“N*gger” & “N*gro” are OK for One Side to Say But “Asian Food” isn’t OK for the Other Side to Say
Hypocrisy News, Nov 17, 2021
Here’s the first installment in a new thing I’m doing, Hypocrisy News.
Welcome to the Niagara of Double Standards! Welcome to the perpetual torrent of intellectual dishonesty!
Joe Biden used the word “n*gro” the other day (November 11th, 2021), apparently unaware of what century he is living in. Imagine if Trump did the same! Yes, what he said was, “…the great negro at the time - pitcher in the negro leagues went on to become a great pitcher in the pros…” Yes, context matters. The context is that no matter how Trump said it, he would have been called racist for using the word.
Yes, to be sincere, we should acknowledge that his use of the word “negro” the other day is more indicative of senility than racism. But that doesn’t mean that he isn’t racist, and I don’t mean “racist” by regressive left “standards”. I mean racist by sane standards. You see, Biden opposed racial desegregation in schools and said, "Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point.
Shame on Fox and Friends for editing out the “Negro Leagues” part.

Meanwhile, it is apparently ok for a white guy who is considered to be fighting for a left wing cause (the prosecution in the Rittenhouse trial on November 2nd, 2021) to use the word “n*gger” and, it was argued by the same prosecution (on November 15th, 2021) that it is ok for a left wing white guy to use the word “n*gger” even if he is a convicted child rapist because, well, it just is.

BUT somehow referring to “Asian food” as “Asian food” is racist and “inappropriate” (if left wingers are angry that the person saying the term is not obviously a fellow leftist). It was reported that what the person in question, the judge in the Rittenhouse trial, actually said was, “I hope the Asian food isn't coming... isn't on one of those boats from Long Beach Harbor,” but still argued that this was an, “inappropriate Asian-food joke”.
I was taught in college that “Asian” is a good term and that it is the alternative term “oriental” that is “problematic”. Use of the term “Oriental” may be considered “exoticism” which is a bad thing that white people do, even when they express a fascination/romantic view with regard to “the Other”, or it may be considered outright racist.1
Yes, context matters, of course, and the context is that the judge used the term “Asian food” in a way that was not offensive by any sincere or sane standard and it was still called racist so then it is justifiable to call out their use of the term “n*gger” for whatever reason in whatever context.
It’s like I have long said, the regressive left claims that certain words are politically incorrect to constantly divide people into two groups. Either you are a fellow member of the tribe or you are one of the enemies, the Other.
Years ago they proclaimed that “crippled” is bad and “handicapped” is good. When the system regularly uses “handicapped”, the term “disabled” is introduced to divide us from them. Then, when “disabled” is commonly used, they proclaim the term to be “problematic”. “Physically challenged” is ok as is “differently abled” until they are no longer and even “able-bodied” isn’t good enough, nor is the word “the” when referring to “people with disabilities” which is now somehow an acceptable term even though “disabled” is bad.
So “disabled” is bad but “people who are disabled” is good, just like “colored people” is bad but “people of color” is good but apparently now “the people of color” is bad.
Also, now “special needs” is bad because “special” is bad. Also, “normal” is bad and “disabled” is bad but “not-disabled” is good.
Additionally, “Wheelchair bound” and “confined to a wheelchair” are bad but “wheel chair user” is fine. Yep. It’s true. See here. Also, according to Brown University, for example, “terms such as "victim" or "sufferer" should not be used to refer to people who have a disability or disease as this is dehumanizing and implies powerlessness.”
Notice that they used the term “disability” in a way that they have already said bad!
Yeah. But the N word is bad or good depending on the skin color and politics of the person saying the word and “Asian food” is racist if you are nervous that you will have to resort to smearing a judge who you worry might rule justly in a highly politicized case.
Liberty ∴ Strength ∴ Honor ∴ Justice ∴ Truth ∴ Love ∴ Laughter
I was taught this at the University of Oregon in 2017. The image included is of a slide shown in class and discussed in the course, “Culture and Mental Health” which was a psychology elective.