Covid Lockdown Protests - Patriots vs Tyrants
This is part of a larger work-in-progress (Last updated Dec. 11, 2022) dealing with the covid-19 boondoggle.1 This can be taken alone or along with other chapters in this project. Be sure to be subscribed and please share!

There have been many protests against the lockdowns imposed by governments in the USA and other nations in the covid-19 boondoggle. Below is a partial collection of these protests occurring in the USA. It is arranged in chronological order and contains some commentary.
The collection only goes as far as April of 2020 because that was when Wordpress shut down my blog which was where I was putting this content together. Wordpress claimed I had violated their Terms of Service. They made no further explanation. I had amassed thousands of subscribers who were interested in these protests by the way. I had archived some of what I had collected and published (what you can see below) but there was much I did not archive before Wordpress’s banal act of destruction. I will try to add more in the future but I will likely be too busy to do so.
At any rate, as one can see, there have been patriotic protests against the lockdowns in many, many locations.2
NOTE: The media reports below may or may not be honest/accurate. Livestreams don’t lie but the media does, as does antifa and their propaganda outlets like It’s Going Down. By including any given report, I am not implying that it is accurate or honest. In fact, one of the objectives here is to record their lies. It is important to record and remember the lies of the past.
I have a few videos that show and discuss these protests.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
also see…
Public Reminder Drone – Keep a Safe Distance
Antifa Sides with the ‘Fascist’ Gov & I Catch Them Lying Again
“Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem” ~ Thomas Jefferson
“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” ~ possibly Benjamin Franklin
“Government even in its best state is but a necessary evil. In its worst state an intolerable one.” – Thomas Paine
Note: According to The United States Department of Justice, these traitors in office and in law enforcement who have enacted and/or enforced unconstitutional lockdowns may be put on trial for violating people’s constitutional rights.3 See this.

January 17, 2020, Michigan
“Michigan governor urges broader Facebook crackdown on hate speech, citing attacks on state’s lawmakers” by Reuters / CNBC News
March 30, 2020, Tampa Bay, Florida
“Tampa Bay Pastor Arrested For Violating Social Distancing Orders Amid Coronavirus Pandemic” by The Gateway Pundit
March 31, 2020, Tampa Bay, Florida
“Florida Megachurch Pastor Arrested For Defying Coronavirus Stay-At-Home Order And Holding Services” by Forbes
April 2 2020, Laredo, Texas
“Texas city residents face up to $1K fine for entering buildings that aren’t their home without mask” by the Washington Examiner
April 2 2020, Bonner County, Idaho
Sheriff Daryl Wheeler of Bonner County, Idaho objected to the Republican Governor Brad Little’s stay-at-home orders which took effect starting March 25th in an open letter he posted on Facebook.
“North Idaho legislator, sheriff dispute governor’s stay-home order amid pandemic” by the Idaho Statesman
April 7, 2020, Bonner County, Idaho
“Some Idaho leaders rebel against “stay-at-home” order” by King 5 News
April 7, 2020, Washington D.C.
“Activists To Protest Coronavirus Restrictions With Rally On National Mall In D.C.” by The Gateway Pundit
April 9, 2020, Ferry County, Washington
“Republic police chief: Mandated closures are ‘unconstitutional’” by KXLY News 4 Now
According to this article, police chief Loren Culp of Republic in Ferry County, Washington called on Governor Jay Inslee to;
reverse his order to shut down the state’s stay home order, an order he claims is “unconstitutional.”
“Just because there’s a crisis going on, doesn’t mean that we should give up our liberties and it definitely means that our elected public servants should not be trying to take our liberties away from us,” Culp told 4 News Now in a video interview.
Culp, who is running for governor in the Republican party, made the statement during a virtual meeting of campaign supporters. During the meeting, Culp referred to Inslee as a “would-be dictator.”
“Our Governor has placed draconian restrictions on the Citizens of Washington State that violate our Constitution,” said Culp. “These restrictions are not evenly applied but selective and allow him to pick winners and losers.”
Further down it reads;
In his statement, Culp also claimed that the closing of gun shops threatens the safety of families who are unable to “deal with that threat” without a weapon.
“Republic Police Chief calls Washington COVID-19 restrictions “draconian, unconstitutional”” by KHQ Q6
April 11, 2020, location unknown
This video which appears to be from April 11, 2020 was posted to Facebook by Shall Not Be Infringed, titled “Police Bodycam: Business Owner Cited, Cuffed & Detained For Non Compliance of Unconstitutional… “
April 13, 2020, Columbus, Ohio
“Protesters gather outside statehouse during daily coronavirus briefing” by My Fox 28
(untitled livestream) by John Witwer
“Protest growing in Ohio during daily press conference” by Scott Shoemaker
“Crowd Gathers Outside Ohio Statehouse to Protest Coronavirus Lockdown” by Breitbart
April 13, 2020, Bonner, Idaho
“In Idaho, Far-Right Republicans Defy Coronavirus Health Restrictions” by NPR
April 14, 2020, Raleigh, North Carolina
RIGHT NOW: Protestors set up camp outside @NCLeg, demand @NC_Governor, @SecMandyCohen & @ncdhhs lift #StayAtHome orders and #ReopenNC. There’s palpable anger & frustration amidst the crowd, which includes struggling small business owners. @ABC11_WTVD @ABCPolitics @ABC #abc11
— Jonah Kaplan (@KaplanABC11) April 14, 2020

“Raleigh police break up crowd protesting to #ReopenNC” by WRAL
Third & final @raleighpolice warning appears to working as much of the crowd disperses. @WakeSheriff prison transports also arriving now, as officers also start walking through the parking lot and going to car to car. @ABC11_WTVD @ABCPolitics @ABC #abc11 #coronavirusNC
— Jonah Kaplan (@KaplanABC11) April 14, 2020

NEW: At least one person now under arrest by @raleighpolice for refusing to leave #ReopenNC demonstration outside @ncleg. At its height, there were probably 100+ people at the tailgate-style rally. @ABC11_WTVD @ABC @ABCPolitics #coronavirusNC #StayAtHome #abc11
— Jonah Kaplan (@KaplanABC11) April 14, 2020

What part of the governor’s order was violated here?
— Thos. (@thmsftz) April 14, 2020
The above tweet is from an account that no longer exists. Learn more.
Protesting is a non-essential activity.
— Raleigh Police (@raleighpolice) April 14, 2020
The above tweet has been removed from Twitter.
April 14, 2020, Raleigh, North Carolina
“One Arrested as Raleigh, NC Police Suspend First Amendment; Declare Coronavirus Lockdown Protest “Non-Essential Activity”” by the Gateway Pundit
“Raleigh Police Shut Down #ReOpenNC Protesters In Their Cars, Claim ‘Protesting Is A Non-Essential Activity’” by the Federalist
April 14, 2020, San Antonio, Texas
“Residents flock to Pasadena park in support of woman accused of removing caution tape from play area” by My San Antonio
April 14, 2020, Columbus, Ohio
Protests have continued here at the Statehouse. They are chanting “facts not fear”. @nbc4i
— Adrienne Robbins (@ARobbinsTV) April 13, 2020
Protestors back again at the Ohio Statehouse – they can’t be heard from the room where Gov. DeWine is doing the briefing, but they’re loud outside the Atrium where reporters are answering questions.
— Karen Kasler (@karenkasler) April 13, 2020

A few more pics
— Karen Kasler (@karenkasler) April 13, 2020
Is this a parody account?
— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) April 14, 2020
The above tweet has been removed from Twitter.
April 15, 2022, Oregon & Washington
“Right-Wing Protesters Are Planning “Reopen America” Rallies at State Capitols in Oregon and Washington” by Willamette Week
April 15, 2022, Lansing, Michigan
“Opponents of Stay-at-Home Orders Organize Protests at State Capitols” by the New York Times
“BREAKING: Massive ‘Reopen Now!’ protest outside Michigan capitol…” by Breitbart
“See residents protest quarantine guidance in Michigan” by CNN
April 15, 2022, Michigan, North Carolina, Ohio, Wyoming, New York & Virginia
April 15, 2020, Facebook
“Facebook will start warning people who ‘like’ or react to fake coronavirus news” by CNBC
April 15, 2020, Barber Shop – Birmingham, Alabama
“Alabama barbershop will defy stay-at-home orders and re-open TOMORROW because business will be ruined if it stays closed” by the Daily Mail
April 15, 2020, Frankfort, Kentucky
“Protestors gather outside capitol as Gov. Beshear holds daily COVID-19 briefing” by WKYT
The hundreds are now walking around the Capitol. They plan to stay outside @GovAndyBeshear’s press room while he speaks to the state. You have to wonder if they will be able to be heard from inside the room — then picked up on microphones and broadcasted out. @WKYT
— WKYT Nick Oliver (@WKYTNick) April 15, 2020

They have found the press briefing room. I’m not in the press briefing room but I’ve heard several reports protestors can be heard. “We want to work.” @WKYT
— WKYT Nick Oliver (@WKYTNick) April 15, 2020

Over the last few minutes I’ve seen 4 State Troops circle the building. @WKYT
— WKYT Nick Oliver (@WKYTNick) April 15, 2020
April 15, 2020, St. George, Utah – “Walk for Freedom”
Hundreds of people have come out to downtown St. George for the ‘Walk for Freedom’ to oppose Utah state and local officials’ restrictions on restaurants, non-essential businesses and other organizations
— James Wilkins (@terelljwilkins) April 15, 2020

April 15, 2020, St. George, Utah
“St. George residents protest governor’s stay-home directive” by KSL
April 15, 2020, Operation Gridlock, Lansing, Michigan
“Coronavirus: Armed Michigan protesters defy stay-at-home orders” by the Irish Times
The protest in Lansing has already started
— Rick Albin (@RickAlbinWoodTV) April 15, 2020
““Operation Gridlock” protest takes place at State Capitol” by Fox 47 News Lansing & Jackson
MUST SEE: Quite a scene in Lansing, Michigan as people protest the state's stay-at-home order. @WOODTV's @LeonHendrix joined @AaronNolanNews on #NexstarNation's morning #COVID19 #coronavirus update.
— Austin Kellerman (@AustinKellerman) April 15, 2020

Updated traffic view:
— Craig Mauger (@CraigDMauger) April 15, 2020
Wild scene in Lansing, Michigan as hundreds of people protest the state's stay-at-home order.
Team coverage from @WOODTV's @_HeatherWalker and @LeonHendrix.— Austin Kellerman (@AustinKellerman) April 15, 2020

“‘Operation Gridlock’: Thousands gather at Michigan Capitol to protest Democratic governor’s stay-at-home order” by the Washington Examiner
“‘Michiganders Against Excessive Quarantine’ Explodes On Facebook As Protests Rage” by the Gateway Pundit
'OPEN MICHIGAN BACK UP'@RickAlbinWoodTV of @WOODTV reports on a large and loud crowd that protested outside Michigan's capitol building today.
— Austin Kellerman (@AustinKellerman) April 15, 2020

“Thousands converge to protest Michigan governor’s stay-home order in ‘Operation Gridlock’” by USA Today
“‘Operation Gridlock’: Convoy in Michigan’s capital protests stay-at-home orders” by ABC News
“Drivers swarm Michigan capital to protest coronavirus lockdown measures” by Fox News
““Operation Gridlock” Protest Against Stay Home Order Blocks Traffic In Lansing, Michigan” by Real Clear Politics
“OPERATION GRIDLOCK: Thousands Pack Roads Near Michigan Capitol To Protest Governor’s Restrictive Stay-At-Home Order” by the Daily Wire
“‘Sick and Tired’: Thousands roil Capitol over Whitmer orders” by the Alternative Press
“Operation Gridlock: Chaos as Michigan protest against social distancing blocks ambulance” by the Independent
“Michigan Gov. Whitmer: “Operation Gridlock” Protest Was “Essentially A Political Rally,” Put Lives At Risk” by Real Clear Politics
Were ambulances blocked during Operation Gridlock Michigan?
As you may have seen, Governor Whitmer stated;
“The cars were blocking one of our hospitals so an ambulance literally wasn’t able to get into the bay for ten minutes.” [source: “Michigan Gov. Whitmer: “Operation Gridlock” Protest Was “Essentially A Political Rally,” Put Lives At Risk” by Real Clear Politics (April 16)]
The governor, being a politician, that is, a professional liar (at best), should not be believed. So I looked for more info. First of all, I determined that the hospital does have an emergency room as I saw on their website and on Google Maps I called the hospital told me that the entrance to the emergency room is on East Michigan Avenue. We can see in some of the videos above that traffic was backed up on East Michigan Avenue from the Capitol building extending East but we can not see if that gridlock is backed as far East as Sparrow Hospital. I spent all day combing through everything I could find about this with a fine tooth comb.
The Independent reported that Operation Gridlock “caused ambulances to get stuck in traffic” and reported that “Lansing Police struggled to keep traffic flowing and hospital security tried to keep entrances clear for emergency vehicles.”. The video attached to the article shows no such thing, however. In fact, I could not see any police in any photos or videos at or near the hospital.
WLNS 6 reported that the traffic at and “leading to” Sparrow Hospital were “backed up” and that “honking horns was disturbing patients.“. They include this post what seems to be a post on Facebook, which seems to have been taken from right here, that shows some traffic on E Michigan. One vehicle has an American flag and an other is blue and may be a Trump flag.
I found some drone footage from Ruptly, Patman Droneology, Michigan Made Productions, Vinod Abraham and WOOD TV 8 but unfortunately none of that footage shows the hospital or the immediate area. One video does show that the highway and exit ramp to the hospital is backed up as far as the eye can see. This article by WLNS 6 includes this which they report is a “traffic map of downtown Lansing at 1:00 p.m.”
The screenshot shows heavy traffic on the highway and on E Michgan Ave. at the hospital. The article also claims that;
Sparrow spokesperson John Foren said there are no access problems and ambulances can “get in and out. There’s no problem.”
Kara Berg (who is apparently a “breaking news reporter @LSJNews. Formerly @bellevillenewsd.”) tweeted;
John Foren, a spokesperson for Sparrow Hospital, said he has not heard of any issues with ambulances trying to get around the protest to the hospital.
— Kara Berg (@karaberg95) April 15, 2020

Adrian J Hemond responded with this;
— Adrian J Hemond 🦈 (@AdrianHemond) April 15, 2020
It’s just a photo without comment. We can see an emergency vehicle stuck in traffic. i could not find this location anywhere near Sparrow Hospital.
Kara responded;
Foren called to clarify: There are no issues with the entrance to Sparrow, but they have concerns about ambulances getting through traffic to get to the hospital.
— Kara Berg (@karaberg95) April 15, 2020

The photo in the tweet below shows the Pollack Glass Co. on E Michigan and thus it seems it was taken from inside the hospital. It shows city traffic.
That is literally a photo of normal traffic on that road lol. I drive that all the time and it always is like that.
— xcmiller93x (@xcmiller93x) April 15, 2020

Note the response above, for what it’s worth. It does, in fact, seem like normal traffic for any downtown in any city. Also note this response;
Just drove by a hospital and the left lane is completely open. An ambulance came in without a problem. Tell your friend thank you for what their doing but we’re only protesting the governor’s over reach of power
— Nschaffran (@NSchaffran) April 15, 2020

The Independent also reported;
At one point an ambulance had to turn down a one-way street to get out of the gridlock. Most reports focused on traffic limiting access to Sparrow Hospital, with medical staff inside voicing their frustration at the protest.
The Independent included this tweet from Gongwer Michigan which proclaims itself to be the “premier source for news and information on Michigan government and politics.”;
The scene on Grand Ave. in downtown Lansing about 15 minutes ago where conservatives have jammed streets around the Capitol to protest Gov. Whitmer's stay-at-home order. It took about 10 minutes for this ambulance to evade traffic by turning the wrong way down a one-way street.
— Gongwer Michigan (@GongwerMichigan) April 15, 2020

Lower down, the article includes this tweet which does show bumper to bumper gridlock right to the hospital on E Michigan where the emergency room entrance is located;
The Operation Gridlock line outside Sparrow Hospital
— (@MIRSnews) April 15, 2020
Notice the enclosed pedestrian bridge over E Michigan Ave. We now see video, apparently from that day, from inside the bridge posted to Reddit on April 15, 17:50 GMT which seems to be taken from this post at 8:17pm that night by Chelsea Barrera whom I tried to contact to no avail.
To summarize this section, it does seem that Operation Gridlock Michigan, despite what the hospital spokesperson reportedly said, did block or at the very least slow down access to emergency room at Sparrow Hospital on East Michigan Avenue. At any rate, seeing how much traffic there was in the area, it should not at all surprise us if access to the emergency room was blocked or seriously hindered.
Sources for this section
Independent. April 15. “Operation Gridlock: Chaos as Michigan protest against social distancing blocks ambulance“
Michigan Made Productions. April 15. “Operation GridLock Lansing, Michigan”
Patman Droneography. April 15. “Operation Gridlock -*DRONE FOOTAGE*- Lansing Michigan Protest – Patman Droneography”
Ruptly. April 16.”USA: Protesters descend on Michigan capitol in vehicles to demand end to stay home order”
u/tinypeopleinthewoods. April 15, 17:50 GMT. “Protestors blocking ambulance entrance to Sparrow Hospital in Lansing”
Vinod Abraham . April 16. ““Operation Gridlock,” the demonstration jammed the streets around Michigan city“
WLNS 6. April 15. “Capitol protesters snarl streets, including Sparrow Hospital area“
WOOD TV8. April 15.”Drone 8 over ‘Operation Gridlock” protest in Lansing”
Did Anti-Lockdown Protesters Fly a Nazi Flag?
You may have seen posts shared on social media like the one below.
From my admittedly limited experience, the various versions claim that this image is from Operation Gridlock at the Michigan state Capitol on April 15th.
This person with this flag at this location can be seen in the video “Part 3, Trump Supporters protest against Socialism, Boise Idaho” posted to Youtube by Pam Hemphill on March 2nd, 2020. March 2nd comes before April 15th, 2020 so this can not be Operation Gridlock Michigan. That’s conclusive.
In fact, one can see that it is not a protest against the lockdown if one watches the video. That’s conclusive. It’s over 2 hours with no cuts.
One can see the Nazi Trump Pence flag and the man holding it starting at 4:22. The man can be seen again at 5:03, now rolling up the flag and walking away.
Notice what one can see at 5:11 beside the people and pets; the sidewalk, and the specific trees, the recycle bins. Now look at these photos…
One can see that it is at the same location at around the same time and that it’s the same man. Notice his shirt which features the title of a song by the Dead Kennedys called “Nazi Punks Fuck Off!” with an anti-Nazi symbol. It is possible that this has been digitally altered. I can not see that shirt in Pam Hemphill’s video. But if he was in fact wearing that shirt it would imply that he is not pro-Nazi and not a Trump supporter. So it seems this is yet an other false flag for a photo op to be disseminated as in this tweet;
Today I witnessed a bunch of trump supporters crashing a peaceful rally I was attending with my family. They were profane, disrespectful & crowded behind a nazi flag. Not one trumpster confronted him on his racism. They all stood behind him of course, showing their true selves
— Thunder Walks About (@notaxiwarrior) March 2, 2020

But we are belaboring the point as we have already seen that this was not at an anti-lockdown protest.
The images below were shared online to show that there was a swastika sign at the anti-lockdown protest at the Michigan State Capitol on April 15th, 2020.
Even Snopes felt it pertinent to address. Videos and other sources above show that these images are from that place and time but on the face of it, it is obvious that these are not pro-Nazi signs but rather anti-Gov. Witmer signs. So, yes there anti-lockdown protesters did display swastikas, just not in the way that it has been claimed by some.
This article by the Business Insider displays the photo below right beneath their headline. Why? It makes them look absurd. How can they not know this? It seems like an intentional in-your-face-what-are-you-gonna-do-about-it insult to the intelligence. Perhaps they think Gov. Witmer is a Republican that they are celebrating rather than criticizing.
This article, also by the Business Insider mentions that the “On Friday, Fox News host Greg Gutfeld argued that Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer had wrongly tarred protesters who’ve accused her of being a Nazi by pointing out that they carried signs with swastikas.” as well as, “Some of the protesters carried signs likening Whitmer to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.” and “”The protesters were comparing her action to fascist dictators,” Gutfeld said. “It wasn’t that there were Nazis there. It was that they were unfairly — they were unfairly comparing her to Hitler, which is wrong.””
The article includes this tweet with this video;
Fox News host attacks Michigan governor for calling out swastikas at yesterday's protest against social distancing, saying that they were being displayed ironically
— John Whitehouse (@existentialfish) April 17, 2020

But, this article also insults one’s intelligence by stating “The governor didn’t say the protesters were themselves Nazis, but instead pointed out that some carried signs with swastikas on them. “
This article by City Pulse quotes State Rep. Sarah Anthony as saying, “We were all just appalled by the lack of support and lack of security that I had, that other legislators had, and the fact that a lot of the demonstrators last week were adorning many racist, anti-Semitic signage. I think it just triggered a lot of folks, especially African Americans.” as well as, “I’m still not exactly sure on the connection between confederate flags and Nazi symbolism. They just had no connection to the stay-at-home orders. The fact they were carrying guns openly while we voted was unnerving.”
As you might guess, the article does not attempt to get to the bottom of the swastika claim.
This article by the (New York) Daily News states;
Filmmaker and Michigan native Michael Moore says he knows the kinds of people who have been bringing guns, Confederate flags and swastika iconography to the Michigan state capital to protest the coronavirus pandemic lockdown, and they’re nothing to worry about.
As we have seen (above and in the 3rd installment of the video series based on this webpage), the only swastikas to be seen at the protests at the Capitol in Lansing Michigan were on the signs that suggested that the governor who they were protesting against was like a Nazi or like Hitler himself.
Also, the article quotes Moore but never once quotes him saying anything about swastikas or Nazis. Here is video that shows what Michael Moore said to Bill Maher. He never mentions swastikas or Nazis.
As you might guess, the article also does not attempt to get to the bottom of the swastika claim.
The article “Whitmer Stunned By Michigan Protest: Saw Swastika & Confederate Flags, Barehanded People Giving Candy to Children” by MediaIte quotes Gov. Witmer as saying, “There was someone who had signs that had a swastika on it…It was really a very political demonstration and rally…”
This article also does not attempt to get to the bottom of the swastika claim.
P.J. Media put out, “About Those Swastikas and Nooses at the Michigan Lockdown Protest...” in which they write,
On Sunday, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-Mich.) condemned the anti-lockdown protesters at the State Capitol in Lansing as depicting “some of the worst racism and awful parts of our history in this country.” She specifically mentioned that “there were swastikas and Confederate flags and nooses and people with assault rifles.” She repeated “the Confederate flags and nooses, the swastikas.” So, were there Confederate flags, swastikas, and nooses at the protests last Thursday? If there were, were they racist?
Whitmer is correct that these symbols emerged during the protest, but it is highly debatable whether any of them were racist.
Tom Bevan, founder and president of RealClearPolitics, shared one of the swastika posters at the rally. The swastika features on a poster reading “Heil Witmer,” comparing Gov. Whitmer to a Nazi.
Gretchen Whitmer said the protests in Lansing "depicted some of the worst racism” in U.S. history, featuring Confederate flags," "nooses" and swastikas. I've combed through a bunch of photos, have yet to see a Confederate flag or a noose. But I did find one swastika:
— Tom Bevan (@TomBevanRCP) May 3, 2020
Gretchen Whitmer said the protests in Lansing "depicted some of the worst racism” in U.S. history, featuring Confederate flags," "nooses" and swastikas. I've combed through a bunch of photos, have yet to see a Confederate flag or a noose. But I did find one swastika:This is gross and rather disgusting hyperbole, to be sure. Whitmer has attempted to override the Michigan legislature in order to extend her tyrannical lockdowns, but she is nothing like Adolf Hitler. Michiganders can — and arguably should — protest Whitmer’s abuses without resorting to this kind of ridiculous demonizing rhetoric.
Yet when Whitmer mentioned swastikas, she suggested that the protesters carrying the swastikas were racist — neo-Nazis. Instead, they were protesting the governor, comparing her to a Nazi.
Radio host Casey Hendrickson shared another picture of a swastika at the protest. Again, the protester was comparing Whitmer to Hitler, not advocating for Nazism.
As for nooses, they did make an appearance or two, but there was no reason to assume any racist intent behind them. The Detroit News‘s Craig Mauger shared an image of a sign reading, “Tyrants Get the Rope.”
As for nooses, they did make an appearance or two, but there was no reason to assume any racist intent behind them. The Detroit News‘s Craig Mauger shared an image of a sign reading, “Tyrants Get the Rope.”
Matt Schmucker of The State News took a photo of a noose in front of the State Capitol. PJ Media asked Schmucker if he could provide more context for the photo.
— Matt Schmucker (@mtschmucker) April 30, 2020
“It was in the back of someone’s truck as they drove circles around the Capitol with a bunch of other traffic from the protest,” Schmucker told PJ Media. He also said the truck had a sign about Jeffrey Epstein, likely suggesting the notorious sex criminal did not kill himself.
America has a tragic history of lynchings — black men heinously murdered by white mobs, often organized by the Ku Klux Klan. For this reason, nooses can symbolize racism, but there is no reason to suggest that was the case here. Instead, it seems far more likely that this truck driver meant to send the same message as the sign above — “tyrants get the rope.”
This may constitute a threat against Whitmer, and such signs certainly are ugly, but they are not racist. Whitmer is white, after all.
As for Confederate flags, they seemed few and far between. Bevan said he could not find any, but State Senator Mallory McMorrow shared one photo on Twitter, showing a Confederate flag next to flags proclaiming the importance of freedom. She also shared one more swastika sign — which attempted to blend the swastika with a donkey to symbolize the Democratic Party, making the same insinuation that Democrats are Nazis.
"protesters with rifles sat above us, as the Speaker said “there’s nothing more American," the President tweeted, “these are very good people” with no acknowledgment, condemnation of swastikas, Confederate flags, noose, misogyny or threats of violence."
— Mallory McMorrow (@MalloryMcMorrow) May 2, 2020
"protesters with rifles sat above us, as the Speaker said “there’s nothing more American," the President tweeted, “these are very good people” with no acknowledgment, condemnation of swastikas, Confederate flags, noose, misogyny or threats of violence."…While the Confederacy did secede from the Union in order to expand the institution of slavery into the territories, the Confederate flag today represents Southern pride and an attack against tyranny. As a proud graduate of Hillsdale College, a school in Michigan that sent its men off to fight for the Union, I would prefer that Southerners and Americans, in general, would swap out the Confederate flag for a flag more reminiscent of rebellion for a noble cause, like the “Don’t Tread on Me” Gadsden Flag or the “Come and Take It” flag from the Battle of Gonzalez.
However, the Confederate flag is not necessarily a racist symbol.
All that said, it is troubling to see so much anger verging on hatred directed toward Gov. Whitmer. As a Christian, I try hard to love and pray for my enemies, and I would encourage my fellows to do the same. Signs comparing Whitmer to Hitler and other signs calling her a “b*tch” are ugly and do more harm than good to a political cause. Americans should protest civilly and reject this kind of ugliness.
However, Whitmer’s decision to frame a protest against her as “racist” is malicious and deceptive. These Michiganders are angry at their governor forcing businesses to close, mandating that gardening aisles in “essential” businesses be shut down, and decreeing that people cannot travel to another residence they own. While these restrictions may be well-intended, they represent gross overreach — and at least one study has suggested that the anxieties such lockdowns inflame will cost more lives than the lockdowns themselves could possibly save.
Whitmer’s lockdown may be as much about power as it is about safety. But, seriously, that doesn’t make her anything like Hitler.
“We have to listen to the epidemiologist and health experts and displays like the one we saw at our capitol is not representative of who we are.” Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer reacts to protesters descending on her state’s capitol, including some who were armed. #CNNSOTU
— State of the Union (@CNNSotu) May 3, 2020
There are more examples of the media reporting that there were swastikas at that rally or quoting Governor Witmer’s stating that there were swastikas without providing the context needed to make clear that the swastikas were not used in promotion of socialism… (national socialism, that is, Nazism).
April 16, 2020
“VILE: The View Hosts Call Michigan Protest Against Stay-At-Home Orders ‘Racist’ – Say Protesters Shouldn’t Get Treatment If They Catch Virus” by The Gateway Pundit
“REOPEN NOW! Protest at Michigan State Capitol (featuring the MAGA song)” by Justin Trouble
April 16, 2020, Governor’s Mansion, St. Paul, Minnesota
“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful tyranny.”
Protesters outside @GovTimWalz residence want to go back to work, end stay at home order. @WCCO— David Schuman (@david_schuman) April 16, 2020

April 16, 2020, Austin, Texas
“Part 2 Thursday Austin Protest | The Start” streamed live by Kory Man X
“Austin Protest Part 2 | Saturday | Freedom Is Dying” streamed live by Kory Man X
“An anti-lockdown protest in Austin, Texas, drew anti-vaxxers and Trump supporters chanting ‘Fire Fauci’” by the Business Insider
Chant of “Fire Fauci!”
— Manny Fernandez (@mannyNYT) April 18, 2020
“Re-Open rally Austin Texas” by FOX 10 News
“PROTEST: People gather asking Texas Gov. Abbott to reopen Texas businesses” by KTBC FOX 7 Austin
“PROTEST: Texans gather at Governor’s Mansion to ask for reopening of Texas businesses | PART 2” by KTBC FOX 7 Austin
“Protesters rally at Texas Capitol, urge Gov. Abbott to reopen economy | KVUE” by KVUE
“Governor’s mansion protest” by kxan
“US: Protesters gather against stay-at-home orders in Texas | AFP” by AFP News Agency
“PROTEST: Protesters gather at Texas State Capital to protest Gov. Abbott to re-open businesses” by KTBC FOX 7 Austin
April 17, 2020, Michigan
“Protests erupt in Michigan after Gov. Whitmer expands strict social distancing rules” by NBC News
“Protesters swarm Michigan Capitol to protest lockdown” by Reuters
April 17, 2020, Gov’s Mansion in St. Paul, Minnesota
“Protesters gather at Minnesota governor’s mansion over lockdown, chant ‘open up‘” by Fox News
April 17, 2020, Redmond, Oregon
“More than 200 gather in Redmond to protest stay-at-home order” by KTVZ News 21
April 17, 2020, Salem, Oregon
“‘Open Oregon’ rally in Salem: ‘No light at end of tunnel’” by KOIN 6 News
“Dozens Protest Oregon’s Stay-At-Home Order at Capitol” by US News & World Report
“Dozens protest Oregon’s stay-at-home order” by the Columbian
“‘Open Oregon’ rally in Salem, April 17, 2020” by KOIN 6 News
April 17, 2020, Boise, Idaho
“Hundreds Defy Idaho’s Stay-At-Home Order at Capitol Protest” by US News & World Report
April 17, 2020, Boston, Massachusetts – “Freedom Convoy”
“Freedom Convoy through Boston — April 17th, 2020” by Samson Racioppi
“Super Happy Fun America’s “Freedom Convoy” rolling through Boston 4/17/20” by MiltonWatchDog
April 17, 2020, California Skate Parks Sand-In – Skaters Remove Sand
;“Coronavirus: San Clemente Fills Skatepark With 37 Tons Of Sand After Skaters Ignore ‘No Trespassing’ Signs” by CBS 2 Los Angeles KCAL 9
A post shared by Shacked (@shackedmag) on Apr 16, 2020 at 12:04pm PDT
Skaters kept ignoring the “no trespassing” signs at a Southern California skate park, so city officials dumped 37 tons of sand into it. #CBSLA #WBZ
— Nick Emmons WBZ (@NickEmmonsTV) April 17, 2020

April 17, 2020, Madison, Wisconsin – “Freedom Rally”
“Protesters plan ‘Freedom Rally’ in Wisconsin after governor extends stay-at-home order” by the Hill
April 17, 2020, Orlando, Florida
“Protesters Gather in Orlando Demanding State Leaders to Reopen Florida’s Economy” by NBC 6
“Open up the state.” Protesters outside of the Orange County Admin building in Orlando. This ahead of a 4pm news conference by county officials where economy recovery task force will be announced. @WESH
— Paul Rivera (@PaulRiveraNews) April 17, 2020

“Downtown Orlando rally calls for reopening Florida, ignores social distancing order” by WFTV ABC 9
April 17, 2020, Huntington Beach, California
“Scores gather in Huntington Beach to protest coronavirus stay-at-home orders” by the Orange County Register
“Huntington Beach Protesters Demand End To COVID Shutdown” by KCAL 9 CBS 2
“For protesters in Huntington Beach, social and economic restrictions are political; COVID-19, a ‘hoax’” by the LA Times {archived}
“‘Live Free or Die:’ Protesters march against California stay-at-home rules in Huntington Beach” by the LA Times {archived}
“Huntington Beach Protest April 17 2020” by David Yuhas
“Huntington Beach police ‘understand’ frustration, but ask locals adhere to social distancing order” by KTLA 5
“Protests are popping up across the US over stay-at-home restrictions” by CNN
“The rightwing groups behind wave of protests against Covid-19 restrictions” by the Guardian
Trump Tweets
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020
This Tweet is from a suspended account. Learn more
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020
This Tweet is from a suspended account. Learn more
LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 17, 2020
This Tweet is from a suspended account. Learn more
April 18, 2020, New Jersey
“What Constitution? New Jersey Woman Charged for Organizing a Peaceful Protest Against the NJ Governor’s Stay at Home Orders” by The Gateway Pundit
April 18, 2020, Skate Park Sand-In – Los Angeles, California
“Los Angeles fills Venice Skate Park with sand to discourage prohibited gatherings” by Fox 11 Los Angeles News
April 18, 2020, Columbus, Ohio
untitled livestream by John Witwer (1:02pm)
untitled video captioned “The whole interview 🙂 thank you Bailey Stover” posted by John Witwer
April 18, 2020, Annapolis, Maryland
“Streets of Annapolis filled with cars in protest against Maryland coronavirus restrictions” by the Capital Gazette
“Coronavirus Latest: Dozens Rally To Reopen Maryland; No Arrests Made” by WJZ CBS 3 Baltimore
April 18, 2020, Encinitas, California
“Encinitas residents hold ‘Freedom Rally’ to protest San Diego County’s overreaching shutdown orders” by KUSI News
April 18, 2020, San Diego, California – “Freedom Rally”
“‘Freedom Rally’ garners crowd downtown amid pandemic” by ABC 10 News San Diego
April 18, 2020, Austin, Texas
“Reopen Texas Rally Austin” by Patriot Media
“Rally Preview | Protest Austin Texas | Saturday” streamed live by Kory Man X
“Governor’s Mansion Sleep Over | Austin Protest” streamed live by Kory Man X
“Protest in favour of easing lockdown in US” by Associated Press
“Coronavirus In Texas: Hundreds Protest COVID-19 Orders At State Capitol” by CBA 11 DFW 21
“A Few Hundred Protest COVID-19 Orders at Texas Capitol” by US News & World Report
“Hundreds protest at Texas Capitol over stay-at-home orders” by KVIA ABC 7
“Protesters in Texas, other states demand end to lockdowns day after Trump’s ‘LIBERATE’ tweets” by NBC News
“Texas Protest Reflects Spreading Frustration With Coronavirus Closings” by the New York Times
“A few hundred protest COVID-19 orders at Texas Capitol” by the Washington Times
“Hundreds Defy Common Sense, Safety At Infowars Rally To Reopen Businesses” by the Huffington Post
“A few hundred protest COVID-19 orders at Texas Capitol” by the Associated Press
“‘Fire Fauci, let us work’: No social distancing as Alex Jones joins hundreds in rally against Covid-19 lockdown measures in Texas” by Russian Times
“Protesters at Texas Capitol decry mandated coronavirus shutdowns” by Austin American-Statesman
“Texas Protest Reflects Spreading Frustration With Coronavirus Closings” by the New York Times
“PHOTOS: See images of hundreds protesting COVID-19 orders at Texas Capitol” by Click 2 Houston
“Alex Jones Shakes Hands With Protesters at Texas Rally to Reopen State Against Stay-at-Home Orders” by Newsweek
“Alex Jones joins Texas protest against coronavirus lockdown orders as crowds chant ‘Fire Fauci’” by the Independent
“Responding to Infowars call, protesters mass in Austin to call for lifting of restrictions” by the Houston Chronicle
“‘Fire Fauci!’ — Anti-Lockdown Protesters Erupt At Texas State Capitol” by the Daily Caller
April 19 2020, multiple locations
“Freedom Protests to Reopen Economy Planned in 21 States – Including California on Monday, Missouri on Tuesday” by The Gateway Pundit
April 19, 2020, Nazi Death Cult Rump of the GOP
“MSNBC Guest Calls Anti-Lockdown Protesters The ‘Fox News Nazi Death Cult Rump’ Of The GOP” by the Daily Caller
April 19, 2020, Olympia, Washington
On this day, an event called “Hazardous Liberty! Defend the Constitution!” was hosted by Liberty at All Hazards at the Washington state capitol in Olympia.
The event description reads;
On April 19, 1775, Patriots responded to the call to defend liberty in Lexington, Massachusetts. They showed up in force, but they showed up to defend, nothing more. Suddenly, the “shot heard round the world” rang out and the American Revolutionary War had begun.
As we celebrate the 245th Anniversary of this event, we find ourselves once again needed to respond to the call to defend our liberty and our Constitution. Article 1, Section 4 of the Washington State Constitution specifically states that the right of the people to peaceably assemble “shall never be abridged.” Nothing – absolutely nothing – allows this, or any other, provision of the Constitution to be suspended. We cannot tolerate this attack on our liberties to go without response. We will also have petitions available to sign to defend our 2nd Amendment rights and to repeal the Comprehensive Sex Ed bill.
I know that there are many out there that will call this effort foolish – even reckless. There are some that will claim to believe in the constitution, yet they will also claim that the government’s actions in this case are justified. Or they will claim that now is not the time to have this fight. I simply and firmly disagree. If we assent to this violation, even for a short time, then we are assenting to future violations, more egregious and indefinite in their scope. We will be, in as real a sense as is possible, forging the chains of our own servitude. I am unwilling to remain idle while that happens, so long as I have the ability to resist it.
Let me be perfectly clear – I am NOT calling on people to be dismissive of the threat that the virus poses. I am NOT asking people to disregard the recommendations of the CDC and other health professionals. As much as is practical we will practice prudent distancing and PPE measures. Also, if you’re feeling sick or know you’ve been exposed, or if you’re in a high-risk category, please consider not attending. What I AM asking, is that the public servants in our government recognize the limits placed upon them by our constitutions.
One final note, and Governor Inslee this is directed squarely to you – I pledge to call for a cancelation of these protests if you will immediately rescind your stay at home Proclamation and revise all of your other proclamations in this crises to acknowledge and reflect the fact that you have no authority whatsoever to place restrictions on the constitutional freedoms of the citizens of Washington State. Unless and until you do, I will continue to call for these protests and for them to grow.
“Antifa stand with Patriots Protesting Government Tyranny” by KPikklefield-Patriot Warrior Media (Note that the video description reads: “Ohhhhh I guess they didn’t. A perfect opportunity for to live by their convictions passed in dead silence.”)
(untitled livestream) by Redoubt News (3:37pm)
Untitled live video captioned “Washington state capitol” by Joey Gibson (5:32pm)
Untitled live video captioned “Washington state capitol” by Joey Gibson (5:41pm)
“Thousands gather in Olympia to protest Gov. Inslee’s stay-home order” by KOMO News
“Protest in Olympia” by Q13 FOX
“Over 2,000 Gather in Washington State to Protest Stay-Home Orders. Oregon Might Be Next” by Willamette Week
April 19, 2020, Nashville, Tennessee
“‘Nashville Freedom Rally’ protesters gather outside Capitol amid COVID-19 pandemic” by Fox 17 Nashville
April 19, 2020, Memphis, Tennessee
“Protesters gather outside Memphis City Hall for ‘Freedom Rally’” by Fox 13 Memphis
April 19, 2020, San Clamente, California – “Freedom March”
(Freedom March, CA) by Carmen Estel (3:54pm)
“San Clemente” by Stephanie Murphy
April 19, 2020, Morgan Hill, California
“Photos: Sons of Liberty’s South Bay “Freedom Rally” against the coronavirus shelter-in-place orders” by Mercury News
April 19, 2020, Honolulu, Hawaii
“Small group of protesters calls for government to ease stay-at-home restrictions” by Hawaii News Now
Some Fun
For a laugh, check out this from Genesius Times, “the most reliable source of fake news on the planet”. Headline; “Newsom baffled a state that encourages illegal immigration isn’t obeying his ‘stay at home’ order“. Here’s a sample;
“We let homeless people take a dump on the street in front of nice restaurants. We let people spread AIDS with impunity. We encourage immigrants to come here illegally. You’d think people would listen to my orders!” Newsom said in a press conference.
April 20, 2020, Zuckb⊗rg Strikes Again
Good Morning America tweeted this video with Mark ZuckerbØrg wherein starting at 2:41 they discuss how Facebook deems info about these protests to be “harmful misinformation” and that they take that down. This is why the NonEssential Help webpage was created.
ABC NEWS EXCLUSIVE: Facebook teams up with researchers to help collect data on novel coronavirus in an effort to better equip health officials and the public moving forward amid the pandemic.
— Good Morning America (@GMA) April 20, 2020

“Facebook Will Remove Content Organizing Protests Against Stay-at-Home Orders, Zuckerberg Says” by Yahoo Entertainment
“Republicans attack Facebook as network shuts down anti-lockdown protests” by Politico
“Zuckerberg: Stay-at-Home Protests Organized on Facebook Qualify as ‘Harmful Misinformation’” by US News & World Report
“Facebook bans anti-quarantine event posts in mandatory lockdown states” by the New York Post
“Facebook will take down some, but not all, posts promoting anti-stay-at-home protests” by CNN
“Facebook removing some anti-stay-at-hoUntitled livestream by Hayden Hill me protest events” by the NY Daily News
“Facebook is taking down some, but not all, quarantine protest event pages” by Vox
“Facebook is accused of ‘colluding with state governments to quash free speech’ as it SHUTS DOWN anti-quarantine protest pages” by the Daily Mail
Orwellianism Intensifies
“Orwellian: Cities Use Drones To Monitor People & Enforce Social Distancing” by KTRH
For More Laughs
“Dartmouth professor who cheered Covington Catholic ‘doxxing’ compares ‘Reopen’ protesters to Nazi toadies” by the College Fix
April 20, 2020, Olympia, Washington
“***We will NOT comply***” by Patriot Warrior Media
“Protesters are gathering at the state capitol in Olympia to send a message that it’s time for people get back to work amid the coronavirus pandemic” by KOMO News ABC 4
“What Really Happened in Washington” by Slightly Offens*ve
April 20, 2020, Denver, Colorado
“Health Care Workers Block Denver Protesters Calling For End To Stay-At-Home Orders” by the Huffington Post

“Proud Boys and Citizens of Colorado Rally Against the Lockdown” by Proud Boys: America First
“‘Go to China if you want communism’: Anti-quarantine protester clashes with people in scrubs” by the Washington Post
April 20, 2020, Racine County, Wisconsin
“Wisc. Sheriff: I Won’t Assist in Destruction of Businesses or People’s Constitutional Rights” by CNS News
April 20, 2020, Columbus, Ohio
untitled video by John Witwer
untitled video by John Witwer
April 20, 2020, Trenton, New Jersey
“N.J. woman charged for organizing ‘reopen’ protest in Trenton” by the Washington Times
April 20, 2020, San Diego, California
untitled live video by Frontline America with Ben Bergquam featuring Tai
April 20, 2020, Sacramento, California
Untitled video captioned “Operation gridlock California Sacramento Capitol” by Denise Marie
Untitled video captioned “Capitol: Quarantine protesters take to the street to demand the state reopen ASAP. ABC10” by Mayde Gomez
“Guaranteed Gavin Newsom doesn’t want you to hear these four guys!” by America’s Voice News
April 20, 2020, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Contingent of heavily armed individuals in back of an old military vehicle just showed up. They said they’re all independent. No affiliation.
— Miguel Marquez (@miguelmarquez) April 20, 2020

“Anti-Quarantine Protest Draws Crowd In Harrisburg, Pa., But Gov. Keeps Stay-Home Plan” by NPR
April 20, 2020, New York
“‘Operation Gridlock’: upstate New Yorkers protest coronavirus closures with a drive-by demonstration” by the Daily News

April 20, 2020, Kansas City, Missouri
“Protest Showdowns: Anti-Lockdown Protesters Carry Guns In Pennsylvania, Kansas City Counter-Protesters Block Traffic” by the Daily Caller
April 20, 2020, Madison, Wisconsin
“‘We’ve done our part’: Frustrated with coronavirus closures, local protesters and national organizers push to re-open Wisconsin” by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
April 20, 2020, Denver, Colorado
“‘Land of the free!’: Healthcare workers are heckled as they stand in front of anti-lockdown protesters cars’ in Colorado and more demonstrations erupt across the US” by the Daily Mail
“Proud Boys and Citizens of Colorado Rally Against the Lockdown” by Proud Boys: America First
April 20, 2020, Olympia, Washington
“Protesters flout public health guidelines at Washington Capitol” by KNKX
April 20, 2020, Skate Park Sand-Ins
“After COVID-19 Nannies Fill Skate Park with Sand, Skaters Get Creative” by PJ Media
Untitled video captioned “Officials Used Sand To Fill Skate Park, Skaters Promptly Shovel It Away, Resume Skating – What next California?” by Rebecca Rcs Wallace
“After COVID-19 Nannies Fill Skate Park with Sand, Skaters Get Creative” by PJ Media
“Anti-Lockdown Protests, Dave Rubin Responds | Dave Rubin | DIRECT MESSAGE | Rubin Report” by the Rubin Report
“Coronavirus lockdown protest: What’s behind the US demonstrations?” by BBC News
“Trump, Head of Government, Leans Into Antigovernment Message” by the New York Times (archived here)
April 21, 2020, Meridian, Idaho
“Gestapo in America Arrests Mom and Kicks Kids off the Playground” by LoneStar1776
“Playground Mom Sara Released from Jail” by LoneStar1776
April 21, 2020, Los Angeles, California
“Pastor Tony Spell just arrested in LA while they release thousands of prisoners.” by Joey Gibson Patriot Prayer USA
April 21, 2020, Franklin County, Washington
“Washington State Franklin County Commissioners defy their Governor’s illegal shutdown order!!!!!” by Joey Gibson Patriot Prayer USA
April 21, 2020, Rathdrum, Idaho
“Mother of 6 Faces Jail Time for Violating Stay-at-Home Order With Yard Sale” [archived here] by the Epoch Times
April 21, 2020, 7:44am, Sacramento, California
April 21, 2020, 9:23am, Multnomah County, Oregon
“Multnomah County GOP Accuses Gov. Brown of “Tyranny” for COVID-19 Closures” by Portland Mercury
April 21, 2020, 9:44am, Lansing, Michigan
“Michigan Gov. Compares Lockdown Protesters to Americans Who Protested WWII Production Effort” by the National Review
April 21, 2020, 11:02am, Lansing, Michigan
“Michigan lawmaker defends going to protest of coronavirus lockdown” by the New York Post
April 21, 2020, 11:08am CDT, updated 1:05pm CDT, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
“Defiant Louisiana pastor arrested over coronavirus protest” by KX Net ABC
April 21, 2020, 11:36pm ET, Meridian, Idaho
“Protest starts after Meridian woman arrested, accused of violating city order” by CBS 2 Boise
April 21, 2020, 13:09 EDT, updated 13:23 EDT, Cantral, Louisiana
“Moment pastor Tony Spell who defied coronavirus lockdown is handcuffed before being charged with assault over video showing him trying to reverse a bus over a protester” by the Daily Mail
April 21, 2020, 2:59pm, updated 3:10pm, Alabama
“Reopen Alabama protesters call for easing of coronavirus business restrictions” by Montgomery Advertiser
April 21, 2020, 8:59pm ET, Meridian, Idaho
“Protest at Meridian City Hall in Idaho” by Greg Pruett for Idaho
April 21, 2020, 10:50pm ET, Boise, Idaho
untitled video by Lori Marr
April 22, 2020
“HUGE! W.H.O. Pushed Draconian Lockdown Rules that were Followed by Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx to Ruin US Economy” by The Gateway Pundit
April 22, 2020, Clayton, Missouri
“‘I would rather die than to be a slave;’ demonstrators protest St. Louis County stay-at-home order” by KMOV 4
April 22, 2020, Wenatchee, Washington
“Fishing protest planned for Saturday in Wenatchee” by the Wenatchee World
April 22, 2020, New York City
“NYC Mayor’s Snitch Hotline Trolled With Crotch Shots & Spicy Memes” by Salty Cracker
April 22, 2020, Denver, Colorado
“Who Are the ‘Nurses’ In the Viral Counter-Protest Photos? | Inquiring Minds Want to Know” by Matt Christiansen
April 22, 2020, 12:13pm ET, multiple locations
“The Extremists And Grifters Behind Many Of The Anti-Lockdown Protests” by Huffington Post
April 22, 2020, 12:30pm
“The data is in — stop the panic and end the total isolation” by the Hill
April 22, 2020, 2:23pm, Los Angeles, California
“LA CITY HALL” by Hhassan Enotpmoc was live — with Ben Bergquam and 3 others
April 22, 2020, 3:02pm EDT
“There is no anti-lockdown protest movement” by Vox
April 22, 2020, 6:12pm, Montpelier, Vermont
“Montpelier protest takes aim at stay-at-home order” by WCAX 3
April 22, 2020, 6:16pm, New York
“‘You want to go to work? Go take a job as an essential worker’: Cuomo pushes back on coronavirus protesters” by the NY Daily News
April 22, 2020, Laredo, Texas
April 23, 2020, Houston, Texas
“Let Freedom Ring Rally Houston Texas | No Mask!” by Kory Man X
“Houston Part 2 “Let Freedom Ring” Rally” by Kory Man X
“At The Virus Epicenter, New York Mosque Stays Open as Churches Across the Nation are Shut Down” by Big League Politics
Note the NY Governor’s orders!
April 23, 2020, 3:52am
untitled video captioned “Remember that iconic picture of a guy in scrubs counter protesting the protesters? Well check this out” by The Hispanic Conservative
April 23, 2020, 11:24am ET, updated 11:48 ET, Meridian Park, Idaho
“SURROUNDED Infamous militiaman Ammon Bundy leads huge protest at house of cop who arrested anti-vaxxer mom at lockdown demo” by the U.S. Sun
April 23, 2020, 5:49pm
Untitled video by Tracy Beavers
April 24, 2020, Pasadena, Texas
“Pasadena Protest | Open Carry AK” by Kory Man X
April 24, 2020, Lewiston, Idaho
“Residents protest governors ‘Stay at Home’ order” by KLEW
April 24, 2020, Durham, North Carolina
“One arrest in car protest calling on Berger to enact progressive pandemic response” by Triad City News
April 24, 2020, San Diego, California
“Woman who organized San Diego stay-at-home protest could face jail time, fines” by Fox News
April 24, 2020, 10:18am, Albany, New York
“Hundreds gather at the Capitol to protest state shutdown” by the Times Union
April 24, 2020, 11:11am, Dallas, Texas
untitled livestream by Kelby Casebolt
April 24, 2020, 11:39am, updated 11:48am, Meridian Park, Idaho
“Ammon Bundy publishes address, stages protest at home of Meridian officer behind playground arrest” by KTVB 7 News
April 24, 2020, 12:00pm, updated 4:24pm MDT, Albuquerque, New Mexico
“Protesters stand outside Civic Plaza in response to stay-at-home order extension” by KRQE
April 24, 2020, 12:52pm, updated 2:48pm, Madison, Wisconsin
“Protest against Safer at Home order extension begins at Wisconsin Capitol” by Channel 3000
April 24, 2020, 1:20pm, Michigan
“Michigan Gov. Whitmer extends and eases stay-at-home order that drew protests” by NBC News
April 24, 2020, 1:36pm, Madison, Wisconsin
“Wisconsin Freedom Rally #reopenamerica” by Matt Ahmann
April 24, 2020, 2:03pm, Madison, Wisconsin
“LIVE: Protesters Descend on Wisconsin Capitol to Demand State Reopen” by Breitbart
April 24, 2020, 2:02pm, updated 5:54pm, Gov. Mansion, Atlanta, Georgia
“Rolling protest past Georgia governor’s mansion on day state begins to reopen” by 11 Alive News
April 24, 2020, 2:08pm
“Sorry, Facebook: Announcing a protest isn’t ‘harmful misinformation’” by the NY Post
April 24, 2020, 2:18pm, Madison, Wisconsin
Hundreds are here to push the government to #ReopenWisconsin, as seen from the windows of the state Assembly chambers. #News3Now @WISCTV_News3
— Amy Reid (@amyreidreports) April 24, 2020

April 24, 2020, 2:47pm, updated 6:09pm, Dallas, Texas
“Dallas salon owner ordered to close after reopening against stay-at-home orders” by WFAA
April 24, 2020, 2:54pm, Madison, Wisconsin
“LIVE: News Chopper 12 is over the protest in Madison” by WISN 12
April 24, 2020, 4:29pm, Boise, Idaho
Live video of a rally in Idaho
April 24, 2020, 5:36pm, Boise, Idaho
“Boise streets” by Joey Gibson
April 24, 2020, 7:28pm, Madison, Wisconsin
“Protesters carry political message as politicians largely stay quiet about Friday rally” by Channel 3000
April 24, 2020, 8:37pm, Las Vegas, Nevada
“Vegas Mayor Reiterates Call for Opening Amid Protest Drive” by US News & World Report
April 24, 2020, 8:43pm, Columbia, South Carolina
“More than 100 cars join protest against governor’s closure of non-essential businesses” by WIS News 10
April 24, 2020, 8:51pm, updated 8:58pm, Chico, California
April 25, 2020, Dallas Texas
“Hairdresser Revolt! Brave Beauty Salon Owners in Texas and California Break Quarantine to Pay the Bills and Not Go Bankrupt (VIDEO)” by The Gateway Pundi
April 25, 2020, Austin, Texas
“Austin Rally Saturday April 25th” by Kory Man X
April 25, 2020
“US protesters slam surveillance during COVID-19 crisis” by Al Jazeera
April 25, 2020, Encinitas, California
“San Diego Sheriffs arrest multiple protestors in Encinitas” by CBS 8 San Diego
April 25, 2020, Las Vegas, Nevada
“Protest caravan takes over Las Vegas Strip calling on governor to reopen Nevada” by News 3 Las Vegas
April 25, 2020, Newport Beach, California
“Heatwave draws 40,000 to Newport Beach” by Fox 11 News
April 25, 2020, Rexburg, Idaho
“Residents gather to protest stay-home order” by Big County News
April 25, 2020, San Diego, California
“27-Year Old San Diego Woman Faces 90 Days in Prison for Organizing Anti-Lockdown Protest” by the Gateway Pundit
April 25, 2020, Reno, Nevada
“Protesters march again to fight Gov. Sisolak’s stay-at-home order in Nevada” by Fox 11 Reno
April 25, 2020, Boise, Idaho
“Boise Idaho rallies to reopen their state” by Joey Gibson Patriot Prayer USA
April 25, 2020, Austin, Texas
“Open Texas Rally 2.0” by Patriot Media
April 25, 2020, Pacific North West
“Update on the rallies around the Pacific NW” by Joey Gibson Patriot Prayer USA
April 25, 2020, 8:23 EDT, Michigan
“Michigan conservatives hail protest success – and set sights on Trump’s re-election” by the Guardian
April 25, 2020, 12:20pm EDT, multiple locations
“The whiteness of anti-lockdown protests” by Vox
April 25, 2020, 1:13pm, Providence, Rhode Island
“Protesters to governor: ‘Knock it off Gina’” by the Providence Journal
April 25, 2020, 1:20pm, updated April 26, 12:25pm, Encinitas, California
“San Diego Sheriffs make multiple arrests at Encinitas protest” by CBS 8
April 25, 2020, 2:07pm, Oakland, California
“on the Move in Riverside on the move and Riverside” by Jesse Suave
April 25, 2020, 2:12pm, El Paso, Texas
untitled livestream by Anthony @conservativeanthony
April 25, 2020, 2:14pm, Bakersfield, California
untitled video captioned “Ben Bergquam Live from Re-Op-en Rally in Bakersfield CA. Check it out and as always, please share!” by America’s Voice News
April 25, 2020, 4:07pm ET, San Diego, California
“Freedom Rally – San Diego. Carmen Estel Brandon Ttp Recor Ben Bergquam Miranda Estel” by Carmen Estel
April 25, 2020, 4:21pm ET, Salem, Oregon
“Party at kate brown’s mansion!!!” by Skyloralt Jernigan
April 25, 2020, 6:16pm, San Diego, California
“Police tell us we have to leave but we stand our ground. #FreedomRallySanDiego Adam Kiefer Genevieve Peters Miranda Estel” by Carmen Estel
April 25, 2020, 7:08pm
Carmen Estel posted this photo of she and Ben Bergquam.
April 25, 2020, 8:57pm, updated April 26 2:44pm, Las Vegas, Nevada
“Hundreds gather again in downtown Las Vegas for protest” by KTNV News 13 Las Vegas
April 25, 2020, 9:03pm, Vancouver, Washington
“Fishers protest Washington’s recreational ban” by the Columbian
April 25, 2020, Maryland
“15 Uniformed Officers From 4 Different Law Enforcement Agencies Rush to Target Restaurant Owner For Violating Maryland’s Lockdown Order” by The Gateway Pundit
“27-Year-Old San Diego Woman Faces 90 Days in Prison for Organizing Anti-Lockdown Protest” by Jim Hoft for The Gateway Pundit
April 26, 2020, San Diego, California
“Live from San Diego” by Freedom Angels
April 26, 2020, 3:58pm, San Diego, California
untitled video captioned “Watch live: Stay-at-home order protests continue Sunday in San Diego County” by CBS 8 – San Diego News
April 26, 2020, 4:42pm, San Diego, California
untitled video captioned “Police Tried to disperse us- WE REFUSED – Constitutional Right Freedom of Assembly. We Will Not Comply RALLY San Diego, CA” by Genevieve Peters
April 27, 2020, Dallas, Texas
“Salon Owner Shelley Luther RIPS UP CITATION at Dallas Rally After She Breaks Quarantine and Opens her Business (VIDEO)” by The Gateway Pundit
April 27, 2020, California
“Retaliation? Newsom Increases Enforcement of Coronavirus Restrictions After Tens of Thousands Flock to SoCal Beaches Amid Heatwave” by The Gateway Pundit
April 27, 2020, Austin, Texas
“Boogaloos In Texas” by Kory Man X
April 27, 2020, Portland, Oregon
April 27, 2020, Orange, California
“‘Constitution Isn’t Suspended’ for COVID-19, Attorney General Barr Warns Public Officials” by the Daily Signal
April 27, 2020, 10:48am ET, Raleigh, North Carolina
“REOPEN NC | The third ReOpen NC protest” by KOIN 6 News
April 27, 2020, 13:25pm EDT, updated 20:26 EDT, New York City, New York
April 27, 2020, 1:30pm
“Coronavirus lockdown protests expose a far deeper sickness” by the Hill
April 27, 2020, 8:49pm ET, Raleigh, North Carolina
April 27, 2020, Raleigh, North Carolina
“Leader of North Carolina anti-lockdown protests tests positive for COVID-19” by Raw Story
April 27, 2020, Encinitas, California
“3 Protesters Arrested at Coronavirus Beach Closure Protest in Encinitas” by the Inertia
April 28, 2020. South Dakota
Sometimes the best protest is a celebration.
“South Dakota Residents Throw Parade for Republican Governor That Refused to Implement Lock Down Orders” by The Gateway Pundit
April 28, 2020, New York City, New York
“ONE LOOK At NYC Mayor de Blasio in this Park Has Brooklyn Residents FURIOUS For ONE Reason!” by the Next News Network
April 28, 2020, Brooklyn, New York
“Close to 2,500 crowd Brooklyn streets for funeral of rabbi who died of coronavirus” by the NY Daily News
“Borough Park funeral NYPD enforcement.” by Gothamist
“NYPD Break Up Crowded Street Of Orthodox Jewish Community Having Rabbi’s Funeral | NBC News NOW” by NBC News
“De Blasio Threatens “Jewish Community” With Mass Arrests After Funeral Gathering” by The Gateway Pundit
“de Blasio blasted after tweets criticizing Jewish community over funeral crowd” by Eyewitness News ABC7NY
April 28, 2020, Dallas, Texas
“Anti-Shutdown Protesters Organize Another Rally in Downtown Dallas” by NBC 5
“Armed Supporters Show Up To Guard Dallas Salon Defying COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Order” by the Free thought Project
April 28, 2020, 11:34am, North Carolina
#ReopenNC co-founder Ashley Smith speaks. Says N.C. met the directive and flattened the curve. “We’ve done it so well we’ve flattened our entire economy”
— Garrett Bergquist (@GarrettBNews) April 28, 2020

April 28, 2020, 12:29pm, North Carolina
A pickup truck is park in front of the NC legislative building. #ReopenNC leader Ashley Smith screams “We want to live.” She screams for healthcare workers who came to counter protest to go home, but says “we fight for their right to be here too.” “Freedom,” they scream.
— Ashad Hajela (@ashad_hajela) April 28, 2020

April 28, 2020, 12:42pm, North Carolina
#ReopenNC co-founder Ashley Smith again speaking to the crowd. Tells them to disobey the #StayAtHome order, re-open businesses, go to church and engage in nonessential travel .@SpecNewsRDU
— Garrett Bergquist (@GarrettBNews) April 28, 2020

April 28, 2020, 12:59pm, North Carolina
On April 23, Reopen NC co-founder Ashley Smith said “we’re nonpartisan.”
Today, during their announcement to “challenge” and “dare” people to “disobey,” she said Gov. Cooper “has to go” and “November is coming.”
“Nonpartisan.”#ncpol #ncga #ReopenNC— Cody (@Yedois) April 28, 2020

April 28, 2020, 1:42pm, North Carolina
BREAKING: Two people arrested during clashes with @NCStCapitolPD about walking on sidewalk outside @NC_Governor’s mansion. #wral
— WRALJoe Fisher (@JoeFisherTV) April 28, 2020

April 28, 2020, 1:45pm, Arizona
“Arizona GOP chairwoman tells anti-lockdown protesters to dress up like medical workers” by the Washington Examiner
April 28, 2020, 1:55pm, North Carolina
#ReopenNC leader Ashley Smith arrested after she got on the sidewalk outside the Governor’s mansion. Police told protesters not to get on the sidewalk.
— Ashad Hajela (@ashad_hajela) April 28, 2020

April 28, 2020, 1:56pm, North Carolina
— Ashad Hajela (@ashad_hajela) April 28, 2020
April 28, 2020, 2:27pm, Raleigh, North Carolina
“3 arrested at ReOpen NC protest in downtown Raleigh” by WBTV 3
April 28, 2020, 3:33pm
“Why are white supremacists protesting to ‘reopen’ the US economy?” by the Conversation
April 28, 2020, 9:35pm, New York City, New York
The mayor of New York City tweeted this (archived here)…
My message to the Jewish community, and all communities, is this simple: the time for warnings has passed. I have instructed the NYPD to proceed immediately to summons or even arrest those who gather in large groups. This is about stopping this disease and saving lives. Period.
— Mayor Bill de Blasio (@NYCMayor) April 29, 2020

This traitor has been caught violating his own unconstitutional orders (archived here).
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) April 29, 2020
Some responses to this…
— JT (@no1specialNEway) April 30, 2020
The above tweet is from a suspended account. Learn more
You’re an awful human being. And for the record I was ahead of the curve on it. Also, my sister and her family just moved out of what was once the greatest city in the world. Mazel tov. (Thats Jew talk.)
— Dave Rubin (@RubinReport) April 29, 2020

Meanwhile, as anyone who has been paying attention could have predicted, Muslims get a free pass…
“Syracuse mosque, once a Catholic church, transforms again to try to keep the faith, free of coronavirus” by (April 15th)
“No Police Raids? Syracuse Mosque Continues Holding Daily Prayers Amid COVID-19 Lockdown As Christians Are Threatened and Fined For Attending Drive-In Services” by the Gateway Pundit (April 19th)
“New York mosque still open for daily prayers while churches across the country face mandatory shutdowns” by the Blaze (April 20th)
“At The Virus Epicenter, New York Mosque Stays Open as Churches Across the Nation are Shut Down” by Big League politics (April 23rd)
The above article reports;
…About 10 worshippers in masks are allowed in at a time…
Note that Governor Cuomo’s “New York State on PAUSE” executive order states;
…Non-essential gatherings of individuals of any size for any reason (e.g. parties, celebrations or other social events) are canceled or postponed at this time…
April 28, 2020, Trenton, New Jersey
April 28, 2020, Raleigh, North Carolina
“‘Disobey!’ ReopenNC leader arrested during protest at North Carolina governor’s mansion” by Raw Story
April 29, 2020, Trenton, New Jersey
“N.J. lockdown protest organizer faces charge she violated coronavirus ban on gatherings” by
April 29, 2020, Valley Stream, New York & Commack, New York
“Pro-Trump group plans ‘MAGA May Day’ rallies in New York despite coronavirus stay-at-home order” by MSN News
April 29, 2020, Brooklyn, New York
“Orthodox Jewish funeral gathering was ‘absolutely unacceptable’: NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio” by NBC Television
April 29, 2020
“Elon Musk says orders to stay home are ‘fascist’ in expletive-laced rant during Tesla earnings call” by CNBC
“Tesla’s Elon Musk calling coronavirus lockdowns ‘fascist’ overshadows profitable quarter” by Reuters
April 29, 2020, 9:42am, Dallas, Texas
“UPDATE: Wednesday morning at Salon A La Mode after TRO” by Empower Texans
April 29, 2020, 10:28am, Washington D.C.
This is why the gallery and the Capitol should always be open during session. I may not sign onto the protesters message but they have a right to protest as long as they aren't violent or disruptive.
— Jeff Irwin (@JeffMIrwin) April 29, 2020

April 29, 2020, 10:53am CT, Algonquin, Illinois
“Coronavirus In IL: ‘Open Illinois Now’ Protest In Algonquin” by Patch
April 29, 2020, 12:17pm, Lansing, Michigan
“Protesters were kicked out of the State Capitol Wednesday” by WILX 10
April 29, 2020, 12:41pm ET, Olympia, Washington
“Black Diamond council members attend stay-at-home order protest” by The Courier-Herald
April 29, 2020, 12:41pm, Wisconsin
Darrin McBreen of Banned Video tweeted…
Caught On Video: A pair of Wisconsin police officers on a crazed power trip show up at a woman’s home because she “violated a state order” by allowing her daughter to play at a neighbor’s house
— Darrin McBreen (@MediaRival) April 29, 2020

“Pro-Trump group plans ‘MAGA May Day’ rallies in New York despite coronavirus stay-at-home order” by the New York Daily News (Commack, New York) (Valley Stream, New York)
5:57pm ET
“Police Visit Mother’s Home Because She Let Her Child Play at Neighbor’s” by the First (Wisconsin)
Police made a hostile visit to a mother’s home because she let her child play at a neighbor’s house… Wow.
What do you think about this one???
“Tucker: Our leaders are making a mockery of their own quarantines” by Fox News
This segment reports that Obama was seen golfing (a non-essential activity) despite Michelle Obama urging people to stay locked down at home except to engage in essential activities. Tucker also reported that Lori Lightfoot, the mayor of Chicago went out to get a haircut. Mayor Lightfoot, it has been reported, issued harsh warnings to the mere peasants who must follow the unconstitutional orders that she apparently is exempt from, being high and mighty (see here and here).
“Apex tattoo parlor owner arrested after reopening despite coronavirus restrictions” by thee News & Observer
“Apex tattoo parlor owner arrested after reopening” by CBS 17
“Protesters against Michigan’s stay-at-home order removed from the state House, video shows” by Fox News
April 30, 2020
“Five facts that suggest lockdown is a mistake” by the Telegraph
April 30, 2020, Illi
“Church Files Lawsuit Against Illinois Governor, Complaint Says He Has ‘Hostility’ Towards Faith” by The Gateway Pundit
April 30, 2020, Sacramento, California
“California gym owner is re-opening, says shelter-in-place order is unconstitutional” by KTVU Fox 2
April 30, 2020, Lansing, Michigan
“Michigan commissioner censured for attending stay-at-home protest” by Fox News
“Michigan politicians wear bulletproof vests as armed protesters storm Capitol to protest stay-at-home orders” by the Independent
“Michigan House Rejects Lockdown Extension, Votes To Sue Gov. Whitmer Instead” by the Daily Wire
April 30, 2020, 3:59am ET
April 30, 2020, 11:34am
The “official Twitter of the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office” tweeted;
Sheriff William Honsal announced this morning firm opposition to an anticipated announcement by Governor Gavin Newsom that would close all beaches in California.
1/2— HumCoSO (@HumCoSO) April 30, 2020

“As Sheriff, I am the protector of constitutional rights in Humboldt County,” he said, “and if an order is issued that I believe violates our constitutional rights, I will not enforce it.”
2/2— HumCoSO (@HumCoSO) April 30, 2020

April 30, 2020, 12:35pm ET, Lansing, Michigan
untitled live video by Mark J Petzold
April 30, 2020, 12:27pm, Lansing, Michigan
“Governor Gavin Newsom Closes Orange County Beaches; O.C. Sheriff Says He Won’t Enforce Order” by Deadline
April 30, 2020, 12:37pm ET, Lansing, Michigan
“Live in the Capitol” by Michigan United For Liberty
April 30, 2020, 12:38pm, Lansing, Michigan
Directly above me, men with rifles yelling at us. Some of my colleagues who own bullet proof vests are wearing them. I have never appreciated our Sergeants-at-Arms more than today. #mileg
— Senator Dayna Polehanki (@SenPolehanki) April 30, 2020

April 30, 2020, 12:48pm, Lansing, Michigan
Protest moves inside Michigan Capitol. Crowd attempts to get onto Hoise floor. Lots of Michigan State Police and House sergeants at arms blocking door.
— Rod Meloni (@RodMeloni) April 30, 2020
April 30, 2020, 12:55pm, Lansing, Michigan
“Protesters argue with Michigan State Police in the Capitol Building” by MLive
April 30, 2020, 3:30pm EDT, Lansing, Michigan
“Hundreds of protesters, some carrying guns in the state Capitol, demonstrate against Michigan’s emergency measures” by NBC News
April 30, 2020, 3:47pm, Lansing, Michigan
“Texas salon owner chooses jail over coronavirus lockdown” by the New York Post
April 30, 2020, 4:15pm EDT, Humboldt County, California
“‘I will not enforce it’: Humboldt sheriff says governor’s beach closure would violate constitutional rights” by ABC 7 News
April 30, 2020, 4:52pm, Humboldt County, California
The “official Twitter of the Humboldt County Sheriff’s Office” tweeted:
Sheriff Honsal issued the following statement this afternoon, following Gov. Newsom's press conference: “I’m grateful the governor didn’t move forward with a plan that would have unnecessarily and arbitrarily restricted access to our coastline,”
— HumCoSO (@HumCoSO) April 30, 2020

“Closing beaches in areas where people weren’t following social distancing is a more appropriate response than a statewide closure." The county’s existing Shelter-in-Place Order is still in effect and residents are asked to continue practicing social distancing on local beaches.
— HumCoSO (@HumCoSO) April 30, 2020

Sheriff William Honsal announced this morning firm opposition to an anticipated announcement by Governor Gavin Newsom that would close all beaches in California.
1/2— HumCoSO (@HumCoSO) April 30, 2020

April 30, 2020, 5:08pm, Lansing, Michigan
“Michigan House doesn’t extend virus emergency order amid protests” by PBS News Hour EDT
April 30, 2020, 8:54pm EDT, Lansing, Michigan
“Armed protesters demonstrate against Covid-19 lockdown at Michigan capitol” by the Guardian
April 30, 2020, 7:10pm, Lansing, Michigan
“Armed Protesters Storm Michigan State House Over COVID-19 Lockdown” by Forbes
April 30, 2020, 7:18pm EDT, updated May 1 6:30pm EDT, Raleigh, North Carolina
“Armed groups in downtown Raleigh protest virus-related restrictions” by WRAL
April 30, 2020, 8:03pm, Lansing, Michigan
“Whitmer facing full rebellion as armed protesters storm building, legislature turns on her” by WND
April 30, 2020, 8:08pm, Lansing, Michigan
“Michigan House doesn’t extend virus emergency order amid protests” by PBS
April 30, 2020, 9:29pm
Members of a militia group stand near the doors to the chamber in the Michigan state capitol before the vote on the extension of Governor Gretchen Whitmer's stay-at-home order. More images of Americans protesting coronavirus restrictions: 📷 @Seth_Herald
— Reuters Pictures (@reuterspictures) May 1, 2020

April 30, 2020, 11:13pm, Lansing, Michigan
Southeast Michigan Volunteer Militia posted this video.
April 30, 2020, Salon a la Mode, Dallas, Texas
“Update From Owner Of Salon A La Mode in Dallas | Shelly Luther” by Kory Man X
“Live From Salon A La Mode” streamed live by Kory Man X
“Part II Salon A la Mode Dallas Texas” streamed live by Kory Man X
April 30, 2020, Modoc County, California
“Church Files Lawsuit Against Illinois Governor, Complaint Says He Has ‘Hostility’ Towards Faith” by The Gateway Pundit
May 1, 2020, Huntington Beach, Texas
“Thousands Amass in Front of Huntington Beach Pier to Protest Newsom’s Order to Close Orange County Beaches (VIDEO)” by The Gateway Pundit
May 1, 2020, Fort Worth, Texas
“Live From The Basement Bar Fort Worth Texas” streamed live by Kory Man X
“Open Carry | Trucks ~ Texas” streamed live by Kory Man X
May 1, 2020, Salon a la Mode, Dallas, Texas
“FOX Interview At Salon A La Mode” streamed live by Kory Man X
May 1, 2020, New York City, New York
“Newly Mustachioed Bill De Blasio Unveils Special Red Armbands For Police Enforcing Lockdown” by the Babylon Bee
May 1, 2020, Honolulu, Hawaii
“Police arrest, cite protesters at ‘reopen Hawaii’ rally in front of State Capitol” by Star-Advertiser
May 1, 2020, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
“Back to work protest at the Pa. State Capitol: Photos” by PennLive
May 1, 2020, San Francisco, California
“San Francisco attorney files several lawsuits against Gov. Newsom’s shelter-in-place order” by ABC 7 News
May 1, 2020, Huntington Beach, California
“Hunting Beach protesters demand California reopen amid coronavirus pandemic” by NBC News
May 1, 2020, multiple locations
“Lockdown protests taking place across the country as other states begin to open” by Fox News (Huntington Beach, California) (Los Angeles, California) (Orange County beaches, California) (San Diego, California) (San Francisco, California) (Venture, California) (Chicago, Illinois) (Springfield, Illinois) (Charlotte, North Carolina)
May 1, 2020, Orange County, California
“Orange County Sheriff Tells Newsom To Pound Sand, Wont Enforce Closure Of Beaches” by the California Right
May 1, 2020, Michigan
“Michigan Legislature Moves to Block Whitmer’s Shutdown Extension, Prepares to Sue” by Styxhexenhammer666
May 1, 2020, 1:50am ET, Sacramento, California
Nathan Ring posted this;
Protester Heidi Munoz Gleisner, left, was forcibly removed from a demonstration against Gov. Gavin’s Newsom’s stay-at-home order by California Highway Patrol officers after they ordered a crowd of people to leave the Capitol grounds Friday, May 1, 2020. DANIEL KIM DKIM@SACBEE.COM
May 1, 2020, 2:29am, Orange County, California
“Orange County beach cities filing legal action against Gov. Newsom’s closure” by ABC 7
May 1, 2020, 8:14am CDT, updated 5:02pm CDT, Chicago, Illinois
“Protesters rally against Illinois stay-at-home order in Chicago Loop” by WGN 9
May 1, 2020, 10:04am, Lansing, Michigan
“Trump calls protesters who carried guns into the Michigan Capitol ‘very good people’ and says the governor should ‘make a deal’ with them” by Business Insider
May 1, 2020, 11:01am, Sacramento, California
“Cops face off with protesters at California’s Capitol as they demand end to stay-at-home order” by the Sacramento Bee
May 1, 2020, 11:50am, Frederick to Salisbury, Maryland
“Coronavirus Latest: Reopen Maryland Plans Another Rally For Saturday” by WJZ 13 CBS Baltimore
May 1, 2020, 12:37pm, Chicago, Illinois
— A.D. Quig (@ad_quig) May 1, 2020
May 1, 2020, 12:41pm, Chicago, Illinois
At least one nurse here in black scrubs counter-protesting. Several cars driving around the perimeter, some in support, some in opposition.
— A.D. Quig (@ad_quig) May 1, 2020

May 1, 2020, 12:42pm, Chicago, Illinois
— A.D. Quig (@ad_quig) May 1, 2020
May 1, 2020, 12:44, Chicago, Illinois
A selection of signs from cars driving by, including a small “Thank You Darren Bailey” one
— A.D. Quig (@ad_quig) May 1, 2020
May 1, 2020, 12:48pm, Chicago, Illinois
More counter protesting from nurses and at least two aldermen, @DanielLaSpata and @RossanaFor33:
— A.D. Quig (@ad_quig) May 1, 2020
May 1, 2020, 12:50pm, Chicago, Illinois
T-shirt sales, motorcycle vests, Trump 2020 flags.
— A.D. Quig (@ad_quig) May 1, 2020
May 1, 2020, 12:53pm, Chicago, Illinois
It’s getting loud. And the Open Illinois drivers have co-mingled with the counter-protest drivers
— Sam Charles (@samjcharles) May 1, 2020
May 1, 2020, 12:58pm, Springfield, Illinois
Hundreds protesting the stay-at-home order and calling on Illinois to reopen
— Gabrielle Franklin (@GabAFranklin) May 1, 2020
May 1, 2020, 1:10pm, updated 8:19pm, Charlotte, North Carolina
“Protesters rally to ‘Reopen Meck,’ while a new poll shows most voters say they can wait” by the Charlotte Observer
May 1, 2020, 1:13pm, Chicago, Illinois
Re-Open Illinois Protest Rally #reopenillinois #COVID #Chicago
— Chicago MAGA Meetup (@MAGAMU312) May 1, 2020
May 1, 2020, 1:26pm, Chicago, Illinois
From up here I’d say it looks like between 200 and 300 people here, not counting those driving around the perimeter in cars. More folks keep walking up. This goes until 3pm.
— A.D. Quig (@ad_quig) May 1, 2020
May 1, 2020, 2:09pm, Dover, Delaware
“REOPEN DELAWARE!” by Super Happy Fun America
May 1, 2020, 2:25pm ET, Sacramento, California
Untitled live video by Lindsay Grathwohl.
May 1, 2020, 2:29pm ET, Huntington Beach, California
Untitled live video by Brian Vea captioned: “Live from Huntington Beach, California the Pier”
May 1, 2020, 2:39pm, Chicago, Illinois
I’d guess at least 3 dozen cops just at the intersection of Clark and Randolph. @HeatherCherone reports there have been two arrests.
— A.D. Quig (@ad_quig) May 1, 2020

May 1, 2020, 2:49pm ET, Huntington Beach, California
“Huntington Beach,CA pier” by Luke Dennis AKA Captain America
May 1, 2020, 2:51pm, Sacramento, California
Live video by Hayden Hill (the Adorable Deplorable)
May 1, 2020, 2:54pm ET, Sacramento, California
Untitled live video by Lindsay Grathwohl.
May 1, 2020, 2:55pm ET, Sacramento, California
Live video by Mathew Alexander
May 1, 2020, 2:56pm ET, Sacramento, California
Ben Bergquam reports from Sacramento, California for America’s Voice News in this live video captioned;
Join Ben Bergquam live at the California State Capitol. The battle lines are drawn. As Democrat Governors push to extend the #Lockdown citizens from across the country are standing up demanding #Freedom. Please Share and let people know where you stand!
May 1, 2020, 3:01pm, Dover, Delaware &Wilmington, Delaware
“Anti-quarantine protests draw crowds in Dover, Wilmington” by Delaware Online
May 1, 2020, 3:17pm ET, Huntington Beach, California
Untitled live video by News 4 Tucson – KVOA captioned “LIVE PROTEST: Live aerials over a sizeable crowd protesting in Huntington Beach, Calif.”
May 1, 2020, 3:25pm, Huntington Beach, California
Demonstration in #Huntingtonbeach at Main and PCH at 12:20pm. People say they want to go back to work and want to go to the beach @CBSLA #CBSLA #protest
— michele gile (@CBSmichelegile) May 1, 2020

May 1, 2020, 3:29pm ET, Sacramento, California
Untitled live video by Lindsay Grathwohl.
May 1, 2020, 3:31pm ET, Sacramento, California
Untitled live video by Freedom Angels captioned: “Ca Capitol live now”.
May 1, 2020, 3:49pm, Huntington Beach, California
Protest in Huntington Beach protest in Sacramento and this flying over Newport Beach! #OpenCalifornia #California #EndTheShutdown #endthelockdown
— Carrie M🗽
🦅 🐶🐈 ✨ (@JoniePEI) May 1, 2020
May 1, 2020, 3:53pm ET, Huntington Beach, California
WFLA News Channel 8 posted a live videolive video captioned: “HAPPENING NOW: Large crowds are gathering in California demanding officials to ‘Reopen California’”
May 1, 2020, 3:55pm ET, Pinal County, Arizona Sheriff & Mohave County, Arizona Sheriff
“Two Arizona County Sheriffs Are Refusing to Enforce Coronavirus Emergency Orders” by the Phoenix New Times
May 1, 2020, 4:12pm, Springfield, Illinois
“Protesters Swarm Thompson Center, Capitol Calling for End to Stay-at-Home Order” by WTTW
May 1, 2020, 4:20pm ET, Sacramento, California
Untitled live video by Lindsay Grathwohl.
May 1, 2020, 5:02pm ET
“Watch: Feds threaten to step in if states get too restrictive with stay-at-home orders” by KRON 4 News
May 1, 2020, 5:04pm ET, Sacramento, California
Untitled live video by Susan Walsh
May 1, 2020, 5:18pm, Huntington Beach, California
Protesters shouted "No more Newsom" and "Freedom" at a demonstration in Huntington Beach today.
Hundereds gathered to protest the stay-at-home order and closure of Orange County's beaches, both of which were issued by California's governor.— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) May 1, 2020

May 1, 2020, 5:24pm ET, Sacramento, California
Untitled live video by Susan Walsh
May 1, 2020, 5:27pm, Dover, Delaware & Wilmington, Delaware
“‘Reopen Delaware’ rallies protest stay-at-home order” by 6 ABC Action News
May 1, 2020, 5:38pm ET, Sacramento, California
Joshua Coleman posted a live video to Facebook captioned: “CHP in riot gear arresting people in Sacramento at the “End The Shutdown” organized by”
May 1, 2020, about 6pm ET, Sacramento, California
Untitled live video by Lindsay Grathwohl
May 1, 2020, about 6pm ET, Sacramento, California
“Police push back in Sacramento (reopen California)!” by Crowman17
May 1, 2020, 6:14pm ET, Sacramento, California
Video by Kevin Aldbridge captiond: “Courtesy of a Friend of mine !! This sums it up Loud !! Today @ Sac Capitol”
May 1, 2020, 7:20pm, Dover, Delaware & Wilmington, Delaware
“Coronavirus Delaware: Groups Protesting Stay-At-Home Orders Gather In Dover, Wilmington” by CBS 3 Philly
May 1, 2020, 7:39pm ET, Spokane, Washington
Untitled live video by Joey Gibson.
May 1, 2020, 7:58pm, Tacoma, Washington
“Lawsuit challenging Washington stay-home order filed in Tacoma” by the Sacramento Bee
May 1, 2020, 9:52pm ET, Spokane, Washington
“Thousands show up at Spokane Washington rally” by Joey Gibson Patriot Prayer USA
May 1, 2020, Lansing, Michigan
“Democratic Governor DEFIES State Lawmakers Extending Lockdown, The Left Is DEFENDING Fascism” by Tim Pool
May 1, 2020, Sacramento, California
“Re-open California Sacramento” by Crowman17
May 1, 2020, Laguna Hills, California
“Orange County Barbershop Reopens Against Statewide Shutdown Orders” by CBS Los Angeles
May 1, 2020, Sacramento, California
“Drone video shows car protesters encircling Capitol to end coronavirus stay-at-home orders” by Sacramento Bee
“Turning Mothers into Martyrs” by America’s Voice News
May 1, 2020, Los Angeles, California
“Things get heated as stay-at-home protesters gather outside Los Angeles City Hall” by Los Angeles Times
May 1, 2020, Boston, Massachusetts
“Grocery, Retail Workers Protest Pandemic Working Conditions” by NBC 10 Boston
May 2, 2020
“American Liberty vs the Gov's Tyrannical Shutdown” by Justin Trouble
May 2, 2020, Oyster Creek, Texas
“Bad “S” Ice House Opening Up | Live | Oyster Creek Texas” livestreamed by Kory Man X
May 2, 2020, Dune Allen Beach, Florida
“‘Grim Reaper’ visits Florida beaches to protest reopening during pandemic” by Fox 26 Houston
May 2, 2020, Austin, Texas
“Texas park ranger shoved into lake after warning group about social distancing” by Fox News
“Park ranger enforces distancing, shoved into water” by Associated Press
May 2, 2020, Chattanooga, Tennessee
“Protesters voice concerns over how statewide COVID-19 protocol was handled” by WTVC ABC 9
May 2, 2020, Carson City, Nevada
“Stay-at-home protests enter week 3 as Nevadans converge on state capitol” by My News 4
May 2, 2020, 12:05am, Lihu’e, Kaua‘i, Hawaii
“Protesting oppression” by the Garden Island
May 2, 2020, 12:29am
“Americans protest coronavirus restrictions” by Reuters
May 2, 2020, 1:17am, El Dorado, California
“California restaurant defies statewide order, opens for dine-in service” by KCRA
May 2, 2020, 1:24pm, Apex, North Carolina
“Cruel and Unusual: Man Faces Up To 60 Days in Jail After Opening His Store for 10 Minutes” by the Western Journal
May 2, 2020, 1:31pm, Frankfort, Kentucky
“1,000 people protest Beshear’s coronavirus rules: You are ‘prisoners in your own homes’” by the Louisville Courier Journal
May 2, 2020, 1:37pm
“Protesters in Maryland call for reopening as states remain divided over easing restrictions” by CBS News
May 2, 2020, 1:41pm CDT, Birmingham, Alabama
“Hoover barbershop fined, greeted with support during reopening” by WVTM NBC 13
May 2, 2020, 2:09pm, California
“Thousands of people storm California beaches to protest closures” by CBS News
May 2, 2020, 2:35am ET, Sacramento, California
Hayden Hill posted this video from May 1st in Sacramento captioned;
I have no voice what so ever!! Today at the Capitol it was crazy! And kudos to my girl Jen and her daughter Dallas for being the first ones arrested lol
Btw the cops were aggressive, not us! Lol learn today and don’t assume.. I’ll let you be the judge. Here is a clip and you can watch full 2 hour video on my page now ..
May 2, 2020, 9:13am, multiple locations
“Police agencies are using drones to enforce stay-at-home orders, raising concerns among civil rights groups” by USA Today
May 2, 2020, 2:14pm ET, Salem, Oregon
Chris Ponte posted this live video captioned: “Oregon Stand Up! The time is now! #ReOpenOregon now Kate Brown…. Or we shall open ot ourselves.”
May 2, 2020, 2:27pm ET, Salem, Oregon
Chris Ponte posted the live video titled “#ReOpenOregon Part #1″ to Facebook.
May 2, 2020, 2:56pm ET, Salem, Oregon
Chris Ponte posted the live video titled “#ReOpenOregon Part #2″ to Facebook.
May 2, 2020, 3:15pm ET, Salem, Oregon
Fox 12 News posted this video captioned: “Watch Live on and the FOX 12 Streaming News app: People rally in Salem to call for the reopening of Oregon.”
May 2, 2020, 3:21pm ET, Salem, Oregon
Live video by Joey Gibson: “Oregon Rally”
May 2, 2020, 3:28pm ET, Salem, Oregon
Chris Ponte posted this live video to Facebook: “Open Oregon the Fuck Up! We want our freedom back!”
May 2, 2020, 3:35pm, Salem, Oregon
Mark Callahan posted this live video to Facebook captioned: “Peaceably Assembling, Live at the #ReOpenOregon Rally at the Oregon Capitol in Salem, OR on 5/2/20. Enjoy & Share”
May 2, 2020, 3:39pm ET, Salem, Oregon
Live video by Jay Harrison.
May 2, 2020, 4:00pm ET, Salem, Oregon
Video from Salem, Oregon captioned: “Oh yea, we’re out here with thousands of other Freedom Loving Oregonians”, posted by DeffNot Bill
An other live video by Joey Gibson: “Oregon rally”
May 2, 2020, 4:20pm ET, Salem, Oregon
Chris Ponte posted this video: “Econ needs to go! #FuckAntifa”
May 2, 2020, 4:41pm, Bethel, Maine
“Maine restaurant loses health and liquor licenses after defying state virus orders” by Bangor Daily News
May 2, 2020, 5:25pm, Illinois
I've spent decades of my life fighting against bigotry & hatred. I helped build @ihmec by working with Holocaust survivors. The meaning of that swastika is apparently unknown to the people who are carrying it, or if it is known, it's a demonstration of the hate that is among us.
— Governor JB Pritzker (@GovPritzker) May 2, 2020

May 2, 2020, 6:32pm ET, Laguna Beach, California
“Some Orange County restaurants and shops reopen despite statewide orders” by Orange County Register
May 2, 2020, 6:33pm ET, Laguna Beach, California
Carmen Estel posted a live video titled “Freedom Rally Laguna Beach CA” to Facebook.
May 2, 2020, 8:53pm, Sacramento, California
“Marco Gutierrez captures viral moments of the open California rally In Sacramento CA this Friday May 1st.” by Latinos For Trump 2020
May 2, 2020, Salem, Oregon
“Protesters rally outside state capitol in Salem, call for state to reopen” by Fox 12 Oregon
“3 thousand Americans show up in Salem, Or to end the lockdown” by Joey Gibson Patriot Prayer USA
“Salem police threaten to arrest protesters, many show up willing to get arrested.” by Joey Gibson Patriot Prayer USA
“cars parade” by Robert West
“Joey Gibson Speaks at the Capital” by KPikklefield-Patriot Warrior Media
“32 Arrested at Sacramento Protest Against Sheltering Order; San Francisco Protest Remains Small” by SFist
Reopen Oregon Rally hosted by Oregon Uniting for Liberty
The event description reads;
We are calling YOU to gather at the capitol and raise your voices as one and call for Governor Brown to remove all unconstitutional restrictions on the citizens and businesses of Oregon and restore our freedom NOW!
While we understand this virus is real and does pose a risk to certain vulnerable populations, the response from Governor Brown is having disastrous and crippling affects throughout our state. Additionally, these orders are threatening the very freedom and liberties our Founding Fathers guaranteed us in the Constitution, that are further guaranteed in our Oregon Constitution, and that so many have sacrificed and died to protect.
Governor Brown has unconstitutionally restricted our freedom of assembly, infringed upon our right to freely worship, and closed access to public lands. She has deemed certain businesses “essential” while refusing to allow other business to remain open even if they are able to implement policies or methods of operation that are able to reduce the risk of spreading this virus. She has unilaterally issued orders that ignore the diversity of our state and denied localities the ability to do what is best for their citizens in their town, city, and county. For these reasons and more, let us gather as one people, not divided by political party or affiliation but as Oregonians and Americans to voice our grievances!
For those who are high risk or who interact with these who are high risk, we strongly encourage them to heed the CDC guidelines and take the appropriate measures to protect themselves and those who are vulnerable.
“Quarantine Snitches PANIC After City Releases Their Personal Info As Public Record” by Timcast
“Thousands stand up in Oregon against the lockdown.” filmed by KTVZ 21 posted by Patriot Prayer
May 2, 2020, Bemidji, Minnesota
“Bemidji Demonstrators Demand Minnesota Reopen” by the Bemidji Pioneer
May 2, 2020, St. Paul, Minnesota
“USA: Demonstrators pack Minnesota capitol to protest stay-at-home order” by Ruptly
“WATCH: Protest rally at State Capitol” by KARE 11
“Demonstrators stage drive-by protest against stay-at-home order extension” by KARE 11
“Demonstrators pack Minnesota capitol to protest stay at home order” by Kowala Media
“Minnesotans Rallied Outside Of The State Capitol Calling For The Governor To Reopen The State” by WCCO – CBS Minnesota
““Operation Gridlock MN” protest at Minnesota State Capitol, 2 May 2020” by Nigel Parry
“Operation Gridlock Counter Protester Forgot to Take His Meds” by Mill City Citizen Media
“Minnesotans Gather At State Capitol For Worship Event” by WCCO – CBS Minnesota
“Minnesotans rallied outside their State Capitol, Saturday, to protest Governor Tim Walz’s economic shutdown orders” by Alpha News
The above article is quoted in part below…
A small group protest attendees were visibly armed. These individuals told Alpha News they believe that Americans must “exercise” their liberties to avoid losing them.
About a dozen members of a self described “workers defense group” also gathered in a nearby park area on the other side of the State Capitol. One member of this group told an Alpha News reporter they had congregated to protect a nearby hospital in case the conservative protestors, which the man characterized as “fascist,” decided to attack it.
Kyle Hooten ✔@KyleHooten2
I just got done covering a protest at the Minnesota capitol building, I’m sitting in my car around the corner trying to figure out what to do next and some left-wing guy with a gun walks up to me to make sure I’m not a “scout” for the “hardcore fascist groups.”
Kyle Hooten ✔@KyleHooten2
Apparently he’s a member of a “local workers defense group” that opposes the conservative protestors who are outside the capitol today.
May 3, 2020, Chicago, Illinois
Joey Gibson uploaded video of the warning mentioned above from Chicago’s Mayor Lightfoot “Any country that tolerate politicians talking this way is no longer a free country” by Joey Gibson Patriot Prayer USA
May 3, 2020, Michigan
“Gov. Whitmer says protest ‘depicted some of the worst racism’ and doesn’t represent Michigan” by M Live
The following is from Red Bank, New Jersey (by Michael Shapiro)
May 3, 2020, Snohomish, Washington
“Line stretches out the door at Washington barbershop operating outside of stay-at-home order” by Fox 29 Philadelphia
May 3, 2020, Salem, Washington
“Salem salon owner plans to reopen her business against governor’s coronavirus orders” by Fox 12 Oregon
May 3, 2020, Carson City, Nevada
“Mayhem at the Mansion: Minutemen protest marches from Capitol” by This is Reno
May 3, 2020, 7:46am, Orange County, California
“Surfers ignore barriers, protesters confront police on Orange County beaches” by LA Times
May 3, 2020, 10:22am, Augusta, Maine
“Hundreds march on Blaine House in protest of virus restrictions” by Bangor Daily News
May 3, 2020, 10:29am, Lansing, Michigan
“Michigan’s Whitmer downplays state protests, defends stay-at-home order” by Politico
May 3, 2020, 10:49am
“Auschwitz Museum denounces woman holding Nazi sign at Illinois protest” by NBC News
May 3, 2020, 10:50am
“‘We’re watching you’: Chicago mayor warns those not following social distancing orders” by the Washington Examiner
May 3, 2020, 11:33am
Untitled video captioned “The “Trump Bash 2020” boat parade heads from Jupiter to Mar-a-Lago.” by WPTV
May 3, 2020, 12:30pm
“Is California nearing its ‘Boston tea party moment’?” by the Hill
May 3, 2020, 12:31pm ET, Redbank, New Jersey
Untitled live video by Michael Shapiro
May 3, 2020, 9:24pm
“NYC cop brutally beats bystander and kneels on his neck over social distancing” by Metro
May 3, 2020, 2:17pm
“Taser-wielding NYPD cop punches bystander during social-distancing bust” by New York Post
May 3, 2020, 2:39pm
“Governors, experts await results of reopening states as protests continue” by the Hill
May 3, 2020, 21:05pm
“Watch: Video Of NYPD Officer Brutalizing Bystander During ‘Social Distancing’ Arrest Sparks Outrage” by Zero Hedge
“Cali Police Stand-Down After Marine Vet Challenged Officers Integrity” by The Patriot Hour
May 4, 2020, 11:21am
This man's name is Rob Cantrell. He is a recruiter for Proud Boys and a paid agitator. He lives in California but flew to Illinois to spit in this police officers face. Spread his shame.
— CitizenJane99 (@CitizenJane99) May 4, 2020

May 4, 2020, Boston, Massachusetts
“Liberty Rally at the Massachusetts State House” by Super Happy Fun America
May 4, 2020, 1:41pm, Boston, Massachusetts
“Reopen MA Freedom Rally –Boston” by Super Happy Fun America
May 4, 2020, 2:11pm, Boston, Massachusetts
Here is an interview with the man – “Live Q&A with Brian Cash, aka the angry yelling guy at the Michigan American Patriots Rally” by Dr. Karlyn Borysenko
May 4, 2020, Lansing, Michigan
“A photo shows Rob Cantrall at a recent Michigan protest” by Politifact
May 4, 2020, 12:34pm, Monongalia County, West Virginia
“Protest held against transferring COVID-19 inmates to W.Va.” by WHSV
May 4, 2020, 12:55pm, Michigan
“Cellphone data shows protesters dispersed across Michigan, raising concerns of spreading coronavirus” by Detroit Metro Times
May 4, 2020, 1:27pm, Florida
“‘Grim reaper’ visiting Florida beaches to protest reopening” by UPI
May 4, 2020, 2:00pm
Huge crowd outside of the MA Statehouse calling for the governor to end the lockdown and reopen businesses. State Police are controlling the crowds and managing traffic on Beacon Street. #WBZ
Lots of people standing close together with no mask on.— Tiffany Chan (@TiffanyChanWBZ) May 4, 2020

May 4, 2020, 2:31pm, Boston, Massachusetts
Live video by Super Happy Fun America
May 4, 2020, 5:05pm, Boston, Massachusetts
“Protesters Gather Outside State House, Call For Non-Essential Businesses To Open” by WBZ 4 CBS Boston
May 4, 2020, 5:57pm, Salem, California
“Watch: Marine vet gets cops at anti-lockdown protest to stand down” by WND
May 4, 2020, 8:27pm, West Odessa, Texas
“Bar protest ends in arrests” by OA Online
“Sheriff: It’s the law of the land” by OA Online
May 4, 2020, New York City, New York
May 4, 2020
May 4, 2020, Napa Valley, California
“Napa gallery opens in spite of county closure order; restaurant follows suit” by the Napa Valley Register
May 4, 2020, Missouri
“900 Missouri residents who ‘snitched’ on lockdown rule-breakers fear retaliation after details leaked online” by the Independent
May 4, 2020, Olympia, Washington
“Washington business owner will rip up her license and declare her business free from the state” by Joey Gibson Patriot Prayer USA
May 4, 2020, Illinois
“Stop snarking at those Illinois protesters” by Spiked
May 4, 2020, Colorado
“Colorado man arrested for pipe bombs was planning armed protest against coronavirus restrictions” by the Gazette
May 5, 2020, Dallas, Texas
“Shelley Luther Sentenced to Seven Days in Jail for Opening Dallas Hair Salon During Coronavirus Lockdown” by The Gateway Pundit
May 5, 2020, Ector County, Texas
“Ector County Sheriff Department Arrest Legal Open Carry In Texas | Tyrants” by Kory Man X
“Ector County Open Carry Arrest | Tyrant Red Coats” by Kory Man X
“Barber Shop Houston Texas | Open It Up!” streamed live by Kory Man X
May 5, 2020, 10:45am, West Palm Beach, Florida
“Coronavirus Florida: Unmasked protesters demand Palm Beach County reopen”
May 5, 2020, 12:30pm, Odessa, Texas
“Ector County SWAT team raids bar for protesting to reopen” by Everything Lubbock
May 5, 2020, 12:50pm, Odessa, Texas
“SWAT Team Raids Peaceful Protest With GUNS DRAWN in Texas” by Young Americans for Liberty
May 5, 2020, 3:33pm, Raleigh, Carolina
May 5, 2020, 3:53pm, Lansing, Michigan
“Michigan man in now-famous Capitol protest photo: ‘I didn’t scream in anybody’s face’” by the Detroit Free Press
May 5, 2020, 5:59pm, Lansing, Michigan
“Fact check: Michigan protester is not a known white supremacist from LA” by USA Today
May 5, 2020, Albany, New York
“Protesters March on Albany for New York to Open for Business | Subverse News” by Subverse
May 6, 2020, Lansing Michigan
“Armed citizens escort lawmaker into Michigan State Capitol” by City Pulse
May 6, 2020, Montgomery, Alabama
“Stop the Alabama Shutdown protest” by The Montgomery Advertiser
That isn’t Rob Cantrell. The man in the photo is Brian Cash, a self-described “marijuana activist” who says he was high when that photo was taken.
— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) May 6, 2020

May 6, 2020, 1:40am
These aren’t the same people. Your false information has been weaponized by political operatives to spread disinformation.
Brian Cash is a “marijuana rights” activist who says he voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary and was high when the photo was taken.— Andy Ngo (@MrAndyNgo) May 6, 2020

May 6, 2020, 1:42am, Dallas, Texas
“Texas salon owner who defied lockdown goes to jail for refusing to apologize to judge.” by Patriot Prayer
May 6, 2020, 12:02pm, West Odessa, Texas
“Texas Sheriff Raids Bar Protest With Military-Style Assault Vehicle, SWAT Team: Arrests and Outrage Ensue” by PJ Media
May 6, 2020, 12:40pm, Dallas, Texas
“Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Calls For ‘Immediate Release’ Of Jailed Dallas Salon Owner Shelley Luther” by CBS DFW 8
May 6, 2020, 1:10pm, West Odessa, Texas
“Cops arrest armed men, Texas bar owner who violated order to close” by ABC News
May 6, 2020, 1:15pm
Shelley Luther should immediately be released from jail. Locking her up is a misguided abuse of power, especially considering Dallas County released real criminals to “protect them from COVID-19.”
Release her now so she can return to her family.— Attorney General Ken Paxton (@KenPaxtonTX) May 6, 2020

May 6, 2020, 1:48pm
See the statements from @TXAG and me on the jailing of Dallas Salon Owner Shelley Luther.
— Greg Abbott (@GregAbbott_TX) May 6, 2020
May 6, 2020, 3:28pm, Salem, Oregon
Joey Gibson posted this live video captioned: “Call to Action!!! Salem Oregon. Glamour Salon.”
May 6, 2020, 3:45pm
NowThis Politics put out this video which defeats their own purpose. Caption: “Anti-Lockdown Protesters Embody White Privilege In Armed Clashes With PoliceAnti-lockdown protests can be boiled down to two words: white privilege”
May 6, 2020, Dallas, Texas
“Dallas salon owner gets 7 days in jail for reopening in defiance of countywide restrictions” by Fox 26
The day before, Antifa’s largest propaganda outlet It’s Going Down tweeted…
"The nurses held fast while the Trumpers attempted to push their vehicles through the line, and repeatedly brandished shotguns and rifles at them. One Trumper used a shotgun as a flagpole. Another shouted: “I HAVE A GUN.” at nurses while waving his AR."
— It's Going Down (@IGD_News) May 5, 2020

On this day, someone (me) responded…
So you so-called "anti-fascists" are literally siding WITH the imperialist capitalist empire's government AGAINST those who are protesting FOR your freedom & you a not even tying to hide it. Your PROUD of it! YOU are fascists! It's SO OBVIOUS!
— JT (@no1specialNEway) May 6, 2020
(The above tweet is from a suspended account but is archived here.)
It’s Going Down responded…
Standing in solidarity with working class people who are at work against people flying Nazi flags and point guns at them = "fascism." gOTchA.
— It's Going Down (@IGD_News) May 6, 2020

(The above tweet is archived here.)
…and then thy blocked the person (me) who offended them…
May 6, 2020, Dallas, Texas
“Texas AG tells judge to free Dallas woman ‘unjustly jailed’ for operating hair salon” by Fox News
May 6, 2020, 1:47pm, Nashville, Tennessee
“Downtown employees protest Nashville’s ‘Stay-at-Home’ order” by News Channel 5 Nashville
May 6, 2020, 2:12pm, Salem, Oregon
Live video by Josh Fulfer
Livestream: “Glamour Salon in Salem Oregon Opens Despite Governor Brown’s Orders May 5 2020 #OPENOREGON” by Portland Andy
May 6, 2020, 2:16pm, Fresno, California
“Fresno Freedom Rally” by FOX26 (caption: “We’re live at the Fresno Freedom Rally Wednesday at Fresno City Hall.”)
May 6, 2020, 3:25pm ET
Joey Gibson posted this call to action…
May 6, 2020, 3:48pm ET, Salem, Oregon
Glamour Salon in Salem, Oregon.
Live video by Krissy Gale Dixon
May 6, 2020, 4:30pm, Dallas, Texas
“Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Calls For ‘Immediate Release’ Of Jailed Dallas Salon Owner Shelley Luther” by CBS 11 DFW 21
May 6, 2020, 4:55pm ET, Salem, Oregon
May 6, 2020, Dallas, Texas
“Salon owner gets jail time for opening shop (while actual criminals are released across America)” by Law Enforcement Today
May 6, 2020, Dallas, Texas
“Texas Lt. Gov. Patrick says he will pay salon owner’s fine and take her place in jail so she can keep working” by the Blaze
May 6, 2020, 21:31 EDT, Lansing, Michigan
“Armed black citizens escort Michigan lawmaker to capitol after volatile rightwing protest” by the Guardian
May 6, 2020, New York City, New York
“De Blasio, NYPD commissioner: No protests allowed in NYC” by Fox News
May 6, 2020, Lansing, Michigan
“Michigan state officials consider gun ban after armed protests” by Al Jazeera
May 6, 2020, Tunkhannock, Wisconsin
“An ethnographer tries to understand the anti-lockdown protests erupting across the US” by Scroll In
May 7, 2020, Dallas, Texas
“Texas Supreme Court orders Dallas salon owner released as Abbott bans jailing citizens for lockdown violations” by Fox News
May 7, 2020,
“Protesters call for Wolf to reopen Wyoming County businesses” by M Citizens Voice
May 7, 2020, 1:07pm, Trenton, New Jersey
Untitled livestream posted by Michael Shapiro
May 7, 2020, Ventura County, California
“Sick People To Be Removed From Their Homes In Ventura County” by DC Shorts
May 7, 2020, Riverside County, California
“Sheriff won’t enforce lockdown order: ‘I refuse to make criminals out of business owners’ for exercising rights” by the Blaze
May 7, 2020, 2:33pm
Piles of sand dumped around a local skate park. Pittsburgh public works crews say they were forced to take these measures, after people cut the locks to get inside & gather in large groups. #WTAE
— Marcie Cipriani (@MCipriani_WTAE) May 7, 2020

May 7, 2020, 2:37pm
“Why this ICU nurse stood up to people protesting stay-at-home orders” by ABC News
May 7, 2020, 2:42pm
“Colorado man arrested on his way to lockdown protest was making bombs at home” by the Hill
May 7, 2020, 8:03pm
from today. f peduto.
— Wujut (@wujut) May 8, 2020
May 7, 2020, 21:31, Lansing, Michigan
“Armed black citizens escort Michigan lawmaker to capitol after volatile rightwing protest” by the Guardian
May 8, 2020
“Opening “Illegally” Crash~N~Burn Tattoo | Texas Is Open” streamed live by Kory Man X
“Crash~N~Burn Part II” Streamed live by Kory Man X
May 8, 2020, 1:44pm
Why was this sand dumped at Pittsburgh City Hall? @bobbauder investigates.
— Ben Schmitt (@bencschmitt) May 8, 2020

May 8, 2020, 1:56pm, Fresno, California
Untitled video captioned: “Waffle Shop owner cited by City of Fresno this morning.” posted by Pamela Parrott
May 8, 2020, 2:06pm, updated 2:22pm, Central, Oregon
May 8, 2020, 7:54pm, Seal Beach, California
“Against state orders, Orange County hair and nail spa owner says she’s keeping doors open” by ABC 7 Eyewitness News
May 8, 2020, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
“Hours after Pittsburgh dumped sand on skate park, a pile of sand was left at city hall” by the Blaze
May 9, 2020, Pasadena, Texas
“Live From Pasadena Texas | Freedom Rally” Streamed live by Kory Man X
“Judge Hildalgo’s Apartment | Harris County Is Open” Streamed live by Kory Man X
May 9, 2020, 9:20am, Sacramento, California
“Unarmed militia one of many groups protesting California coronavirus order at Capitol” the Sacramento Bee
May 9, 2020, 10:38am, updated 8:05pm, Alameda
“Elon Musk says Tesla to sue Alameda County ‘immediately,’ move company out of CA” by KRON 4
May 9, 2020, 11:35am
“Ted Cruz gets haircut at Texas salon after owner released from jail” by CBS News
May 9, 2020, 1:05pm, Topeka, Kansas
“Open Up Kansas protesters gather at the statehouse” by WIBW 13
May 9, 2020, 2:16pm
Livestream titled “Olympia rally” by Joey Gibson
May 9, 2020, 2:22pm, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The #ReOpenPhilly rally yesterday was organized by Proud Boys and Vic Della Barba, local neo-Nazi and son of connected GOP activist Jody Della Barba.
Vic hit a nonviolent counter-protester with his car in a hit-and-run.@PPDCommish Danielle Outlaw needs to act, now.— Gwen Snyder is uncivil (@gwensnyderPHL) May 9, 2020

May 9, 2020, 2:25pm, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The evidence couldn't be more clear.
As you can see in this closer shot of the incident, the counter-protester is a young man of color & does nothing to provoke the attack.
He is standing motionless when the car accelerates into him, throwing him onto the hood of Vic's car.— Gwen Snyder is uncivil (@gwensnyderPHL) May 9, 2020

May 9, 2020, 3:12pm
Untitled livestream by Hayden Hill
May 9, 2020, 3:19pm
Untitled livestream by Lindsay Grathwohl
May 9, 2020, 3:23pm
Untitled livestream by Skyloralt Jernigan
May 9, 2020, 3:27pm
Untitled livestream by Hayden Hill
May 9, 2020, 4:01pm
Untitled livestream by Hayden Hill
May 9, 2020, 4:40pm
Untitled livestream by Hayden Hill
May 9, 2020, 4:31pm
Untitled livestream by Hayden Hill
May 9, 2020, 5:17pm
Untitled livestream by Hayden Hill
May 9, 2020, 8:22pm
“Tesla files lawsuit against California county over plant shutdown” by NBC News
“Pandemic & Protest: Former NYCLU Head Calls On De Blasio To End Free Speech Crackdown” by the Indy Pendent
May 10, 2020, Los Angeles, California
“Over 100 Protest Outside Los Angeles California Mayor’s House” by Kory Man X
May 10, 2020, Laguna Beach, California
“Laguna Beach California Police Get An Ear Full” by Kory Man X
May 10, 2020, 7:00am, Ventura, California
“Protesters again gather in Ventura to urge reopening of California” by VC Star
May 10, 2020, 10:00am
“Media coverage has blown anti-lockdown protests out of proportion” by Vox
May 10, 2020, Media, Pennsylvania
“‘Open up’ protest staged outside Media barber shop” by Daily Times
May 11, 2020
“Antifa Sides with the 'Fascist' Gov & I Catch Them Lying Again” by Justin Trouble
May 11, 2020, 8:59am, Sacramento, California
“Coronavirus updates: California death toll past 2,700; another weekend protest at Capitol” by the Sacramento Bee
May 11, 2020, 10:34am, Arlington, Washington
“Arlington gym opens in protest of Washington’s stay-home order” by King 5 News
May 11, 2020, 11:25am, Clearwater, Florida
WATCH: Protesters calling for gyms to reopen in Florida are doing squats and push-ups outside the Clearwater courthouse #Florida #COVID19
— WFLA NEWS (@WFLA) May 11, 2020

May 11, 2020, 11:45am, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
“Counter-Protester Demands Vehicular Assault Charges After Reopen Philly Protest Car Hits Him“ by Philly Mag
May 11, 2020, 12:02pm, Miami Beach, Florida
May 11, 2020, 4:30pm, San Jose, California
A video was posted to Facebook by Dan Bongino with the message “Police Chief Drops Truth Bomb: How Can We Enforce Social Distancing With Punishment While Releasing Felons? Finally someone is saying it. Throwing people in jail for opening business while releasing felons is absurd.”
May 11, 2020, Clearwater, Florida
“Clearwater protesters call for gyms to reopen” by WFLA News Channel 8
“Demonstrators do push-ups, squats outside Pinellas courthouse to protest gym closures” by Fox 26
May 12, 2020, Chicago, Illinois
“Chicago Church Holds Sunday Service In Defiance Of Orders; Mayor Lightfoot Vows To Educate Into Compliance” by The Gateway Pundit
May 12, 2020, 10:23am, Arizona
“‘Too soon, too fast’: Protesters lay body bags outside the Arizona Capitol as stay-at-home order is lifted” by AZ Central
May 12, 2020, 10:55am, Raleigh, North Carolina
“‘Re-Open NC’ rally attracts counter-protest at state Capitol’” by KVOA
May 12, 2020, 12:50pm
“Poll: Majority of Americans disapprove of coronavirus protests” by WBAL 11
May 12, 2020, 1:25pm
“Belmont Cragin Neighbors To Protest Church That Held Illegal Services” by Block Club Chicago
May 12, 2020, 2:34pm
“Protesters lay body bags outside the Arizona Capitol” by AZ Central
May 13, 2020, 1:37pm, Dallas, Texas
“Dallas ISD Students Protest Virtual Graduations In Front Of Admin Building” by CBS 11 DFW 21
May 13, 2020, 2:25pm, Lansing, Michigan
“Nessel: Protesters breaking the law Thursday will be charged” by the Detroit News
May 13, 2020, 3:04 CDT, Dallas, Texas
“Crowd gathers at Laredo City Hall to support arrested beauticians, protest coronavirus mandates” by LMT Online
May 13, 2020, Los Angeles, California
“Moment LAPD officers are chased off the block by youths with water guns after trying to enforce social distancing rules” by the Daily Mail
May 13, 2020, Seaside, Oregon
“‘Reopen the coast’ protest planned Saturday in Seaside” by Oregonlive
May 14, 2020, 1:08pm, St. Paul, Minnesota
“Protesters gather at Governor’s Residence in St. Paul, rallying against ongoing restrictions” by KSTV ABC 5
May 14, 2020, 1:16pm
“Scuffle breaks out during protest at State Capitol” by Fox 17 West Michigan (Lansing, Michigan)
May 14, 2020, 1:30pm, Owasso, Michigan
“Michigan barber, 77, defying state over shutdown has licenses suspended but refuses to close” by NBC News
“Protesters gather at Governor’s Residence in St. Paul, rallying against ongoing restrictions” by KSTP 5
May 14, 2020, Commack, New York
TENSE MOMENTS: While covering a reopening rally on Long Island, our @KevinVesey was confronted by several angry protestors.
FULL STORY:— News12 (@News12) May 14, 2020

The level of anger directed at the media from these protestors was alarming. As always, I will tell a fair and unbiased story today.
— Kevin Vesey (@KevinVesey) May 14, 2020

I'll probably never forget what happened today.
I was insulted. I was berated. I was practically chased by people who refused to wear masks in the middle of a pandemic.
All the while, I was there to tell THEIR story. Here's the finished product.— Kevin Vesey (@KevinVesey) May 14, 2020

May 14, 2020, 8:07pm, Glen Hazel, Pennsylvania
“Family Members Of Kane Living Center Residents Protest, Call For Change” by KDKA 2 CBS Pittsburgh
May 14, 2020, 8:25pm, Lansing, Michigan
“Hundreds Protest Stay-At-Home Order Outside Michigan Capitol” by the Berkshire Beagle
May 14, 2020, Glen Hazel, Pennsylvania
“Family Members Protest Outside Kane Living Facility” by KDKA 2 CBS Pittsburgh
May 14, 2020, Lansing, Michigan
“Heavily Armed Protesters Gather Again At Michigan Capitol To Decry Stay-At-Home Order” by NPR News
“Hundreds protest stay-at-home order outside Michigan Capitol” by the Daily Iowegian
May 14, 2020, Laguna Beach, California
“Laguna Beach bans carrying flagpoles at public protests” by Fox News
May 14, 2020, Commack, New York
“Protesters in Commack confront News 12 Long Island’s Kevin Vesey on Facebook LIVE at reopening rally” by News 12 Long Island
May 15, 2020, Fresno County
“Fresno County Sheriff Mims Says She is Not Enforcing Stay-At-Home Orders, Too Busy Trying to Re-Arrest Freed Criminals” by The Gateway Pundit
May 15, 2020, Gainesville, Florida
“Skaters clear mulch from skate park, protest city’s decision” by WCJB ABC 20
May 15, 2020, 4:28pm
Armed men storming a legislature to disrupt its democratic proceedings is domestic terrorism. It cannot be tolerated.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) May 15, 2020

Someone replied,
1. Wrong! Such an act is a warning to our servants (politicians) that if they break the social contract (that gov is allowed to exist only as long as it upholds our Civil Rights & does not infringe upon our Natural Rights) we can and will overthrow it & it serves as a reminder…
— JT (@no1specialNEway) May 19, 2020
2. …that politicians who "willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws" of the US can be put to death for their treason (see section 242 of Title 18 here – You servants SHOULD be terrified of We the People.
— JT (@no1specialNEway) May 19, 2020
3. This new excuse you anti-American traitors are trying to use to further violate our Natural and Civil Right to bear arms only serves to demonstrate just how crucial it is to defend that right to the death. Keep pushing us. See what happens, traitor.
— JT (@no1specialNEway) May 19, 2020
May 15, 2020, 5:20pm, Greenwood Village, Colorado
“Protest against ‘safer-at-home’ guidelines unfolds at Tri-County Health Department” by KDV 2 Fox 31 Denver
May 15, 2020, Commack, New York
“Local reporter ‘berated’ by anti-lockdown protesters in Long Island” by the Hill
May 15, 2020, Porterville, California
“Protest to reopen business Tuesday at City Hall” by the Porterville Recorder
May 16, 2020
“American Liberty vs the Gov's Tyrannical Shutdown 2” by Justin Trouble
May 16, 2020, Humboldt, California
Concerning this, came the following…
“Humboldt County coronavirus protester’s ‘slaves’ sign goes viral” by the Times Tribune
“Is This ‘Muzzles Are for Dogs and Slaves’ Protest Sign Real?” by Snopes
May 16, 2020, 11:59am, (O’ahu, Waikiki, Hawaii
“New York City man arrested in Hawaii after posting beach photos on Instagram” by CBS News
May 16, 2020, 4:41pm
“This reopen protester is claiming to be a nurse—but her apparent hand-written ‘RN’ badge begs to differ” by the Daily Dot
May 16, 2020, 5:19pm, Seaside, Oregon
“‘Reopen the coast’ protest in Seaside draws a small crowd, ends an hour early as city plans to reopen beach” by Oregonlive
May 16, 2020, 6:40pm, Livermore, California
“Vocal Anti-Lockdown Protesters Call on Livermore Mayor to Reopen City” by KPIX 5 CBS San Francisco Area (Livermore, California)
May 16, 2020, 9:23pm, Staten Island, New York
“Protesters Hold Rally on Staten Island, Urge Governor Cuomo to Reopen NYC” by Spectrum News 1 NY
May 16, 2020, 10:13pm, Virginia Beach Oceanfront
The beach at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront was closed today. But it was packed.
This photo was taken at 3:42 p.m. this afternoon by Virginian-Pilot photographer Kaitlin McKeown.— The Virginian-Pilot (@virginianpilot) May 17, 2020

May 16, 2020, 10:26pm, East Bay, California
“Group gathers to protest Tesla employees going back to work” by Kron 4
May 16, 2020, Boston, Massechusetts
“Demonstration at Governor Baker’s House” · Hosted by Super Happy Fun America and Liberty Rally on Boston City Hall
Thousands of people swarmed the State House on May 4th to declare that Massachusetts is joining the other states as part of the rebellion against the corrupt political and media elites who are destroying our economy and violating our civil liberties. The fight against tyranny continues when we protest outside of Governor Baker’s home at 49 Monument Ave in Swampscott MA. The people will not be terrified into giving up their freedom in exchange for a faux security. The politicians, bureaucrats, and media remain gainfully employed while they callously dismiss concerns about the impact their decisions have upon our jobs, wages, and well-being. Our campaign will continue until the Governor and his minions let the people get back to work.
NOTE: In case the censors at Facebook remove our event, we will post the details at and
May 16, 2020, Phoenix, Arizona
“Protesters in downtown Phoenix ask for monthly pay during pandemic” by Fox 10 Phoenix
May 16, 2020, San Diego, California
“Protesters Rally At County Admin Building To Demand San Diego’s Full Reopening” by KBPS
May 16, 2020, Grand Haven, Michigan
““We need to make Michigan Great again” state protesters at Grand Haven Beach Bash” by Mlive
May 16, 2020, 20:14 UTC, location unknown
May 16, 2020, Lansing, Michigan
“Michigan protesters plan ‘Operation Haircut’ demonstration to push back against state’s ‘tyrannical’ stay-at-home order” by the Hill
May 16, 2020, Swampscott, Massachusetts
“Protesters gather near Gov. Baker’s Swampscott home, call to reopen Massachusetts” by WCVT ABC 5
May 16, 2020, Michigan
“Whitmer knocks lawmakers for canceling session after ‘inciting’ right-wing protest” by Michigan Advance
May 16, 2020, Napa County, California
“Napa County Residents Protest Shutdown” by NBC Bay Area
May 17, 2020, 10:17am, Grand Haven, Michigan
“‘Let MI people go’: Beach-goers protest Whitmer’s stay-home order” by
May 17, 2020, 12:58pm, Commack, New York
“Trump Salutes Long Island Protest Where “Hang Fauci” Sign Was Displayed” by the Intercept
May 17, 2020, 10:12pm
“All Of America Right Now” by Benny Johnson
“THOUSANDS Flood Beaches in Defiance Of Lockdown, The people Have Spoken, Lockdown Has BROKEN” by Timcast
May 17, 2020, Seaside, Oregon
“open the coast rally #9” by Robert West
May 17, 2020, Vancouver, Washington
“Hundreds show up to support an “illegal” reopening in Vancouver, Wa.” by Joey Gibson Patriot Prayer USA
May 18, 2020, Lansing, Michigan
untitled livestream by Vince Follett
May 18, 2020, Brooklyn, New York
“Tip Leads NYPD to Bust Illicit Brooklyn Orthodox School” by NBC New York
May 18, 2020, Commack, New York
“‘Hang Fauci, Hang Gates’ sign held at Open New York protest” by the Hill
May 18, 2020, Albany, New York
“SPOTTED: A third protest to unpause New York” by Potlight News
May 18, 2020, 22:52, California
“Coronavirus: California prepared to enact martial law if its a ‘necessity’, governor says” by the Independent
May 19, 2020
“The Right of the People to Protest Lockdown” by the New York Times
May 19, 2020, Bellmawr, New Jersey
“Defiant Gym Raises $1,000 Per Hour in Legal Defense GoFundMe” by Philadelphia Magazine
May 19, 2020, New Haven, Connecticut
“Salons Protest Removal from Optional Phase One Opening” by NBC Connecticut
“200+ Hairstylists protest decision to delay salon opening” by Fox 61
May 19, 2020, Sacramento, California
“‘We are essential:’ Salon workers protest in Sacramento” by KTVU Fox 2
May 19, 2020, Bradenton, Florida
“Bar owners protest opening of breweries” by Fox 13 Tampa Bay
May 19, 2020, Huntington Beach, California
“Unmasked Man with Medical Conditions Arrested” by Spicy Street Convos
The above video was posted with;
Huntington Beach Police Arrest man for refusing to wear a mask to address the City Counsel, after being told of his medical conditions. He was then forced to wear a mask for booking. CA releases pedophiles, rapists, and murderers…but arrests citizens for failure to comply with Non-Laws.
I asked for more context and Spicy Street Conversations (Carmen Estel) replied;
yes this is my friend Adam Kiefer. He was trying to enter the city counsel meeting last night in the City Of Huntington Beach CA. He spoke with the man in charge first and let him know of his medical conditions and why he cannot wear a mask. Then tried to go in the meeting and got arrested and then forced to wear a mask. He has asthma and PTSD also.
May 20, 2020, Bismarck, North Dakota
May 20, 2020, Hartford Connecticut
“Connecticut Workers Protest At State Capitol” by NBC 4 New York
May 20, 2020, Lansing, Michigan
“Anti-lockdown demonstrators trade guns for scissors at Michigan ‘haircut’ protest” by NBC News
May 20, 2020, Puyallup, Washington
“State files for injunction against Puyallup gym hosting protest against stay-home orders” by the News Tribune
May 20, 2020, Bismarck, North Dakota
“Drawing Lessons from a Government Protest in North Dakota” by the Governing
May 20, 2020, Porterville, California
“‘We Want To Work’: More than 200 people protest at City Hall” by the Porterville Recorder
May 20, 2020, Clearwater, Florida
“Bar Owners Protest: “Let Us Open”” by Bay News 9 / Spectrum News
May 20, 2020, Bellmawr, New Jersey
Police Charge Woman With “Organizing a Protest” at Rogue Atilis Gym” by Philadelphia Magazine
May 20, 2020, Springfield, Illinois
“Downtown protest of Pritzker’s stay at home order draws hundreds” by ABC News Channel 20
May 20, 2020, Springfield, Illinois
“Protesters gather in Springfield to oppose state restrictions” by the State Journal Register
May 20, 2020, Clearwater, Florida
“Bar owners, workers protest in Clearwater against orders that keep them closed” by Tampa Bay Times
May 20, 2020, New York City, New York
“End New York City’s lockdown now!” by the NY Post [archive]
May 21, 2020, La Plata, Maryland
“‘We Can’t Just Sit Back’: Reopen Charles County Protest Rallies For Second Round” by Bay Net
May 21, 2020, Redding, California
“Shasta County health officials react to protests for reopening” by KRCR ABC 7
May 21, 2020, Indianapolis, Indiana
“Hair stylists, barbers protest Marion County restrictions as clients flock to salons in neighboring counties” by WISH TV 8
May 21, 2020, Olympia, Washington
“Another rally planned in Olympia to protest stay-home order” by Fox Q13
May 21, 2020
“Joe Rogan Tells Alex Jones He Is ‘Going to WAR’ Against Google And Big Tech” by Summit News [archive]
Joe Rogan has confirmed that YouTube censorship, particularly with regard to the platform deleting content by doctors challenging the official coronavirus narrative, is partly what prompted him to move his podcast to Spotify.
— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) May 21, 2020
May 21, 2020
“Opinion of Trump, Lockdowns, & Exposing How Dems Abused FISA | Rand Paul | POLITICS | Rubin Report” by The Rubin Report
May 22, 2020, Sacramento, California
untitled video by Keith Avila captioned “Happening at the Capitol in Downtown Sacramento, right now! Democrats Blocking the streets Rallying for Socialism!”
“Anti-shutdown protests at state Capitol have cost CHP nearly $1 million in OT, other costs” by the Sacramento Bee
May 22, 2020, Nashville, Tennessee
“Tennessee Rep: Loud Protests Near Chamber May Warrant Arrest” by the Associated Press
May 23, 2020, Austin, Texas
“Texas Freedom Rally” livestreamed by Patriot Media
May 23, 2020, Fort Hodd, Texas
“Family, friends of missing soldier hold protest outside Fort Hood” by KWTX 10
May 23, 2020, Louisville, Kentucky
“Appeals court ruling expresses support for arguments of protesters who sued Beshear” by the Courrier Journal
May 23, 2020, Lansing, Michigan
“Michael Moore says he knows the armed protesters at the Liberate Michigan protests and they’re frauds” by the (NY) Daily News
May 23, 2020, Eureka, California
May 24, 2020
“Is America too libertarian to deal with the coronavirus?” by Vox
May 24, 2020, Texas
“Former Congressman Allen West injured in Texas motorcycle accident after coronavirus protest ride” by the Daily News
May 24, 2020, Sacramento, California
“Role of extremist groups at California lockdown protests raises alarms” by the LA Times
May 25, 2020
“Americans are crowding public places and officials fear possibility of spikes in coronavirus cases” by CNN
“An effigy of Kentucky Gov. Beshear was hung from a tree at the end of a Second Amendment rally” by CNN
“Why military-style gear at protests rings hollow” by the Washington Post
May 25, 2020, Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey
“‘The economy needs to reopen’: Hundreds protest Murphy’s shutdown at Point Pleasant Beach” by North Jersey [USA Today Network]
May 25, 2020, Meadville, Pennsylvania
“Lockdown protest held in Meadville, organizer promises more” by the Meadville Tribune
May 25, 2020, Greensboro, North Carolina
“ReOpen NC hold protest in Greensboro, 4 other cities across the state” by WXII 12, NBC
May 26, 2020, California
“Want to hold a protest in California? Here are strict new rules from Gov. Gavin Newsom” by Mercury News
May 26, 2020, Miami Beach, Florida
“South Beach protester speaks to Local 10 News after second arrest” by Local 10 News
May 27, 2020, Frankfort, Kentucky
“Protester fired from job after helping hang effigy of Kentucky governor” by the Hill
“Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear blames Republicans after coronavirus protesters hang effigy of him” by Fox News
May 27, 2020
“Former Obama economist warns Dems about ‘snapback’ scenario that could help Trump” by Fox News
May 28, 2020
“Strickland to protesters: ‘I understand and share your frustration,’ says they put themselves and MPD at risk of COVID-19” by Commercial Appeal [USA Today Network]
“American Liberty vs the Gov's Tyrannical Shutdown 4” by Justin Trouble
May 28, 2020, Frankfort, Kentucky
“Protester who hanged effigy of Kentucky governor on State Capitol grounds loses job” by the Daily News
May 28, 2020
“People’s willingness to take part in protests unaffected by coronavirus, study finds” by
April 30, 2020, Lansing, Michigan

June 6, 2020
“Mock the Traitors & Make them Cry!” by Justin Trouble
June 9, 2020
“Antifa Praises Democrat Mayors for Double Standards” by Justin Trouble
June 18, 2020
“Kentucky Gov. Reminded What Happens to Tyrants” by Justin Trouble
October 3, 2020
“Michigan Supreme Court Rules Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer Exceeded Powers During Coronavirus Pandemic” by Cristina Laila for The Gateway Pundit
November 2, 2020
“Judge Rules CA Gov Overstepped His Authority with Covid Order, Issues Permanent Injunction Restraining Newsom From Further Issuing Unconstitutional Orders” by The Gateway Pundit
December 21, 2020
“Police Attack Patriots Dec 21, 2020, OR State Cptl” by Justin Trouble
“Police Attack Patriots and Lie About it – OR State Capitol December 21, 2020” by Justin Trouble
“Traitor Police vs Patriots Who March from OR Cptl to Gov Kate Brown's Mansion in Salem Jan 1 2021” by Justin Trouble
January 1, 2021
“Traitor Police vs Patriots Who March from OR Cptl to Gov Kate Brown's Mansion in Salem Jan 1 2021” by Justin Trouble
March 30, 2021
“‘Business is booming': Restaurant owner defies COVID orders, and flourishes” by Just the News
April 4, 2021
“HERO: Preacher Throws COVID Officials And Cops Out Of His Church (VIDEO)” by Mike LaChance for American Lookout
April 6, 2021
“EXCLUSIVE: ‘Just Like The Communists’: Pastor Who Kicked Police Out Of Church Has Choice Words For Lockdown Tyrants” by Jordan Lancaster for The Daily Caller
July 19, 2021
“Police Beat Protesters, Arrest 11 at MASSIVE “Freedom Day” Demonstration in London; More Lockdowns Looming” by Julian Conradson for The Gateway Pundit
July 24, 2021
““Freedom, Freedom, Freedom!”- Masses Of Australians March Against COVID Lockdowns” by The Gatway Pundit
November 20, 2021
“HUGE: Protests Against Vaccine Mandates in Italy Reach Their 18th Week As the Rest of Europe Rises Up and Joins In (VIDEO)” by The Gateway Pundit
November 22, 2021
“DO NOT COMPLY: Thousands of New Yorkers Flood the Streets to March for Freedom As WORLDWIDE RESISTANCE Against Covid Tyranny Continues to Grow – (Video)” by Julian Conradson for The Gateway Pundit
April 10, 2022
““We the People Will Not Comply!” – Thousands Join “Defeat The Mandates” Rally Against Covid-19 Mandates in LA on Sunday” by Jim Hoft for The Gateway Pundit
November 15, 2022

November 19, 2022

November 27, 2022
November 29, 2022

December 2, 2022
“We The People Are Pissed” by Matt Strickland
“Virginia restaurant that defied COVID orders subject to search and seizure by ABC” by WUSA 9 ABC
December 3, 2022

December 4, 2022

December 5, 2022

“Virginia sandwich shop gets raided by cops, shut down for defying Covid orders two years ago” by Not the Bee
NOTE: Also see “‘Business is booming': Restaurant owner defies COVID orders, and flourishes” by Just the News from March 30, 2021
December 6, 2022

December 7, 2020

December 10, 2022

December 11, 2020

I hope to add more here in the future.
Be sure to check out my Culture War Encyclopedia.
Thanks for reading. Please see my other reports, my videos, and consider donating.
Liberty my right ∴ Truth my sword Laughter my shield ∴ Knowledge my steed Love my solace ∴ Honor my reward
Also see COVID-19 anti-lockdown protests in the United States on Wikipedia
A boondoggle (noun /ˈbuːnˌdɑː.ɡəl/ ) is “a wasteful or impractical project or activity often involving graft” or “the acquisition of gain (such as money) in dishonest or questionable ways, also : illegal or unfair gain”
Below is a partial list of locations where protests against lockdowns have been held.
Birmingham, Alabama
Montgomery, Alabama
Mohave County, Arizona (Sheriff)
Phoenix, Arizona
Pinal County, Arizona (Sheriff)
Bakersfield, California
Chico, California
El Dorado, California
Encinitas, California
Eureka, California
Fresno, California
Humboldt County, California (Sheriff)
Huntington Beach, California
Laguna Beach, California
Laguna Hills, California
Livermore, California
Los Angeles, California
Morgan Hill, California
Napa Valley, California
Newport Beach, California
Oakland, California
Orange, California
Orange County, California (Sheriff)
Porterville, California
Redding, California
Riverside County, California (Sheriff)
Sacramento, California
San Clemente, California
San Diego, California
San Jose, Califorrnia (police chief)
Seal Beach, California
Ventura, California
Denver, Colorado
Greenwood Village, Colorado
Hartford, Connecticut
New Haven, Connecticut
Bradenton, Florida
Clearwater, Florida
Gainesville, Florida
Miami Beach, Florida
Orlando, Florida
Tampa Bay, Florida
West Palm Beach, Florida
Atlanta, Georgia
Honolulu, Hawaii
Kaua‘i, Hawaii
Lihu’e, Hawaii
O’ahu, Hawaii
Waikiki, Hawaii
Boise, Idaho
Bonner County, Idaho
Meridian, Idaho
Rathdrum, Idaho
Rexburg, Idaho
Springfield, Illinois
Indianapolis, Indiana
Topeka, Kansas
Frankfort, Kentucky
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Cantral, Louisiana
Augusta, Maine
Bethel, Maine
Annapolis, Maryland
Frederick to Salisbuy, Maryland
La Plata, Maryland
Boston, Massachusetts
Swampscott, Massachusetts
Grandhaven, Michigan
Lansing, Michigan
Owasso, Michigan
Royal Oak, Michigan (Michigan Commissioner)
Clayton, Missouri
Kansas City, Missouri
Bemidji , Minnesota
St. Paul, Minnesota
Carson City, Nevada
Las Vegas, Nevada
Concord, New Jersey
Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey
Trenton, New Jersey
Red Bank, New Jersey
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Albany, New York
Commack, New York
Apex, North Carolina
Davidson County, North Carolina (sheriff deputy)
Greensboro, North Carolina
Raleigh, North Carolina
Bismarck, North Dakota
Columbus, Ohio
Central Point, Oregon (Sheriff)
Multnomah County, Oregon (lawmakers protest)
Portland, Oregon
Redmon, Oregon
Salem, Oregon
Seaside, Oregon
Bellmawr, Pennsylvania
Glen Hazel, Pennsylvania
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Media, Pennsylvania
Meadville, Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Providence, Rhode Island
Columbia, South Carolina
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Memphis, Tennessee
Austin, Texas
El Paso, Texas
Dallas, Texas
Fort Worth, Texas
Laredo, Texas
Oyster Creek, Texas
San Antonio, Texas
West Odessa, Texas
St. George, Utah
Montpellier, Vermont
Richmond, Virginia
Arlington, Washington
Columbia, Washington
Franklin County, Washington (commissioners nullify gov’s unconstitutional orders)
Olympia, Washington
Puyallup, Washington
Republic, Washington (police chief sides w/ Constitution)
Spokane, Washington
Vancouver, Washington
Wenatchee, Washington
Monongalia County, West Virginia
Madison, Wisconsin
Racine County, Wisconsin (Sheriff)
Tunkhannock, Wisconsin
Let me address the question;
Does the Danger of a Crisis Overrule Constitutional Rights?
The argument has been raised in recent years that during a serious crisis a government has the authority to violate human rights; the rights described in the US Constitution. Freedom of movement, freedom to gather, to peacefully protest, to write, publish and speak freely; these do not belong to any government and no government has authority to grant or deprive anyone of the rights they were born with.
The argument, which you may have recently encountered, that the right to bear arms can be limited (I would say violated) by the government because of this crisis seems to be ultimately based on the opinion of Justice Scalia delivered in the case of the District of Columbia v. Heller (No. 07-290) which reads, in part;
“There seems to us no doubt, on the basis of both text and history, that the Second Amendment conferred an individual right to keep and bear arms. Of course the right was not unlimited, just as the First Amendment’s right of free speech was not, see, e.g., United States v. Williams, 553 U. S. _ (2008). Thus, we do not read the Second Amendment to protect the right of citizens to carry arms for any sort of confrontation, just as we do not read the First Amendment to protect the right of citizens to speak for any purpose.”
As one can see, Scalia proclaims that not only the does the Second Amendment not enshrine the (already pre-existing) right to bear arms, but that the First Amendment does not protect the right to free speech. Surely it need not be explained that no one, even Supreme Court Justices, has the privilege to decide what rights people do or do not have. The Bill of Rights do not prescribe or grant anything. It describes the inalienable rights all people have no matter what anyone might say.
In the USA, judges have made decisions and lawmakers have passed laws that have later been recognized as being unconstitutional. That is how the system of law works in the USA. As the Encyclopedia Britannica states, “The prime example is the United States, and the classic statement of the doctrine is the Supreme Court’s decision in Marbury v. Madison (1803)”. To quote from the judges’ decision in that case;
“The government of the United States is of the latter description. The powers of the legislature are defined and limited; and that those limits may not be mistaken, or forgotten, the constitution is written. To what purpose are powers limited, and to what purpose is that limitation committed to writing, if these limits may, at any time, be passed by those intended to be restrained? The distinction between a government with limited and unlimited powers is abolished, if those limits do not confine the persons on whom they are imposed, and if acts prohibited and acts allowed, are of equal obligation. It is a proposition too plain to be contested, that the constitution controls any legislative act repugnant to it; or, that the legislature may alter the constitution by an ordinary act.”
The US Government, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the Supreme Court, Congress and so on; these do not grant rights. they never had the authority to alter our already existing and inalienable rights. No one has granted anyone rights. The US Constitution describes our rights and binds the government from violating these rights.
Some might say that rights are “God given”. Whether or not God exists and gives anyone rights, ultimately, rights are protected by the tendency of people to fight back when their own rights or the rights of others are violated. We tend to stand up for the innocent. This is not a “might-makes-right” argument. It is a “We defend what is right with might” argument.
What makes some people think that inalienable rights (that the government does not have the valid authority to grant or to violate) can be rightfully/legally violated in attempt (sincere or feigned) to save people from danger (be it very serious or not)?
No law passed by the legislative branch of the government, no decision by the judicial branch of the government can alter the rights that the Constitution describes and prevents the government from violating.
Any assertion that the government has the right to violate our rights, no matter how it is worded, no matter how it attempts to rationalize or justify it, is empty, baseless and presumptuous.
If such an assertion has any power, it is in it’s illusion of validity which is maintained when this illusion fools enough people so that it is not questioned, examined and then toppled, with arms if necessary.
Having written the above, I opened Thomas Paine’s Rights of Man to where he writes that we have natural rights (what has been called inalienable rights) and civil rights and that the later (which originates from the former) is the benefit one gains from partaking in society. I will add to this (and I think Paine here implies) that any government that does not uphold this bargain, that does not safeguard one’s civil rights is illegitimate and has no justification for existence. As he writes elsewhere in Rights of Man, a main reason for partaking in society is so that a lack of any individual’s power to maintain their rights does not deprive them of those rights, for society exists in part to enforce the rights of all individuals;
“Man did not enter into society to become worse than he was before, not to have fewer rights than he had before, but to have those rights better secured. His natural rights are the foundation of his civil rights.”
Humans have what we call Natural Rights. These are the rights that one has before society and government. One has the right to live in peace in the wilderness, for example, to hunt and gatherfood, to bear arms, to speak as one wills, and so on.
By entering into society or living in the jurisdiction of a government, one justifiably expects to have what we call Civil Rights in addition to the Natural Rights that one was born with.
As soon as society or government fails to uphold these Civil Rights and/or seeks to limit one’s Natural Rights, that society/government is invalid as it has violated the agreement, no longer has the right to exist and should be destroyed.
These Natural and Civil Rights are to be equal for each individual. If they are not equal, they are not rights but privileges which are an affront to equal treatment by the law. So, your “right” to be safe from my exercise of my freedom of movement, for example, would actually be an unjustifiable privilege, not a right.
An other way to put it could be that “Natural Rights” are the rights that we each want to preserve for ourselves (and others) and which we justifiably expect and demand that any government that extracts taxes from us protect as “Civil Rights”.