Antifa Being Racist 8
Principles. Standards. Some have them. Some pretend to have them. Some have double-standards which is to say that they have no standards at all but, rather, are hypocrites. Some, rather than stand on principles, choose a side out of self-interest which is selfish, of course, but also self defeating. You see, if you sacrifice principles you sacrifice your honor. You lower yourself beneath decent human beings.
If you lower yourself, do not expect others to think highly of you. If you belittle yourself, do not be surprised when others do not think bigly of you.
Having double standards is parallel to agreeing to trade someone a pound of this for a pound of that and then using a rigged scale to try to get more than one’s fair share out of the bargain. Such a person cannot rightly complain when someone turns their own scales around and to weigh them with that crooked balance.
If one pretends to have principles, such as opposing racism on principle, one will be held to it. If one claims that any criticism of a “person of color”, a Jewish person, a Muslim or of Islam is racist then that is the standard by which one will be weighed and judged. If one complains, it only underscores that one is a cheater.
In a recent piece for the Daily Beast, Kelly Weill makes it clear that she subscribes to the idea (such as they insist they are) that is antifa. When she writes in this article that antifa are “anti-fascist protesters”, she agrees with the core antifa idea and thus makes herself antifa just as much as a person who agrees with the core views of Christianity is a Christian. Besides arguing, therefore, that rioting and attacking people is protesting, she is also necessarily arguing that those they “protest” are fascists. They “protest” all sorts of people including liberals, immigrants, “people of color” and so on and on as I have documented in the Antifa Being Racist series and in the series Who Does Antifa ACTUALLY Attack?1
By the way, Kelly Weill doxed myself, my wife Tabby and many other people and lied about us all in an article for the Daily Beast back in 2018. Here’s a video I did at the time to explain. Getting back to her recent piece for the Daily Beast, she argues that it is racist to claim that George Soros funds antifa because that’s like the old racist conspiracy theories that “the” Jews fund communism and so on. Her argument necessarily implies that criticism of one Jewish person is racism against “the” Jews.
Of course, she doesn’t actually believe that but she expects you to. She’s cheating. She’s using a rigged scale but she expects you to believe it is a legitimate one. This is what we expect from antifa - ridiculous, weighted, counterfeit standards of bigotry.
Fine. Let us hold them to it.
A person by the name of Nandini Jammi, who claims to be co-founder of something called Check My Ads which claims to be “the adtech industry's only watchdog”, in expressing her views regarding the Post Millennial, makes it clear that she too aligns herself with the idea that is antifa and therefore is antifa and thus, by their “standards” represents antifa.

One might notice in her tweet the very Jewish name, Ari Hoffman. According to Libby Emmons writing for the Post Millennial…
The Post Millennial is owned and founded by a Jewish man, and features a diverse group of heterodox writers, including LGBTQ+ journalists…
…in slandering The Post Millennial as Nazis, she featured a photo of Ari Hoffman, the outlet's West Coast Editor. Hoffman, an Orthodox Jewish man, radio host, journalist, and podcaster quickly took offense to being called a member of a group that had ruthlessly slaughtered much of his family.
But wait! It gets worse. Libby also writes…
"Both Ari and I are the descendants of Holocaust survivors," said owner of The Post Millennial, Matthew Azrieli, who co-founded the site along with a Muslim man in 2017. "We are profoundly disturbed that people like Jammi have appropriated a largely Jewish tragedy in order to silence Jewish voices and, in a page right out of the Third Reich, to boycott a Jewish-owned business."
Ari tweeted…

Here’s a couple of responses to her fool’s errand…

Nandini Jammi’s sinister slander succeeded in seceding at least one advertiser from the Post Millennial.

The Post Millennial’s Libby Emmons replied to this with…


Many suggested that Ari drag her to court…

Ari also tweeted…


Libby reported…
Jammi wants to deplatform The Daily Wire, Breitbart, The Federalist, Bongino Report, Fox News, and The Post Millennial among others that she disagrees with. Her weapon of choice is public shaming.
Defending The Post Millennial, and all conservative outlets, New York Post columnist Miranda Devine said that "If center-right media outlets such as TPM aren't able to continue reporting without fear or favor, we all will end up flying blind in a fog of delusion."
What began as a campaign against The Post Millennial's editor-at-large Andy Ngo, a crime reporter who is so effective that criminals and those who advocate for criminals seek to silence him, has spread to encompass the entire organization.
When activists were unable to get New York Times bestselling author Ngo to stop doing his work, they decided to target one of the outlets he writes for—the smallest one that could be perceived as the most vulnerable.
It's sad that so many of these companies targeted by Jammi are governed by the fear that she propagates and encourages. Companies are too cowardly to face social media bullies, but readers make up their own minds, and have been supporting The Post Millennial, through contributions, subscriptions, and simply by reading and sharing the content that we produce.
As absurd as it is, to be anti-neo-nazi and to call someone a neo-nazi is to criticize them and if, as the far-left’s (double) “standards” go, to criticize a “member if a marginalized group” is to criticize the group itself and to therefore be racist, sexist, etc then Nandy Jammi is an anti-Semite and a racist and therefore antifa is racist. And of course, she’s not the only example.
UPDATE: On December 18th, 2021, the Post Millennial put out “Antifa-loving activist Nandini Jammi argued for milder punishments for convicted sex offenders”. They write that Nandini Jammi,...
…known for her deplatforming efforts against conservatives, argued that sex offender registries are too harsh for young sex offender, a newly-unearthed blog post reveals.
In a write-up for the National Crime Prevention Council, where she interned, Nandini complained about the “Eternal Sentence for Juvenile Sex Offenders, “remarking that “Of course, juvenile sex offenders aren’t toddlers, and they generally know what they are doing is wrong. However, a number of things should be considered before we give them a de facto life sentence by listing them on the Internet along with violent, knowing, and malicious adults.”
While one might be inclined to assume that Nandini, like many others, opposes overly pernicious sex offender laws that criminalize consensual sex between two teenagers just one year removed, Nandini goes much further than that.
Citing a rare case involving a fourth grader, Nandini wrote: “Someone like Johnnie, however, (who was referred to by that pseudonym in a New York Times article), may be branded for life. He’s a juvenile sex offender, but he did the crime when he was in fourth grade. That’s the question: would you give a now 14-year old the same “life sentence” that you give a grown man? And if the answer is yes, how would you draw the line between being a teen and being a responsible adult? Can we justify treating a juvenile sex offender as a minor and an adult simultaneously? Perhaps judges should be given discretion in each individual case.”
Indeed, Nandini is referring to rapists and people who commit sexual assault.
Nandini argues in her blog that it would be better if we could simply prevent sexual assault in the first place instead of criminalizing offenders. What a concept! Were such a thing possible, laws needn’t exist.
The activist concludes with a message of sympathy for young sex offenders, writing, “However, we do know for sure that the stigma attached with being a known sex offender is harrowing for anyone, especially a teenager. As an earlier NCPC blog states, we need to ensure that offenders ‘make positive connections to the community.’ How do we do that? We’re still working our way through that question.”
As detailed by, the article was cited in an academic paper arguing for the integration of juvenile sex offenders in colleges.
Nandini, unsurprisingly, maintains a close relationship with Chad Loder, a far-left Antifa activist accused of abuse by multiple women.
So this carreer “activist” @/chadloder is using his main account, with 75,000 followers, to DM unsolicited shirtless photos to women. Seems like he’s used to being able to creep on anyone he wants to bc of his clout. If you snitch on me for this I’ll k*** you.
Their article ends there, but let’s see the rest of that first thread…

Now let’s see the more regarding that second thread…

Be sure you are subscribed for the next installment of Antifa Being Racist. Also, know that I have long been building stacks of “Proof That Antifa are Murderers, Arsonists, Terrorists, Racists, Homophobes, Transphobes, Ableists, Ageists & Sexists Who Attack Marginalized People & Have Support in Government & Law Enforcement” called “Antifa Smoking Guns”. Please share all over the interwebz.