Who Does Antifa ACTUALLY Attack? A Gay Minority Journalist
This is NOT a very recent event. This was originally published on July 8, 2019 on Wordpress. It was later removed by Wordpress along with everything else I published there. I happened to archive this before it was censored.
This is the webpage version of the video Who Does Antifa ACTUALLY Attack? 10
Welcome to the 10th in the series in which we focus on who Antifa actually attacks because almost no mainstream media will even entertain the question or consider looking into who they actually Attack.
There is a reluctance to look too hard at Antifa because it would mean looking at an ugly truth about the left that they would rather ignore. There is also, in some cases, an unflinching bias in favor of Antifa – a bias that is invested in (as Bret Weinstein recently put it in his talk with Andy Ngo) “preventing you from seeing with your own eyes” what Antifa actually does.
So far in this series we have seen Antifa attack gay people, transgender people, people of various colors, students, centrists, a Jewish man, 2 marine corps reservists who are also Hispanic, a Bernie supporter, disabled people, dogs, and we discussed a case in which Antifa allegedly stabbed a horse in the neck.
Now we have a case of Antifa attacking a man who is well known by them as a gay Vietnamese Immigrant journalist. Andy Ngo an independent journalist with Quillette and etc.
I go into detail about the context of this attack and about the rally that day in a webpage and in an upcoming video or series of videos. Also, see the news articles below.

There are 3 events planned in response to this in Portland. There is Take a Stand for Andy Ngo hosted by Portland Liberation’s Haley Adams on July 20th at 1pm at South Park Blocks, Portland OR, there is Speak out against PRO-Fascism! on July 27th hosted by Drakken Saer and Alyssa Bang both transgender people who in the last year have learned the hard way that Antifa does not stand for them, but rather will attack them if given an excuse to do so, and there is the End Domestic Terrorism Rally August 17th. I am not sure who is hosting that but Joe Biggs has been talking about it. I saw his periscope video about the event at about 3am and it had almost 2 million views in 2 hours and surely a lot more by now.
As you can see the flier says endantifa.com. If you enter that as a URL in your browser you get “Demand President Trump label Antifa a domestic terrorist organization” and this is a new one, folks, not the same as that other one. It was created on June 30th, 2019.
JULY 20Th Occupy Ted Wheelers House @ 11am
We will meet up at Ainsworth Elementary School (Perfect for parking) and March to Ted Wheelers house. Bring Signs and American Flags! Ted wheeler hates America! But lets bring America to him!
— Haley Adams (@RealHaleyAdams1) July 4, 2019
As I urge, and thank you Joey Gibson for sharing this…
The sources below may or may not be honest/accurate. I certainly do not take their word for it. In fact, I post some things to demonstrate how dishonest/inaccurate they are.
News Articles
ABC News “Marches by rival groups lead to clashes; 3 people arrested“
American Greatness “Independent Journalist Andy Ngo in Hospital with ‘Brain Bleed’ After Portland Antifa Mob Attacks” by Debra Heine
Big League Politics “Released From Hospital, Andy Ngo Urges the Public to Help Identify His ANTIFA Assailants” by Shane Trejo
Big League Politics “Journalist Andy Ngo Released From Hospital Following Terrorist Assault in Portland by ANTIFA, Others Dealing With Wounds” by Shane Trejo
Blaze “Antifa targets, attacks, sends independent journalist to hospital for filming their ‘protest’ – and they robbed him too” by Caleb Howe
Blaze “Andy Ngo’s lawyer posts blistering threat against Antifa after her client’s brutal Portland beating” by Sarah Taylor
Breitbart “Andy Ngo Released from Hospital After Vicious Attack from Antifa” by Hannah Bleau
Breitbart “Three Arrested in Connection with Violent Antifa Protests in Portland” by Hannah Bleau
Breitbart “Ted Cruz Calls for FBI to ‘Investigate and Bring Legal Action’ Against Portland Mayor” by Nate Church
BPR Business & Politics “Ted Cruz calls for ‘legal action’ against Portland mayor after brutal Antifa attack” by Zachary Leeman
CNN “Conservative journalist blames Antifa for rally attack”
Daily Caller “Journalist Andy Ngo, Who Says He’s ‘Hated By Antifa,’ Assaulted At Portland Rally” by Chuck Ross
Daily Caller “Ted Cruz Calls For The FBI To ‘Investigate And Bring Legal Action’ Against Portland Mayor” by Phillip Nieto
Daily Caller “Journalist Andy Ngo Attacked At Portland Rally. He Reportedly Sustained Injuries” by Shelby Talcott
Daily Wire “WATCH: Elderly Man Beaten With Crowbar, Another Has Head Split Open By Antifa While Trying To Help ‘Gay Man In Sundress’” by Amanda Prestigiacomo
Daily Wire “WATCH: Antifa Mob Brutally Assaults And Robs Journalist Andy Ngo In Portland” by Ashe Schow
Federalist “I Was With Andy Ngo When The Antifa Attack Happened. Here Are The Horrifying Pictures” by C.K. Bouferrache
Fox News ““Attorney for journalist attacked by Antifa says she plans to ‘sue everybody’ the law permits” by Anna Hopkins
Fox News “Gabriel Nadales: I’m a former Antifa member and enough is enough — Antifa must be stopped” by Gabriel Nadeles
Fox News “Portland mayor should be investigated by feds over Antifa attack on conservative writer, Sen. Cruz says” by Greg Norman
Fox News “Gutfeld on Antifa attacking journalists”
Fox News Radio “Andy Ngo on Silence From LGBT Groups On Portland Assault: “I’m Not The Right Type of Victim”” by Guy Benson
Gateway Pundit “Antifa Terrorist Who Beat Man in Head with Metal Pipe Previously Arrested For ‘Unlawful Use’ of a Slingshot Against Patriot Prayer Group” by Christina Laila
Granite Grok “Antifa in Portland Rough Up Reporter – Democrat Mayor and His Police Chief Silent” by Steven MacDonald
Heavy “Andy Ngo Attacked: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know”
Hill “Cruz calls for ‘legal action’ against Portland mayor after clash between far-right, antifa protesters” by Alexander Bolton
Huffington Post “Far-Right Extremists Wanted Blood In Portland’s Streets. Once Again, They Got It.” by Andy Campbell
Independent “Antifa attack conservative blogger Andy Ngo amid violence at Portland Proud Boys protest” by Lizzie Dearden
KATU 2 News “Anti-fascists, members of “HimToo” movement, Proud Boys take over downtown with protests”
KATU 2 News “Mayor Wheeler, Portland Police Association Pres. respond to violence at protests” by Keaton Thomas
KGW 8 “3 people arrested as dueling demonstrations turn into ‘civil disturbance’ in downtown Portland” by KGW Staff
KGW 8 “Suspects wanted for assaults, robbery during dueling protests in downtown Portland” by KGW Staff
KOIN 6 News “Pepper spray, milkshakes thrown during protests”
Law Enforcement Today “Portland mayor under fire for failure to stop multiple violent antifa protests” by LET Staff
Mother Jones “How a Dubious Claim of Cement Milkshakes in Portland Became a Right-Wing Meme” by Ali Breland
NBC News “Demonstrators clash in Portland, Oregon, police warn about ‘concrete milkshakes’”
Oregonlive (Oregonian) “3 arrested as downtown Portland protests escalate into civil disturbance”
Oregonlive (Oregonian) “Dueling demonstrations set for Saturday in downtown Portland”
Portland Tribune “Violent brawls break out near Pioneer Square in Portland” by Zane Sparling
Quillette “Antifa’s Brutal Assault on Andy Ngo Is a Wake-Up Call—for Authorities and Journalists Alike”
Red State “Journalist Andy Ngo Violently Attacked By Antifa Today, Mainstream Media Silent (UPDATED)” by Bonche
Red State “Andy Ngo’s Attorney Plans To “Sow Salt” Into Antifa’s “Yoga Studios And Avocado Toast Stands”” Jennifer van Laar
Red State “Ted Cruz Has Had Enough Of Antifa, Calls For Mayor Of Portland To Be Investigated By Feds” by Sarah Lee
Red State “WATCH: Portland Antifa Commits Violence, Blocks Route To Hospital, Police Do Nothing” by Brandon Morse
Red State “Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Tries To One-Up Ted Cruz On The Antifa Issue, Fails Miserably” by Sister Toldjah
Spectator USA “Did Andy Ngo get what he deserved?” by Dominic Green
Townhall “Andy Ngo’s Lawyer Just Threatened to Sue Antifa Thugs ‘Into Oblivion’” by Victoria Marshall
Trending News “Portland Mayor caught LYING! He DID give standown order that allowed ANTIFA to beat and rob people” by Frank the Tank
Vox “The assault on conservative journalist Andy Ngo, explained” by Zach Beauchamp
Wall Street Journal Opinion “Antifa Attacks a Journalist” by the Editorial Board
Washington Examiner “Andy Ngo’s antifa attackers might have violated a federal anti-Klan law” by Tom Rogan
Washington Examiner “Ted Cruz calls for ‘legal action’ against Portland mayor” by Caitlyn Yilek
Wall Street Journal “A Leftist Mob Attacked Me in Portland” by Andy Ngo
Washington Times “Ted Cruz seeks federal action against Portland mayor after antifa attacks journalist” by Valarie Richardson
Washington Times “Journalist Andy Ngo beaten up by antifa activists at Portland protest” by Valarie Richardson