∴
∴ Laughter my shield ∴ Knowledge my steed ∴
∴ Love my solace ∴ Honor my reward ∴
See this Instagram by Rogan.
See Forbes’ The Internet Reacts To Joe Rogan Taking Ivermectin For Covid-19 by senior contributor Dani Di Placido.
See the last line of Forbes’ The Internet Reacts To Joe Rogan Taking Ivermectin For Covid-19 by senior contributor Dani Di Placido.
See Hydroxychloroquine and COVID-19 by Neeraj Sinha and Galit Balayla, April 15, 2020
According to, for example, a vaccine research and development timeline from John Hopkins University (archived here), it should take a minimum of 5 years but could take over 10 years. It seems corporate propaganda (the “news”) is programming people to repeat the claim that the testing for these drugs was accelerated and that they were properly tested before being approved. This seems to be dangerous misinformation. According to JHU, phases I, II, and III can be accelerated to a bare minimum of 11 months time but this does not include the preclinical trials which should take 4 years and one month at the bare minimum. Was it 5 years or more before they released the drugs? No. It was not.
Also see the following by Aaron Siri; “Scientists Sue the FDA for Data it Relied Upon to License Pfizer's Covid-19 Vaccine” oct 11, 2021 (archive), “FDA Asks Federal Judge to Grant it Until the Year 2076 to Fully Release Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Data” Nov 17, 2021 (archive), and “FDA Doubles Down: Asks Federal Judge to Grant it Until at Least the Year 2096 to Fully Release Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine Data” Dec 7, 2021 (archive).
The CDC changed their definition of vaccine from “A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease” to “a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.”
Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, who USA Today says “has become the source of online misinformation about vaccines” changed their definition of vaccine from this to this. It used to say that a vaccine will “produce” or “artificially increase” immunity to infection/disease and now they say that it will “stimulate” an “immune response” to infection/disease.
In other words, they changed the definition from something that is effective to something that may not be effective at all. Furthermore, they are just mislabeling a treatment as a vaccine. This is not the same as an annual shot. They had people taking these drugs again and again and again in the same year. It’s not the same.
How often have you heard of kids getting measles despite getting an annual shot? How often have we heard about famous people getting covid despite being “fully vaccinated”? Those are just the famous people they could not ignore. Imagine how many other people out there have supposedly got covid despite being “fully vaccinated”?
If you need to take a drug over and over again, it is not a vaccine. If the FDA tries to keep information about these “vaccines” a secret for many decades, that is, at the very least, suspicious if not a grantee of corruption.
See Ivermectin by the FDA.