As you have surely noticed, the LBGT has expanded to LBGTQ, then LBGTQ+ or LBGTQI (the I is for intersex) or LBGTQIAO (the A is for asexual and the O is for other… or is it for otherkin? I forget) and it keeps growing.
You may have noticed that the rainbow flag has, well, changed. Black an brown stripes for “people of color” were added despite the fact that they are not sexual orientations, then pink and baby blue and white for transgenderism which, again, is not a sexual orientation.
Some people seem to know what all the different flags and combinations mean. I stopped keeping up with it long ago, you probably do not care enough to know the latest letters or colors that have been added. I have seen some parodies. I engage in them myself. I like to say “LBGTQIAOPQRSTUVXYZ” and so on. Then I saw these images and wondered “Wait! Are these people joking? Are they unwittingly flying a parody flag?”
I honestly do not know. I can tell you that there is a Youtube channel called Boston Antifa that… well… I don’t want to spoil anything for anyone, so, just go see for yourself what the Boston Antifa Youtube channel is like. I do not know if the people behind the Boston Antifa Youtube channel are the same people behind the @bostonafa1 Twitter account or if they are in any way connected.

In case you are wondering, the purple circle on the yellow background represents intersex which is also not an orientation. it is also not a gender. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, an intersex individual is…
an organism having physical characteristics intermediate between a true male and a true female of its species. The condition usually results from extra chromosomes or a hormonal abnormality during embryological development.
At least they did not include the colors for pedoph- sorry, the Minor Attracted Persons (which is also not a sexual orientation because it is a disorder). Give it a few months. We are already seeing signs of increasingly open support for child rape from Antifa (see ANTIFA PEDOS 2 - The Child Rapist/Kidnapper Antifa Spent a Half-Million to Bail Out & the Antifa Radio Station That May Have Aired His Child Porn and future reports along these lines, some of which are already in progress).
Anyway, all this brings me to my The Law of Extremism & Parody which I just added to my growing Culture War Encyclopedia. Here it is;
The scale of magnitude of extremism is inverse to the scale of the possibility of being able to distinguish that extremism from parody of it.
The more extreme someone or something is, the harder it is to distinguish it from parody of it.
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