While many mainstream sources have reported on this tragic incident in passing, here we will scratch the surface and see, among other things, that a lie was told about the political leaning of the accused killer and this falsehood has been spread by mainstream news. It was reported that he had recently swung from the left to the right and that he expressed support for Nazism. These are false claims as we’ll see. This is not to say that he is a good, healthy person. He’s neither. He’s sick in both senses; he derives twisted pleasure from the pain and death of others, and he suffers from very poor mental health.
Also, in the tragic aftermath of a life lost, we’ll see some shameful opportunism from CAIR, the Counsel on American-Islamic Relations. CAIR’s Zakir Khan, a darling among Portland Antifa, wages yet an other disinformation campaign wherein he amplifies and echo Antifa’s propaganda. In the process we will look at the alliance between jihadists and Antifa.
We’ll see some of their lies about Andy Ngo. They claimed that he tweeted about the march before it happened and that this encouraged his followers, including, supposedly, the accused. However, for the most part this area is dealt with in an upcoming piece, so subscribe,
We’ll also see what some of the injured Antifa and other witness Antifa had to say. This comes along with some infighting and racism among Antifa.
Gunshots erupted in the night in in Portland, Oregon on February 19, 2022. Six people received gunshot wounds including one of the shooters who was shot by the other shooter. Sadly, one person, “identified as 60-year-old Brandy Knightly”1 died on the scene. She was also known as June Knightly and T-Rex.
The intersection of Northeast 55th Avenue and Northeast Hassalo Street is located at the South West corner of Normandale Park.
According to the Police, “this incident started with a confrontation between an armed homeowner and armed protesters.” It would turn out that he rented an apartment there. They also state, “when officers arrived they located a female victim who was deceased. Additional shooting victims, two men and three women, were transported to area hospitals…”
An online video of the scene shows officers and protest medics administering CPR and other medical aid to three people lying on the ground.
The image on the left is a screenshot of the tweet in question as one could see it in the past. The image on the right is what one would now see if one tries to view the tweet.
The account has been suspended and so the tweet with the video is inaccessible. But I have archived the video on Rumble, Odysee, Bitchute and Brighteon.
“While PPB has not announced that any arrests were made at the scene, some demonstrators report that they witnessed officers arrest at least two people,” writes Alex Zielinski for the Portland Mercury. It would turn out that they were taken into custody, not arrested.
Image from the New York Post. Portland police took two people into custody in connection to the fatal shooting at Normandale Park in Portland, Ore. on Feb. 19, 2022. Getty Images.
This took place at the perimeter of Normandale Park in Portland, Oregon during a march for Patrick Kimmons and Amir Lock in solidarity with MPLS. “About 50 protesters gathered at the park around 7 pm in preparation to march within the hour,” reported Alex Zielinski for the Portland Mercury.
“Minneapolis police killed Locke, a 22-year-old Black man, after serving a no-knock warrant on a downtown apartment Feb. 2” according to OPB
It seems that there was a smaller group some distance from the main group of protesters. Apparently these are called “corkers” and their function is to block off traffic to clear the way for the march. They call themselves Wall of Moms, WOM, and they are Antifa.2 In the tweet below, I want to call to your attention the image that says “YOUR MOM IS ANTIFA” which indicates that the Wall of Moms is Antifa.
It was this group that the member of the community confronted, not the main body of marchers. This is often not clear in news reports. For example, OPB wrote…
Several demonstrators on scene Saturday night told OPB they saw a person come out of a nearby home and confront a group of protesters. The person then reportedly shot into the crowd.
He may have shot into the crowd, but apparently it was the smaller crowd, the corkers, not the larger crowd. This person was widely reported as being Benjamin J Smith. The Oregonian would report that “three women and two men — were taken to hospitals”. Allegedly Benjamin Smith killed Knightly and wounded 4 others and Smith was shot and seriously wounded, reportedly by 32 year old Portland resident David Bumpus.
One of these people whom Smith allegedly shot would describe the him as “a 50-60 year old white man”. He is 43 according to his LiveJournal and high school year books.3 It was at night and Smith has gray hair, so he may have looked 50-60 to some witnesses. Though he once identified as black4, he is white.
Some earlier reports referred to him as a homeowner. Some would claim that though he lived there, he rented an apartment as opposing to owning a home. This seems to be the case.5 Some would complain that by referring to him as ‘homeowner’, news outlets are propagating a biased narrative as if it made a difference.6 Perhaps they think that the law makes that distinction in such situations. It does not. At any rate, because he lived there, I will refer to him as a member of the community. I am told this will upset some people but it is factually correct.
There’s more depth and detail on this incident below.
Reportedly, the deceased’s name is June Knightly or Brandy Knightly. She is also being called “T-Rex”. A Police report states that she was 60 years old. it seems she was with Wall of Moms, one of the corkers. We’ll look at her social media in the next section.
June Knightly, AKA Brandy Knightly, AKA T-Rex, Credit: Friend of Knightly, source: this report by KGW8 in Portland (see below). This is corroborated by Alex Zielinski of the Portland Mercury.
All reports indicate that she was attacked unprovoked. I’s hard to imagine how she could have posed a threat to anyone. Yet, she was killed. It’s safe to say that the court will show that she was murdered in cold blood.
Whenever something like this happens, one can bank on the fact that it will be denied that Antifa had anything to do with it. They were Antifa. This is in no way intended to justify what happened. We are concerned with the truth of the matter.
Apparently, this is Knightly’s Facebook, or at least one of her Facebook profiles (here’s an archive). One of the very few posts from this profile directly celebrates Antifa. On August 26, 2021, she posted (archive) this Instagram (archive) of Antifa clashing with enemies...
This is a screenshot of a Facebook post that is no longer accessible but is archived here. It is a video (archived here) hosted on Instagram.
Notice that among her pics is the followingone. Notice the cognitive dissonance between trusting authority enough to be proudly ‘vaccinated’ and proudly proclaiming distrust of authority.
She supportedPortland’s radical Jo Ann Hardesty for city council. As, I have shown in past reports, Hardesty is close with CAIR and Antifa. Knightly supported BLM and democratic socialism (democratic socialists want socialism in the USA, that is, national socialism or nationalsozialismus in German) (archive). She had no Facebook friends with this profile (archive here). This suggests that this was not her only social media profile.
This Facebook profile did not have many posts. I provide links to all of them in the footnotes.7
The first mentions of the incident I can find are from Antifa. The earliest is this on the night of February 19th at 8:09pmfrom this person who is clearly Antifa (see here and here)…
At 6:58am, Azar tweeted some examples of other Antifas in solidarity with the Antifas who were shot (and who shot back) who are supposedly just peaceful protesters…
So, you see, they are Antifa. I am in no way suggesting that she deserved to be killed because she was Antifa. I am merely pointing out that she was Antifa and the others the accused allegedly shot and those she marched with are Antifa.
This was not the first time an Antifa was killed. As far as I know, this would be the 8th.
Firstly, there is Heather Heyer who was killed at the Unite the Right event in Charlottesville on August 12, 2017, ironically by a different kind of national socialist than June Knightly, but a socialist nonetheless.8
Secondly, Charlie Landeros in Eugene, Oregon on January 11, 2019, wrestled with some police, pulled out a handgun, fired it off wildly and was shot and killed by those police.9
Thirdly, Will van Spronsen allegedly tried to blow open a wall at an ICE detention center and was killed by police on July 13, 2019.10
Fourthly, Conner Betts, the Dayton Ohio mass shooter was killed by law enforcement on August 4, 2019. He was Antifa.11
Fifthly, Sean Kelliher was killed October 12th, 2019, seemingly by an other Antifa.12
Sixth was Isaiah Jason Maza, Jr. who, apparently was killed on January 31, 2020 in Portland, Oregon (see my upcoming report on this)
Seventh was Michael Reinoehl, who was killed by law enforcement on September 3, 2020 after killing Aaron “Jay” Danielson.13
Eighth was Joseph Robert Snipe, reportedly, who was killed some time in May of 2021 (see my upcoming report, subscribe).
Ninth was Jacob Camello AKA Andrea Mun AKA “Spoon” apparently killed itself (it preferred the pronoun “it”) in November of 2021 in Portland, Oregon.14
Tenth would be June Knightly who was allegedly shot to death by Benjamin J. Smith in Portland, Oregon, February 19th, 2022.
Antifa has killed Aaron “Jay” Danielson15,Lee Keltner16, the two unnamed teens in the CHAZ17, and of course the Dayton shooter, Conner Betts (whose social media we archived that showed he was Antifa18) reportedly killed 9 people and wounded 17 others.19
I provide a detailed examination of what is almost surely Benjamin J Smith’s social media content (over 21 years) in my piece, Who is the Man Who Shot 5 Antifas, Killing 1? but here’s a summary.
Local mainstream media and people on social media would claim that Benjamin J Smith recently turned right-wing and supports Nazism. After extensive research on what are apparently the man’s social media accounts from 2001 up to the incident, I found a lack of support for the right-wing and direct evidence of condemnation of Nazism. But he is not Antifa. He clearly denounced Antifa as well as socialism and collectivism and authoritarianism in general.
He is open about being gay and part of the kink community, open about being a diaper-wearing babyfur (a cross between an adult-baby and a furry), openly anti-patriotic and bigoted against what he calls “podunk America” and “rednecks” (referring to rural America), and he is aggressively anti-Christian. He is not a right-wing conservative. He is what would be called libertarian left on the standard political compass. This did not change recently. He did not turn right-wing as some claim.
He did, however, become more radical over the years. For example, whereas in 2009 he showed support for, “places like the ACLU and the democratic party and such”, in later years he was more and more openly racist, or at least pretended to be, and not just against whites but also against brown people and mostly black people and Jewish people which seems to be out of step with “places like the ACLU and the democratic party and such”.
The reason why I suggest the possibility that he only pretends to be racist is because he clearly enjoys upsetting people. He’s the lowest kind of troll; pointless, unartful, and repulsive. It’s all ugliness, no style, no punch-line and no underlying lesson. It’s like a punk band that is all noise and no music.
Speaking of revulsion, apparently, he posted some video of a dog being beaten to death in a discussion group for furries. See my aforementioned piece for the proof of all this and for, well, a lot more strange and twisted things about this self-loathing person.
It seems the incident occurred shortly before 8pm PST, Pacific Standard Time, on the night of February 19th, 2022.
This is Normandale Park in Portland, Oregon. The star marks the location of the incident; the intersection of Northeast 55th Avenue and Northeast Hassalo Street. It seems Ben Smith lived in the apartment complex just South of that intersection.
I was a victim of a shooting last night. One of my dearest friends, an elderly woman who walked with a cane, was shot at point blank range in the head and killed not 4 feet away from me…the person who shot us, who shot me, called me a violent terrorist and told me we’re the reason for all the violence in Portland. Me, an unarmed woman. I was trying to deescalate him and get him to go home. He instead shot and killed a 60 year old woman with a cane over a verbal confrontation.
This person would also blame Trump…
This is the legacy of Donald Trump and all the old, racist, sexist and misogynistic gun-loving fuckheads who received tacit approval for their thoughts, beliefs and actions through the former POTUS. That its okay to mow down 5 people because you don’t like what we’re saying.
Just shortly after 8pmwe heard gunshots at Normandale Park as we began marching for justice for Patrick Kimmons and Amir Locke. Multiple shots were fired and we’re told multiple people were injured.
Possibly the same person as the person behind the @WallOfMoms account, @BeverleyBarnum, who claims to have been there, would state, “We heard gunshots. Immediately, folks yelled out ‘sidewalk’ and we stopped marching. Literally had just started,” and, “It happened so fast…we had only marched about thirty steps.”
One of the injured20, apparently @dontgetkettled, claims they are “the person who spoke to the NYT,” and that their “identity has been verified”. This would indicate that this person is Dajah Beck, mentioned in this New York Times piece that states…
One of the victims, Dajah Beck, who turns 39 on Monday and who was contacted through her attorney, said she was shot twice. One bullet went through her side, and the other grazed her knee. Ms. Beck said she was part of a volunteer motorcade group that was working to set up a safety plan and reroute traffic a block or two ahead of the marchers. “We’re not part of the protest,” she said, adding that no one in the motorcade group was armed.
As Ms. Beck and the group were working, with one woman riding in a truck because she walked slower and with the aid of a cane, a man approached her and a small group of women, screaming that they were “violent terrorists” and repeatedly calling them a misogynist vulgarity. The man said they were the people responsible for violence in the city, Ms. Beck recounted, adding that he said: “If I see you come past my house, I’ll shoot you.”
People in the group tried to calm the man down. But as Ms. Beck looked away from him toward one of her friends, “that’s when he started shooting,” she said. She fell to the ground after she was shot and crawled behind a truck tire for cover. Moments later, she said, “the first thing that I saw was my two friends on the ground covered in blood.” One of them was the woman who died. Ms. Beck said that at that point, the shooter had been subdued and people were on top of him.
we were unarmed traffic safety volunteers who weren’t with any protestors. Four women trying to de-escalate & he unloaded a 45 into us because he didn’t like being asked to leave and stop calling us terrorist c*nts. We were in high vis and dresses. He murdered a disabled woman.
My GoPro will substantiate this. They took it as evidence. It was attached to my motorcycle helmet as I watched my friend die. I got the whole thing. Do not believe PPB press releases or the statements of mass murderers.
I will never recover from being covered in my friend’s blood as I held her face while street medics scrambled to remove my clothes and plug my own bullet holes.
I ducked behind a truck and when I came out, my friends were on the ground and the shooter appeared to be pinned down by someone. He shot us point blank. Oh by the way they took two of us to the same hospital as him. Were wheeled past each other twice
CONTENT WARNING. I am the person who spoke to the NYT. My identity has been verified. Do I need to show y’all this? My friend was shot five times and lived. Another friend is still in the hospital after being shot in the cervical spine and almost bleeding out
…with a photo, allegedly of her own injuries. This tweet seemingly alludes to some contention about it. It was Beck who tweeted, “It was a 50-60 year old white man.” This person continued…
the exchange lasted under two minutes. He came there to kill us, I am positive. He thought we were protestors.
I am ready to lose my shit on the next person who speculates or shares a lie. My GoPro got the whole thing from start to finish. It took me a day to speak to the press officially bc I knew I needed a lawyer involved to advise on how to protect myself after my name was published.
Can you, in your wildest nightmares, imagine holding your friend as they leave this earth while your other friends strip your clothes to plug the holes in your body while the ambulances park on the perimeter and let you all bleed out. I’ll never forgive them. I screamed for them…
Need to clarify this. The cops wouldn’t let EMTs approach because they “didn’t know the scene was secure.” But the shooter had long been tackled and disarmed. Me running at them covered in blood and screaming that they were letting us die convinced them I guess? I feel so broken.
We will see more from these people in due turn.
To avoid potential confusion, know that tweets and archives may display times and dates differently due to time zone difference. However, in my text, I have adjusted the times/dates to PST, Pacific Standard Time, which is where the events took place.
The following flyer was being circulated for an event being called “Vengeance for Amir Locke”…
Later versions of this flyer would bill the event as “Justice for Amir Locke” rather than “Vengeance for Amir Locke”. Here’s an example from February 19th…
This is a screenshot of Zakir Khan’s retweet of Alissa Azar’s tweet when the arrow is hovering over the hypertext, “Zakir Khan Retweeted”. You can see that he is followed by Miguel, Allegedly who you may remember from my report on the shooting in Olympia, WA and Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty.
Zakir Khan of CAIR, chief of staff for am Oregon state representative (Democrat).
We will see a bit more by him below, only a fraction of what he actually tweeted about this incident because he tweeted far too much to include. This is just one example of the alliance between jihadists and the far-left in Portland alone, not to speak of elsewhere in America and Europe. Some call it the “Red-Green Alliance”.
However, obviously the incident took place about an hour earlier. But more importantly, according to this person, the shooter in question returned to his address. At that time, he would have been wounded with gunshots.
I have yet to see the video she mentioned. This would be retweeted by Zakir Khan, despite the fact that he could not have seen the alleged video if it exists because it would have been in the possession of the police. What sort of American-Islamic relations does CAIR expect to foster with such imprudence? Is innocent unless proven guilty an alien concept to this terrorist sympathizer?
This is not surprising to some of us. Zakir Khan typically takes the side of Antifa and is openly antithetical specifically to Portland Police, Mayor Ted Wheeler, Andy Ngo and Antifa’s other enemies, as we’ll see ahead. This witness continued at 9:03pm…
A number of people responded and there was some controversy regarding her alleged video. Because this may sidetrack us too far, I will place these in a note21. This person would tweet again starting the following morning as we’ll see.
At 9:05pm, this person who was apparently there for the incident tweeted…
We may see more from this account ahead but for now there are a few more tweets by this account in the notes and some of these establish that WOM is Antifa.22
Four people were shot, one fatally, and two people were taken into custody in a shooting incident in Northeast Portland Saturday night, according to Portland police at the scene.
Police were dispatched just after 8 p.m. to the intersection of Northeast 55th Avenue and Northeast Hassalo Street in the Rose City Park neighborhood, next to Normandale Park.
Dispatch records showed 23 police units and four fire and medical units at the scene by 9 p.m., and photos from the scene showed multiple police vehicles lining the street next to the park with emergency lights activated.
This breaking news story will be updated.
This would be changed a number of times as we’ll see. Continuing her thread above, Azar tweeted at 9:27pm…
Note that they reported that there were 2 deaths and 6 injured. There was 1 death and 5 people hospitalized with gunshot wounds. This is to be expected with such early reporting on so chaotic an event. At 9:40pm…
Note that this person reported that 4 were shot. There were 5 shot in addition to the Knightly who was shot and killed. At 9:44pm @FamilysSoupTV tweeted this new message with the same video they tweeted earlier. Note that they again report 2 deaths and 6 injuries…
At 9:46pm KGW 8 published an updated version of their article. “Arrested” was changed to “in Custody” in the headline. Other than that, there’s no difference. At 9:47pmthis was tweeted…
The KPTV article to which the tweet above links to was subsequently removed. At 10:10pm, the Oregonian published “Shooting at NE Portland park leaves 1 dead” but added contains nothing about which we have not yet been informed.
At 10:33pm, this update of the KGW8 article reports that “the three injured people were taken to the hospital for treatment” whereas an earlier report we saw above stated “at least two victims being transported to the hospital.” Also at 10:33pmthis was tweeted…
Following this, the pleasant person behind the account @ImNotYourNigger who apparently was “on jail support” for the arrested, accused @BeverleyBarnum of not being present for the shooting. Eventually @ImNotYourNigger conceded that @BeverleyBarnum was there.23 There’s more to the argument than that, but so as to not flood the main body of this article, that content is in the notes.24 .
@ImNotYourNigger, apparently the woman on the left, accused @bevbarnum, the woman on the right of lying about being a witness. She later recanted but accused the woman of other things. See my other piece on these matters.
Also at 10:40pm we see an early example of Antifa accounts expressing solidarity with the marchers…
…with a video. Her account was suspended so we do not know the exact time or the contents of the video. I have contacted Haley to ask her about this video and I am awaiting a reply. Below is a screenshot from an archive.
At any rate, Skylor Jernigan who has attended may patriot and Proud Boys events in Portland sometimes with Haley, responded to her at 11:09pm…
In that tweet, @Johnnthelefty is propagating a falsehood. Skylor Jernigan fired a hand gun into the air. I hope to find the video at some point and put it here, but video exists showing what actually happened. If you have a link to it, please comment below. For now, there’s this and this. Skylorreplied…
At 11:36pm, the local police put out a bulletin (press release). The earliest archived form of this press release read…
On February 19, 2022, at 8:01 p.m., officers from the North Precinct responded to a shooting call near the intersection of Northeast 55th Avenue and Northeast Hassalo Street. When officers arrived they located a female victim who was deceased. Additional shooting victims, two men and three women, were transported to area hospitals and their status is unknown at this time.
After some traffic info, they add…
The identity of the victim, as well as cause and manner of death will be determined by the Oregon State Medical Examiner. Additional information will be released at the direction of investigators.
The Portland Police would tweet this bulletin at 11:43pm.
At 12:53am Nathan Howard, self-described “Freelance photojournalist in the Northwest” whose photos have been published by the Oregonian and apparently Getty Images and the Associated Press tweeted this. Note that it includes a photo of a cordoned off area. Apparently this is where Benjamin Smith, who would later be named as a suspect, lived. We’ll return to his matter ahead.
Several demonstrators on scene told OPB they saw a person come out of a nearby home and confront a group of about 50 protesters. The person then reportedly shot at the crowd of people. It was not immediately clear if more than one person used a weapon.
At 2:16am, the New York Times published “One Dead in Shooting at Portland Protest Against Police Violence” by Sergio Olmos, Austin RamzyandMelina Delkic. It doesn’t contain anything that would not be redundant for us except the photo below. This would be updated on February 21st.
Police officers at the scene of the shooting in Portland on Saturday night.Credit...Nathan Howard/Getty Images
At 2:14am, this reasonable woman livestreamed this video in which she talks about taking part in “jail support” for their “comrade” who was taken into custody.
At 4:17am, @dontgetkettled tweeted this which was removed but which is archived here…
As we’ll see ahead, someone took exception to this and a disagreement ensued. Although they claim that there’s nothing wrong with being Antifa, they know there is, which is why they deny that those people are/were Antifa. Despite these claims, other Antifa seem to think those people are/were Antifa as is evidenced by this at 4:25am…
This and other related tweets regarding the incident would be retweeted by IGD...
Apparently, one of the injured witnesses is @dontgetkettled whose real name is Dajah Renee Beck according to Andy Ngô and the New York Times piece we saw earlier. They would tweet at 5:11am…
This person refers to “the shooter” as if there were 1 shooter. There were 2. Getting back to the timeline, at 5:17am, Dajah Renee Beck, apparently, tweeted…
My point here is that these 2 apparent witnesses (1 of whom was injured, it seems) somewhat corroborate each other.
At 5:18am, this was tweeted. It has since been removed from public view, but it is archived here. See the screenshots below.
The image on the left is a screenshot of the tweet in question as one could see it in the past. The image on the right is what one would now see if one tries to view the tweet.
Again, the video can be seen on my Rumble, Odysee, Bitchute and Brighteon. At 6:53am, anchor/reporter for KPTV, Debra Gil tweeted…
At 6:58am, Azar tweets some examples of other Antifas in solidarity with the Antifas who were shot (and who shot back) who are supposedly just peaceful protesters…
@ImNotYourNigger, who as I write this, is calling herself “black woman” - which makes it seem as if she is trying to embody a stereotype - tweeted this at 10:58am which shows her walking with a few others to crash the press conference that was about to be held.
The link originally was for a livestream. It has since been removed. Here’s an archive, but it is not helpful because these archiving services don’t archive videos. At 11:04am, Fox 12 Oregon (probably Conner McCarthy) retweeted McCarthy’s tweet from 10:59am with the same broke link…
Of course, any such calls for physical attacks would be wrong, but not just those from one direction. Would this Antifa, Chad Loder, ever condemn attacks waged by Antifa on innocent people?
Portland police respond to the scene of Saturday's shooting in Northeast Portland. MATHIEU LEWIS-ROLLAND
Update, 4:15 pm —
One woman who was hit by the shooter Sunday evening shared her experience in writing with the Mercury. She requested anonymity, out of fear for her safety. She said she and three other women were standing in the middle of a street near NE 55 and NE Hassalo, working as traffic safety volunteers to steer traffic away from the planned march. All women were allegedly unarmed.
The woman described seeing a man angrily walking towards them after exiting a house.
“We were unarmed and actively working to de-escalate him and get him to leave,” she told the Mercury. “He wasn’t threatened by us. He walked up to us yelling about protestors in his neighborhood and opened fire within 90 seconds.”
She said she was standing about ten feet away from the man when he shot her, and bullets also grazed her knee and arm. Another woman was shot in the stomach, leg, and chest. Another was hit in the neck. The fourth woman was fatally shot. The woman who spoke with the Mercury said that volunteer street medics were the first on the scene to respond to their injuries.
The woman said the entire encounter was recorded on her GoPro camera, which the police confiscated as evidence.
From what we will see ahead, it seems that this shooting victim with the GoPro would be @dontgetkettled or Dajah Renee Beck. The article continues…
She said she was discharged from OHSU at midnight Saturday, along with another of the injured women. She said she was surprised to learn that paramedics also took the shooter to OHSU.
She said that she’s been volunteering to help with traffic control since June 2020, and has volunteered at at least 200 protests since. During that time, she said she’s been maced, hit by drivers, and assaulted by members of the public, but had never been shot at.
"We show up voluntarily to put ourselves between people exercising their first amendment rights and outsiders who would kill them for doing so,” she said. “We did our jobs.”
Update, 3:20 pm —
In an afternoon press conference, PPB spokesperson Nathan Sheppard said he couldn't no confirm or deny whether or not anyone was arrested in relation to the Saturday evening shooting. Sheppard claimed that it would be "irresponsible" to share this information, because the investigation has been "very complicated."
Sheppard did not offer any other new information about the incident.
Update, 12:50 pm —
PPB investigators allege that the Saturday night shooting at Normandale Park was sparked by "a confrontation between an armed homeowner and armed protesters." They did not clarify what the homeowner or protesters were armed with. Police have not said whether or not they arrested anyone in connection to the shooting. PPB did, however, point blame at witnesses for not speaking to police at the scene.
"The scene was extremely chaotic, and a number of witnesses were uncooperative with responding officers," reads a PPB statement. "Most people on scene left without talking to police."
Later in the article, in a section for a 11:30am update, Zielinski quotes the radical Portland city commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty thusly…
"I am closely following developments around the violence that took place last night and awaiting more information," she said. "My thoughts are with the victims families and loved ones, and all those harmed…”
One imagines that she would regret some of those words when it was reported that Ben Smith was one of those harmed. If I were as intellectually dishonest as these radicals, I might say that Jo Ann Hardesty said he thoughts are with this politically radical, racist murderer who wears diapers and laughs at animal abuse. But, obviously, she at that time she thought that only people she agrees with politically were harmed.
The article also states…
And a spokesperson for Mayor Ted Wheeler said Wheeler is still awaiting more details before commenting on the shooting.
UPDATE: Shooting in Rose City Park Neighborhood, One Deceased and Multiple Victims Injured
February 20, 2022 12:53
A preliminary investigation into the February 19, 2022 shooting near the intersection of Northeast 55th Avenue and Northeast Hassalo Street indicates this incident started with a confrontation between an armed homeowner and armed protesters.
The scene was extremely chaotic, and a number of witnesses were uncooperative with responding officers. Most people on scene left without talking to police. Detectives believe a large number of people either witnessed what happened, or recorded the incident as it unfolded. This is a very complicated incident, and investigators are trying to put this puzzle together without having all the pieces. Detectives ask that anyone with information or video please contact Detective Scott Broughton at Scott.Broughton@portlandoregon.gov (503) 823-3774 or Detective Rico Beniga at Rico.Beniga@portlandoregon.gov or 503-823-0457. The case number is 22-47502.
This would be updated in 2 days as we’ll see. At 12:57pm, in response to the Portland Mercury tweeting out Alex Zielinski’s article we saw above, this, um, reasonable fellow who is not at all warped by his ideology tweeted this…
I am sorry. Did I call them a “fellow”? I mean, “genderfluid enby” whose pronouns are they/them. Did I mention, “Bisexual twinky hoe”? How about, “Anarchist/AnCom” and “poly”? I must be sure to mention that they identify as, “Just a queer talking shit”.
It is no doubt, then, that the author of this article would take this level-headed criticism from, well, so esteemed a character seriously and why she would want to appease this, um, model Portlander. She responded…
By the way, notice that this self-identified “twinky hoe” is asking her to engage in what Antifa would call doxing. At any rate, it’s a good thing she’s such a hard-nosed reporter that she takes seriously such an, um, objective criticism from “just a queer talking shit”. Someone would reply to her 2 days later…
I include this here as an example of the propagation of the falsehood that he is a Nazi. He was a vile person, but specifically against Nazism. See for yourself.
1:01pm, The Oregonian put out “Deadly shootout in NE Portland stemmed from encounter between armed neighbor and protesters”. I can not find an archive of this original version. We’ll see the updated version on February 22, 2022, 8:20am.
1:12pm, Shane D Kavanaugh of the Oregonian tweeted…
At 1:22pm, KGW 8 changed their headline yet again, adding that it was a conflict between armed protesters and an armed homeowner, making it “1 dead, 5 hurt following confrontation between armed homeowner and armed protesters in Rose City Park neighborhood”. Again, if it matters, it seems he was a renter, not a homeowner. I know why they won’t refer to him as a member of the community but I can’t help but wonder why they didn’t just refer to him as a “resident” or something like that.
According to an article that would be published on February 28th by KGW 8,
Several neighbors around the park, who didn't want to go on camera, said people started camping at the park the day after the shooting. It's unclear who is staying at the camp. Some people on social media have said it is a vigil.
His tweet linked to an article that is now gone but which is archived here. It is “1 dead, 5 injured after mass shooting in NE Portland” by KPTV. It doesn’t contain anything that would be new info for us. At 5:29pm…
This image is from this article by Toofab in which it was captioned, “Andrew Duncomb pictured on left (Facebook) / Blake David Hampe’s mugshot center (Multnomah County Sheriff's Office) / YouTube”
Drew Duncomb AKA Black Rebel, on the right, was featured in a Vice production.
As you may remember from other pieces I’ve written, this foolishly litigant character, Melissa Claudio Lewis, is Antifa. As we’ve seen from my reports, she’s not the most brilliant of people. Here she is referencing an “us”; Antifa. At 8:54pm, Ngo tweeted…
We must prevent another tragedy like this from ever happening again.
My team and I will be briefed regularly on this case and are committed to sharing details as soon as possible.
At 12:31am, @ImNotYourNigger tweeted this video from outside Smith’s apartment in which she talks to some police there and films the inside from outside.
At 4:43am It’s Going Down, which is sort of an information central for people who like to attend riots, tweeted the article by the Portland Mercury we saw above.
Oh wait! If we take out the arson and almost all the violence and destruction we don’t have to imagine. We are still seeing widespread and sustained condemnation of what happened at the capitol on January 6th and of things that did not happen, such as the false story about an attack on an officer that lead to his death.
The Washington Post says that it is “not clear” what damage was done to the Capitol on January 6th, 2021, but allegedly some pee and poo was left for Congress and though the story that officer Sicknick’s death was caused by an attack that day was a hoax, shamefully, some officers were indeed attacked. There is no excusing that. However, at the Capitol on January 6th, for the most part, people walked peacefully into open doors, at times with police opening doors for them and letting them in.
But notice the huge disparity between the sheer mass of destruction and violence from the left at the federal building in Portland in a months-long siege as if on a castle and the the isolated incidents of violence and destruction at the Capitol and notice the disparity between the level of coverage and condemnation of those 2 very different things.
The Democrats deny that Antifa was there on January 6th. Heck, they deny Antifa exists in the first place and they do not condemn the massive violence and destruction from their beloved rioters. They deny it. At 7:39, Ngo continued his thread…
By the way, note that they claim that the “unarmed traffic safety volunteers” were not with “any protestors”. This absurd lie is an insult to the intelligence. Obviously they were with the protesters. There was distance between them, but they worked as one. The social media fallout of the incident proves that these “unarmed traffic safety volunteers” were just the protesters who marched ahead of the rest of them to stop traffic. Also, someone shot Benjamin Smith. It was not the police. It was one of the “unarmed traffic safety volunteers” or one of their fellow protesters. Next…
At 1:03pm, this pair of tweets shared screenshots of a certain message apparently from an other witness who was also injured, allegedly, and who blames Trump.
The fact that this person retweeted Beck’s tweet suggests that they each accept that the other was there. On March 1st, this person would tweet that they, “had 4 .45 caliber bullets pass through my body”.
This would be the first in a thread 22 tweets long spread out over days as we will see as we go through things in chronological order. However, one can read the thread by itself in the notes.25
Although @Johnnthelefty doesn’t give a source for this photo, I have verified to my satisfaction that this is Benjamin J Smith, 43, of Portland, Oregon and that’s saying a lot because I am stubbornly skeptical. The same applies to 2 other photos of Smith that this account would tweet at 9:12am on the 22nd as we’ll see. I do not expect anyone to believe me. I have provided the means by which one can see for themselves in my piece, “Who is the Man Who Shot 5 Antifas, Killing 1?”. Also at 5:01pm, we see the second tweet in the thread…
A 43-year-old machinist who has lived for 14 years across the street from Normandale Park is the man under investigation after witnesses said he confronted protesters Saturday night and suddenly pulled a gun and started shooting.
Benjamin Jeffrey Smith had grown increasingly angry at demonstrations set in the Northeast Portland neighborhood, his brother told The Oregonian/OregonLive.
Note that they name their source - Benjamin Jeffrey Smith’s brother. They would name him as Aurthur Killion in an other article on the 22nd at 10:17am that we’ll come to. At 6:42pm, regarding that article, Ngo tweeted…
As I show in my piece about him, it seems there is no supporting evidence for the claim that Ben Smith subscribed to Ngo. He would add to this the following day…
Here are the screenshots in that last tweet that are supposed to show Ngo writing something bad. See for yourself…
These are screenshots of real tweets here and here as we’ve seen. But, so what? What does it matter if the guy owned or rented? It doesn’t. Also, Ngo was right to say - at that time with what was known at that time - that…
It’s possible now the shooting happened because a home owner had been shot upon by the #antifa extremists. The narrative by antifa that it was a far-right attack is falling apart & no evidence has appeared to support it.
But I guess in their twisted minds, we are supposed to take this as evidence that Ngo is Nasi or some other deranged scenario from their diseased minds. In this from 9:56pm, notice a female voice asks, “They’re guarding the house where he lives?”
The link leads to a tweet that has since been removed. It is archived here, however. See screenshots below.
Below is a transcript of the tweets in the above screenshots.
Hello everyone, I have been just made aware that there is an active disinformation campaign that I was killed at Normandale Park. If you are reading this tweet - congratulations to whoever wanted me dead, you didn't succeed at all.
I will not link the tweet and question but they also got my age horribly wrong. I'm 36, not 38. I was born in 1985, not 1983.
I also want to remind everyone that this Twitter account is /my/ Twitter account I do not have a staff tweeting on my behalf - all of my tweets are my own. Aspen Rusalka Satanas AKA Callsign Satan
Furthermore, for operational security standards and practices, I never usually to ever at all carry my phone to protests. I don't want my phone ending up in LE hands if arrested. If I were actually dead there wouldn't be tweets coming out from this account. Just saying, fools.
UPDATE: I have new information that one of the originators of the disinformation campaign was Behind Enemy Lines Jake. Which does not in the least surprise me.
At 10:41am, the police announced, “the suspect in this shooting is identified as 43-year-old Benjamin Smith,” and that, “Smith remains hospitalized in serious condition,” in an update to the bulletin for the public that we first saw on February 19th at 11:36pm.
UPDATE: Normandale Park Shooting Victim Identified
February 22, 2022 10:41
The victim in this shooting is identified as 60-year-old Brandy Knightly. The Medical Examiner's Office has determined her manner and cause of death to be homicide by gunshot wound. Knightly's family has been notified of her death.
The suspect in this shooting is identified as 43-year-old Benjamin Smith. Smith remains hospitalized in serious condition. Detectives are working closely with the Multnomah County District Attorney's Office to share facts and evidence for review to determine potential charges against Smith.
People at the scene removed critical evidence before officers arrived. Investigators ask that anyone with that evidence, as well as video, please contact police as these items are important to the investigation. Detectives would also like to speak with witnesses who left the scene without providing a statement, which could be useful in the case.
Although the woman who died at the scene has been informally named by outside entities, the Portland Police Bureau will not formally release her identity until after we have spoken with her family directly.
This would be updated again on February 23, 2022 at 12:36pm but other than the date and time, there were no changes.
This Portland Mercury reporter started this thread at 11:38am...
“(Smith) approached the demonstration and confronted several of its participants, yelling at them and demanding they leave the area,” prosecutors wrote.
An unidentified woman is pictured at a memorial at Portland's Normandale Park for shooting victim Brandy “June” Knightly. Kristyna Wentz-Graff / OPB.
The Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office filed murder and attempted murder charges Tuesday for the man suspected of shooting five people at a park in Northeast Portland on Saturday night.
Benjamin Jeffrey Smith, 43, allegedly confronted participants at a racial justice demonstration Saturday night before pulling out a handgun and shooting multiple people in the crowd, according to witnesses and prosecutors. Brandy “June” Knightly, 60, was killed and four others were injured.
A member of the crowd shot Smith, who remains hospitalized and in critical care.
In seeking an arrest warrant, prosecutors have charged Smith with one count of second degree murder, four counts of attempted first degree murder with a firearm, as well as four counts of assault with a firearm.
Court records filed Tuesday also state that one victim was “paralyzed from the neck down” and is hospitalized in critical condition. Three other victims were also shot in multiple places, and one of them remains hospitalized. The two others have been treated and released.
Prosecutors say video of the incident shows Smith approaching a group of demonstrators who had gathered that night near Normandale Park to protest police violence.
“(Smith) approached the demonstration and confronted several of its participants, yelling at them and demanding they leave the area,” prosecutors wrote.
Video then allegedly shows the group telling Smith to “leave them alone and return home.”
“(Smith) responds by demanding they ‘make’ him leave and he approaches a participant aggressively, who pushes him back. (Smith) continues to yell at participants and a few moments later, (Smith) draws a handgun and fires at multiple people, striking five,” the prosecutors stated.
The shooting ended when a person with the group of demonstrators shot Smith in the “hip area,” critically wounding him. Law enforcement originally detained that person on charges of first degree assault and unlawful use of a weapon, both felonies. The Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office ultimately decided to bring “no complaint” against the person “based upon our review of facts and evidence.”
OPB has chosen not to name the person because they have not been charged with a crime, and they did not respond to multiple requests for comment. Court records show the person is licensed to conceal carry a firearm.
According to Smith’s roommate, Kristine Christenson, he had expressed anger at protests in Portland, people who are experiencing homelessness and COVID health restrictions in recent years. Smith also owned several guns, according to Christenson.
Portland police officers have remained at the hospital with Smith since the shooting and subsequent surgery, court records state.
In that Oregonian article that Sparling tweeted, Maxine Bernstein makes reference to the LiveJournal that Sparling shared. They report that…
according to a probable cause affidavit filed in court
..that day and that…
When some people in the protest crowd told Smith to go back home and to leave them alone, he demanded they “make” him leave and aggressively approached one protest participant, who pushed him back, the affidavit said.
Smith kept yelling and then drew a handgun and fired, striking five people, the affidavit said. One woman died and four were wounded.
Another man is believed to have fired back, striking Smith in the hip, according to the affidavit, other court records and a source with direct knowledge of the investigation.
Smith underwent surgery and remains at OHSU Hospital in serious condition.
Smith faces nine charges -- second-degree murder with a firearm, four counts of attempted first-degree murder with a firearm, two counts of first-degree assault with a firearm and two counts of second-degree assault with a firearm.
June Knightly, 60, a volunteer with a traffic crew for the protest against police violence, was shot in the head and killed in the shooting. Police said they won’t identify any of the other demonstrators wounded.
One of them was shot in the neck and paralyzed and is in critical condition. Another was shot multiple times, including in the abdomen. Two others have been treated and released -- one shot in the upper arm and another struck in multiple places, Deputy District Attorney Mariel Mota wrote in the affidavit.
Portland police remain on guard at the hospital where Smith is being treated. A warrant for his arrest was issued Tuesday. Once he’s fit for arraignment, Smith will appear on the charges, according to the district attorney’s office.
Police searched Smith’s second-floor unit at the Rose City Terrace apartments about 10:30 p.m. Monday. Police also questioned at least one of Smith’s neighbors Monday night to learn more about Smith. They had talked to Smith’s roommate early Sunday morning, about four and half hours after the shooting occurred.
Police haven’t been able to interview Smith because of his injuries, though he is expected to recover, said Smith’s brother, Aurthur Killion.
Portland police on Monday night, Feb. 21, 2022, served a search warrant on the apartment of Benjamin J. Smith, the 43-year-old man accused of pulling a handgun and shooting five people Saturday on the edge of Normandale Park in Northeast Portland. One woman was killed and four other demonstrators were wounded at the park. Another man in the crowd fired back, striking Smith in the hip. He remains hospitalized.Courtesy of Kristine Christenson
Federal authorities are closely monitoring the investigation. U.S. Attorney Scott Asphaug said the FBI is working with Portland police and his office will make a decision on possible federal charges based on what they find.
The man suspected of firing back was initially arrested Saturday night after he told police at the shooting scene that he was involved and turned over his AR pistol. But after investigators obtained GoPro video footage from a witness, police released the man. He faces no charges.
The man is identified in Multnomah County court records as David Bumpus, 32. According to records, Bumpus has lived in Portland for four years and works in a digital marketing agency. He has no criminal history.
The mass shooting occurred at the start of a Justice for Patrick Kimmons march, a regular gathering that has been held at different places in the city since shortly after Kimmons, a 27-year-old Black man, was fatally shot by Portland police in 2018 when he ran with a gun after he wounded two men.
Smith, witnesses have said, confronted a group of protesters setting up to march around 8 p.m. Saturday and was seen arguing with several people before he pulled a .45-caliber handgun and started firing at close range near the southwest edge of the park at Northeast 55th Avenue and Hassalo Street.
Police said witnesses removed evidence from the crime scene before officers arrived and many people fled. They’re asking anyone with evidence or video of the shooting or anyone with further information on what occurred to contact the Police Bureau.
Smith’s family, roommate and neighbors told The Oregonian/OregonLive on Monday that he had often ranted about Black Lives Matter and other protests occurring around the city, homeless people picking through trash on the Rose City Terrace property and living near the park and the recent COVID-19 mask and health mandates. He was known to collect guns and boast about his guns, they said. He also had threatened homeless people who ventured onto his apartment complex’s property, his roommate and neighbors said.
An Oklahoma resident and software engineer Ariadne Conill filed complaints against Smith with the FBI after receiving online death threats from him starting in October 2006 and lasting through March 2007, Conill alleged Tuesday.
Smith had lashed out at Conill and other software engineers after he discovered that the makers of Gentoo, a computer operating system he was using, removed a software package that he used to play music on his computer and had switched to a different system, Conill told The Oregonian/OregonLive.
Smith started to make random demands that the old system be restored and then started issuing direct threats and graphic death threats online, according to Conill. He wrote that he was going to go on a road trip to Oklahoma and “when you step outside I’m going to stab you” or he would send“pictures of guns and knives and stuff and say he’s going to come to our houses,” Conill recalled.
Conill said the FBI never responded other than noting that the complaints had been received after they were filed online with the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center.
Asked if the FBI had fielded or investigated prior complaints about Smith, Kieran L. Ramsey, the special agent in charge of Oregon’s FBI, said his agency will work with Portland police “to determine what we know about the individuals involved in that incident.”
A review of Smith’s online posts show he also has left a trail of hate across the internet — interspersed among his interests in cars, ham radio, photography and cryptocurrency.
On a blog he operated more than a decade ago,Smith used a racist slur to describe a prominent Black scientist, made homophobic slurs, falsely accused a particular nationality of spreading swine flu and appeared to revel in the deaths of six people after a 2008 mass shooting in California.
It is correct that he used words like “fag” in a derogatory way. But, also, he made it clear over many posts over many years that he is gay. I tried to contact the author via email to no avail. So I tweeted this and tagged her…
I have yet to receive a response. Her piece continues…
“let kill! [sic] At the parties, at the shopping centers, at the malls, at the wallmarts, [sic] its death death death this time of year, and i love it,” he wrote, adding an expletive.
In his last comment on Reddit under the name “Polybun” posted one year ago, Smith again appeared to express glee after a man shot and killed his neighbors during a dispute over snow removal.
Smith’s rambling LiveJournal posts from his mid-20s occasionally expressed antipathy toward police and Republicans, but his politics had drastically shifted recently, his roommate previously told The Oregonian/OregonLive.
Smith was also embroiled in a leak of private messages among the adult costume play community known as Furries. Leaked messages show Smith made anti-Semitic remarks and expressed support for the Proud Boys and Nazis.
He has prior convictions in Multnomah County in 2010 for harassment and second-degree criminal mischief. He was sentenced to two years bench probation and ordered to complete 72 hours of community service.
Following a weekend of unprecedented violence in the city, city leaders announced Tuesday that Portland police will add more officers and overtime to its specialized gun violence intervention team.
“This was a deadly difficult and disturbing weekend for our city,” Mayor Ted Wheeler said. “... I want to note with deep sadness, the injuries and the terrible loss of life the collective Portland families endured.”
Police responded to six shootings in a nine-hour period between Thursday night and Friday morning.
“On Saturday a week ago, 5 stewards were shot at on the sidelines of a BLM demonstration in Portland (USA). 4 survived injured, one lost her life that day.”
“The murder of T. Rex is part of a series of armed attacks on Antifashists in recent years in the United States. This time, too, the perpetrator comes from the growing right-wing extremist alt-right bubble.”
“The police and media in the US have written a lot in the last week about the fact that it was a local resident, thus depoliticizing the right-wing assassination attempt.
We stand by the side of our comrades in Portland. Solidarity with Portland!”
“Donations are still being collected for the upcoming process and hospital costs. If you have a ????? over, hand it over! An eyewitness report can be found here.”
The question marks represent the a word I can not translate - “Taler”.
A large memorial has grown at the park in the week since the shooting where one woman died, but it's unclear if the camp is related and who is staying there.
Author: Joe Raineri (KGW)
Published: 5:35 PM PST February 28, 2022
Updated: 8:57 PM PST February 28, 2022
PORTLAND, Ore. — A large campsite has been growing in Normandale Park in Northeast Portland, the site of last week's deadly shooting that left one woman dead and five injured, including the shooter.
The camp formed after the shooting and neighbors are concerned about how large it has gotten. Several neighbors around the park, who didn't want to go on camera, said people started camping at the park the day after the shooting. It's unclear who is staying at the camp. Some people on social media have said it is a vigil.
Demonstrators gathered at the park on the evening of Feb. 19 for a racial justice rally. Prosecutors claim shooting suspect Benjamin Smith came out of his nearby apartment and confronted the group.
Smith allegedly fired a gun into the crowd during the argument, killing a protester named June Knightly, a 60-year-old woman who was known as T-Rex by other protesters, and injuring four others before an armed protester fired back, striking Smith.
A large memorial for Knightly has grown inside the park in the past week, along with the camp. It appears the two are related based on the graffiti, but nobody from the camp would speak with a KGW reporter on Monday morning when asked why they were there and what message they were trying to send.
Credit: KGW
A memorial is seen at Normandale Park on Feb. 28, one week after the shooting that killed one woman.
A building in the middle of the park has become covered in graffiti that appears to reference Knightly, and last week someone dropped off a porta-potty that is also now covered in graffiti.
Earlier Monday morning, a KGW crew saw someone trying to keep warm by a fire, which is against the city code to do in a public park.
Residents say they've seen anywhere from ten to fifteen people camping at the park, they've also seen people drop off food and firewood for the campers.
KGW reached out to Portland's Parks and Recreation Department, which replied with a statement: "Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) staff will continue to follow the direction of our Commissioner’s office and of our management regarding Normandale Park. When the time is right, staff will address maintenance and repair issues."
KGW also reached out to the City of Portland, but has not heard back from the mayor's office.
In other words, those people are being allowed to do what they are doing because they have that privilege. You see, it is where people most have the luxury and opportunity to say they are oppressed that they are the most pampered and unhindered.
March 1st
At 4:18pm, Ngo tweeted the article from February 28th we saw above and added…
And an officer who leaked information in order to advance a political agenda against his own citizen oversight entity just needs like 12 weeks to think about what he did, he'll straighten himself out. - Also Portland Police
At 4:53pm, the Portland Police Bureau updated their bulletin again.
UPDATE #4: Normandale Park Murder Suspect Booked Into Jail
March 23, 2022 16:53
This afternoon, Benjamin Smith was released from the hospital and booked into the Multnomah County Detention Center on charges of Murder in the Second Degree, Attempted Murder in the First Degree (4 counts), Assault in the First Degree (3 counts), and Assault in the Second Degree. He is scheduled to be arraigned tomorrow.
The man accused of killing a woman and shooting four other people during a Feb. 19 racial justice protest was arraigned Thursday in Multnomah County Circuit Court.
Benjamin Smith, 43, was charged with one count of murder, four counts of attempted murder and three counts of assault with a firearm. Smith was in a wheelchair when he appeared in court by video from the county’s Inverness jail.
He pleaded not guilty.
Ben Smith appears in court by video for his arraignment on seven charges of murder, attempted murder and assault with a firearm on Mar. 24, 2021, in Portland, Ore. Smith allegedly shot four people and killed a fifth during a February racial justice protest at Normandale Park. Pool video courtesy of KGW / OPB
According to witnesses and an affidavit written by Deputy District Attorney Mariel Mota, Smith confronted a group of people directing traffic away from a racial justice demonstration at Normandale Park in Northeast Portland and yelled at them to leave the area. According to the affidavit, people can be heard in a video of the altercation telling Smith to leave them alone.
“(Smith) responds by demanding they ‘make’ him leave and he approaches a participant aggressively, who pushes him back,” Mota wrote in her affidavit. “(Smith) continues to yell at participants and a few moments later, (he) draws a handgun and fires at multiple people, striking five.”
June Brandy Knightly, 60, died during the encounter, four others were injured. Court records don’t identify the other victims, but Mota’s Feb. 22 affidavit said one victim was shot in the neck, paralyzing them from the neck down. A second victim was shot multiple times and hospitalized, while two other victims were treated and released.
Smith’s arraignment has been delayed as he received medical care for wounds he received the night of the shooting. According to the affidavit, Smith was shot in the hip after he began shooting at the protesters. Based on witness accounts at the time and court records, someone in the crowd shot Smith. Police originally reported Smith was in critical condition after the killing, but he was discharged from Oregon Health and Science University and booked into Multnomah County jail Wednesday afternoon.
Smith’s roommate Kristine Christenson said Smith had become more radicalized starting in the later years of the Obama administration, and that she heard him yelling racial slurs in his room and deriding women.
“He got angrier and angrier,” Christenson told OPB shortly after the shooting. “I have not been comfortable living with him for a while. I did not feel safe with him, especially this last two years with the whole COVID thing. I think that made him even more angry.”
She said Smith owned a number of guns including rifles, shotguns and handguns.
Smith’s next court appearance is scheduled for May 5.
Correction: This story originally misstated how many people were shot at the Feb. 19 protest. OPB regrets the error.
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~ Justin Case
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Portland Police Bureau - “Shooting in Rose City Park Neighborhood, One Deceased and Multiple Victims Injured” by PPB [archive] (Feb 19, 2022, 11:36pmPST)
Portland Police Bureau - “UPDATE: Shooting in Rose City Park Neighborhood, One Deceased and Multiple Victims Injured” by PPB [archive] [archives] (Feb 20, 2022, 12:53pmPST)
Portland Police Bureau - “Shooting in Rose City Park Neighborhood, One Deceased and Multiple Victims Injured” by PPB [archive] (Feb 19, 2022, 11:36pmPST)
Portland Police Bureau - “UPDATE: Shooting in Rose City Park Neighborhood, One Deceased and Multiple Victims Injured” by PPB [archive] [archives] (Feb 20, 2022, 12:53pmPST)
Portland Police Bureau - “UPDATE: Normandale Park Shooting Victim Identified” by PPB [archive] (Feb 22, 2022, 10:41amPST)
Portland Police Bureau - “UPDATE: Normandale Park Shooting Victim Identified” by PPB {archive] (Feb 23, 12:36pmPST)
Portland Police Bureau - “UPDATE #4: Normandale Park Murder Suspect Booked Into Jail” [archive] (March 23, 4:53pmPST)
The following is quoted from Unmasked - Inside Antifa’s Plan to Destroy Democracy by Andy Ngo, page 66.
Perhaps the most important faction was those labeled “peaceful protesters.” They stood arm in arm in the front to shield everyone behind them.
The photographs of the “Wall of Moms,” dads, and veterans agagainst federal officers were propaganda. The “peaceful protesters” taking action. It was incredibly effective. WHen officers inevitably responded following hours of assaults and property damage, photographers were ready to capture “moms” being tear gassed. These were the photos being published around the world. However, many of the so-called moms were young antifa women who simply put on yellow T-shirts. (Yellow became the color associated with the Wall of Moms.) I recognized some of them from their distinct glasses or hair colors as regular black bloc rioters from previous nights. And on many occassions, the “moms” were caught on camera participating in violent rioting, such as giving our concrete to throw or helping to tear down the fence.
Here are the posts from this Facebook profile for Knightly…
There’s this from June 4, 2019 (archive), this from May 26, 2021 (archive), this from June 25, 2021 (archive), this from August 20, 2021 (archive), this from August 25, 2021 (archive), this from August 26, 2021 (archive), this from October 20, 2021 (archive), this from October 24, 2021 (archive), this also from October 24, 2021, this from October 28, 2021, this from November 4, 2021, this from November 10, 2021, this from November 24, 2021, and finally this also from November 24, 2021 (archive).
Note the irony, the utter lack of self-reflection in the phrase, “these are Nazi tactics, and we’re not exaggerating.” At any rate, it’s indicative of a radical leftist if they’rt exaggerating. It is typical of Antifa types to catastrophize mainstream politics and politicians as being “Nazi” or, as in this (archive) that they retweeted, “fascist”…
They retweeted this from the one of those Socialist Rifle Association chapters…