FBI is Lying - Dayton Ohio Shooter was Antifa & Antifa was Inside the Capitol on Jan 6, 2021
You may have seen reports that a recent F.B.I. investigation debunks the “MAGA” or “far-right claim” that the 2019 Dayton, Ohio mass shooter, Conner Betts, was linked to antifa. The Intercept, for example, published “Investigators Debunk Far-Right Claim That Dayton Mass Shooting Was Linked to Antifa” and Salon put out “An FBI probe debunks MAGA claim that 2019 mass shooting was linked to Antifa…despite right-wing media's assertions that it was.”
Salon goes further than the F.B.I.’s report to positively assert that the shooter, Conner Betts was “not linked to Antifa.” Some might argue that if the F.B.I.’s report was accurate, their lack of evidence that he was linked to antifa would not equate to having evidence that he was “not linked to Antifa”, let alone proof. But this sort of logical approach is like insisting that 2 plus 2 equals 4 and not 5 - it “reeks of white supremacist patriarchy” much like proper grammar is racist.
The F.B.I.’s didn’t mention antifa. What their statement actually says is that Conner Betts was not “aligned to any specific ideological group.”
Well, that settles it. We can be confident that the F.B.I. is competent and truthful. We can rest assured that if the F.B.I. says so, it’s true. After all, this is the same F.B.I. that reportedly * ahem * ‘accidentally’, um, ‘lost’ the “hundreds of images of nude underage girls stashed inside” Epstein’s safe and may have saved a lot of important people from going to jail. Trust them.
The F.B.I.’s ranks are filled with morally upright agents who stand for truth, justice and the American way and it will only lift us up to morally support them. We should continue to fund them with our taxes too, since they do such outstanding work. It’s worth it. I mean, it’s not like we’re paying them to sit in their cubicles and, um, ‘study’ those photos because they don’t have them because they lost them, right? So we’re paying them so they can continue to do a good job.
This is the same F.B.I. that claims they have no evidence that antifa was involved in the events at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021 despite the right-wing media's evidence to the contrary.1 What I’m saying is that if they’re willing to deny that antifa was involved, they’re obviously covering for antifa, so they’re anti-fascist and you should echo their narrative that antifa was not involved. I mean, you’re not a fascist, are you?
Everyone should deny that antifa was involved, in fact. For example, the capitalist corporate media should not report that CNN, NBC and others paid the antifa/BLM…um…activist John Sullivan big bucks for his video footage of Ashli Babbitt being shot dead inside the Capitol on January 6th, 2021 because we shouldn’t acknowledge that he was there.
They should report that court documents that allegedly show that he was paid $2,500 from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, $35,000 from CNN, $35,000 from NBC and $5,000 from Left/Right LLC must be forgeries that his lawyer made up to…um…frame him because lawyers are fascists.
They should not remind people that he told CNN, regarding January 6th, 2021, that, “By no means am I on the Trump side or the MAGA side” as you can see starting at 0:38 in the video in this article by the Gateway Pundit.
They should not point out that this archive of his Insurgence USA website shows that he hosted an antifa “protest” earlier that day at the Capitol on January 6th or that it reads “Join The Revolution” at the bottom of the page.
What you see above is an image of an archive of that webpage. These days if you try to go to that webpage or to the site at all, you get some variation of this warning…
They should not show people the part of the Gateway Pundit’s video starting at 0:47 that shows him switching from Black Bloc to Trump gear or the part starting at 3:45 where he says “It’s all fake,” and “I learned that shit already – I am going to wear a Trump hat. I am going to wear a Trump hat. I bought one today. I was wearing a Trump hat at the fucking last Trump – at that Trump rally during the daytime – because I was like, ‘nah, that shit ain’t happening, bro.”
They also should not show his video on his own Youtube channel Jayden X titled, “The Insurrection Of The United States Capitol And Shooting Of Ashli Babbitt” where starting at 1:51 he says “There’s so many people! Let’s Go! This shit’s ours! Fuck yeah!”, where at 4:12, he tries to help a person get over the top of a wall they climbed to get inside the building, and where at 4:29 he says, “Let’s burn this shit down!”, where at 6:52 he says, “We gotta, we gotta burn thi- we gotta get this shit…” followed by “done” or maybe “burned” or something else, where at 14:12 you can hear him break a window followed by a woman saying “Hey! Don’t do that!”, and where he tells people to make way so he can try to break and enter through a locked door with a knife at about 16:32 and then again at 33:19 at an other door where Ashli Babbit was killed soon after at 35:06.
Corinne Clark should not write for Free Press Fail that the news outlets that paid Sullivan for his footage didn’t know he’s antifa because he “was a vocal participant of several BLM and Antifa riots and that is likely the reason CNN and NBC reached out to him in the first place.”
Politico should not report that in court, “prosecutors contend that Sullivan is not a mere bystander or chronicler of protests. Instead, they say, he actively encourages violence, telling viewers how to make Molotov cocktails and evade identification by police. He was arrested last month on charges stemming from the Jan. 6 riot, including interfering with police during a civil disorder. Sullivan was later hit with an additional charge: obstruction of Congress,” or that the judge “ordered him to end his involvement with a business he founded that the Justice Department says promotes and glorifies violent protests.”
Perhaps, by now, everyone has got the point; that the F.B.I., which claims to have no evidence that antifa was involved in the January 6th events at the Capitol, which claims to have lost Epstein’s safe contents wants us to believe that the Conner Betts, Dayton shooter, was not antifa. I, for one, won’t be begging anyone’s pardon that I don’t place much stock in the word of the F.B.I.
I was screen recording Bett’s Twitter account when it was removed from public view. From what little I screen recorded, it was clear that, ideologically, he was antifa. This can be seen in my videos titled “Dayton Ohio Shooter Was Antifa?” and “Antifa’s First Murders?”.
So, despite clear evidence, the F.B.I. denies that the Dayton shooter was antifa just like they deny that antifa was involved in the events at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021. But then again, it shouldn’t surprise people that the F.B.I. denies that readily available evidence nor should it surprise people that the F.B.I. says that white supremacists make up a majority of domestic terror threats because, after all, the “FBI Admits It Doesn't Track Leftist Violence” in the first place which is a soft peddling way to say that they “actively ignore” leftist violence.
~ Justin Trouble
∴ Liberty ∴ Strength ∴ Honor ∴ Justice ∴ Truth ∴ Love ∴ Laughter ∴
“Facial recognition firm claims Antifa infiltrated Trump protesters who stormed Capitol” by Rowan Scarborough for The Washington Times (Updated: 7:28 p.m. on Wednesday, January 6, 2021)
“Two known Antifa members posed as pro-Trump to infiltrate Capitol riot: sources” Larry Celona for the New York Post (January 7th, 2021)
“Antifa Activist Who Sold Footage Of January 6 To CNN, NBC, Had $90,000 Seized By Feds” by Tom Pappert for National File (May 22nd, 2021)
“DEEP STATE DOJ and Corrupt Politicians Are Refusing to Release Thousands of Hours of Video of Jan 6 at the Capital – Is This Short VIDEO the Reason Why?” by Joe Hoft for the Gateway Pundit (January 11, 2021)
“Utah activist inside U.S. Capitol says woman killed was first to try and enter House chamber” by Amy Donaldson and Brittany Glas for Deseret News (January 8, 2021)
See the video in this deleted tweet by Rogan O’Handley from his now suspended Twitter account, @DC_Draino.

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