This is the written version of a video you can watch on Bitchute, Brighteon, Odysee or Rumble (NOT Youtube) and is the 18th installment in this series. See the links below for the other episodes.

As we've shown in earlier installments of this series, antifa attacks members of any “marginalized group” you can think of; black people, brown people, elderly people, Jewish people, Bernie supporters, people in wheel chairs, immigrants, LBGT people, animals, adolescents and others including children.
BLM/antifa are privileged.
They are allowed to break the law. Recently they were allowed to get away with assaulting a small child.
What is privilege? It's an advantage that some people have and others do not according to Oxford and Cambridge. It's “a right or immunity granted as a peculiar benefit, advantage, or favor” according to Merriam-Webster.
Example: One member of a privileged group of “mostly peaceful protesters” assaults a small kid and the authorities let them get away with it because he's a leftist and because orange man bad. In other words, it's because of mindless, heartless political partisanship (or the bungling capers of keystone cops).
Remember the CHAZ? The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle Washington where privileged black and white BLM and antifa people were given the special privilege of taking over part of a city, where innocent people live and/or try to make a living, of being allowed to terrorize people, of being allowed to violate the law (that's literally what privilege means; when you are above the law, you have privilege, so a lot of black and white kids have privilege, especially if they identify with far left anti-American terrorist groups), and where people like Raz could just hand out guns to random kids, where they could riot, engage in arson, assault, rape and MURDER as I covered in great depth?
On May 1st, May Day, 2021, in the same area of Seattle, Washington as where those privileged people were allowed the privilege of having their little autonomous zone, the privileged were marching (what else is new?), marching to get Starbucks to boycott Ethiopian coffee (and other stuff, I guess) when the pussi- I mean the police announced that one of the privileged had assaulted a small child.
Is it me or did those stupid fucking cops try to give the suspect the opportunity to escape. They announced that they know who did it and that they will allow that suspect to keep protesting? Is it possible that they could be that stupid? I mean, if a person is stupid enough to unintentionally give the suspect the chance to get away with assaulting a small child, can they be smart enough to operate a PA system to make that announcement? Should cops that allow certain privileged people to assault children and get away with it be allowed to wear a badge? No, they should be punished severely to make an example out of them, to serve as a warning to all other scumbags out there to not be scumbags like these cops are.
Also, notice they say that criminal behavior will not be tolerated. What a joke! Seattle PD have increasingly tolerated their criminal behavior. According to Bob Price for Breitbart…
“The protest became violent as Antifa began throwing flares, bottles, eggs, paint, and a bag filled with an unidentified liquid.”
Price also reports that the Seattle PD...
“...declared an Antifa May Day protest to be a riot after marchers reportedly assaulted cops and a small child. The rioters continued, marching into the streets committing crimes. ”
They're like that parent who allows their child to run amok, who doesn't take them seriously as an authority because they allow them to get away with it routinely.
Eventually the parent or the Seattle cops make weak efforts to discipline them, a bit, even making arrests.
According to Bob Price for Breitbart…
“Seattle police began making other arrests as the crowd became violent and refused an order to disperse.”
Notice, in this clip, the cops say that antifa can be arrested for breaking the law; “If you don't stop being so bad I might give you a slap on the wrist!”
The person who assaulted the small child was not arrested.
According to Daviscourt for the Post Millennial...
“...they confronted an individual who was filming the march with their child. The group proceeded to assault the individual filming, including the small child. This incident led to SPD officers trailing closely behind for the entirety of the March.”
...but not arresting anyone, I will remind you, nor arresting anyone when, according to the Daviscourt...
“...while at Pike Place, individuals in the group assaulted police officers and threw water bottles at them.”
Maybe the stupid pussies said, “Stop or we'll say stop again!”
Daviscourt continues...
“The group continued marching their way back up to Capitol Hill where they began to throw lit flares into busy roadways. One of the flares landed in a bush and almost caught the bush on fire, as well as, the surrounding vehicles and trees.
This incident led to multiple arrests on Broadway.
From there, the group proceeded to make their way into Cal Anderson Park, former location of the CHAZ. Upon arrival at Cal Anderson, Antifa militants assaulted more individuals which led to multiple arrests by the Seattle Police Department. The three individuals were arrested for assault and obstruction.
During an arrest at Cal Anderson, an individual claimed he was "choked" and couldn’t breathe as he resisted arrest. Medics came to render aid and found no threat to his life. As Seattle police officers were carrying out the detained individual, he began to cough on them, a new tactic by the activists aimed at making officers think they might be exposed to the coronavirus.
The Seattle Police Department reported that during the May Day marches, "demonstrators threw bottles, rocks, paint, paint-filled eggs, regular eggs, and an unidentified liquid in a plastic zippered bag at officers."
According to SPD, the individuals arrested committed various different crimes including assault, obstruction, resisting arrest, malicious mischief, pedestrian interference, reckless driving, and property destruction.”
In summary, the Seattle Police, intentionally or out of incompetence (which is no excuse), allowed antifa to assault a small child in broad daylight.
How long before they murder people? Oh, wait. They have, as I’ve reported. See the links below for that.
~ Justin Trouble, May 10th, 2021
∴ Liberty ∴ Strength ∴ Honor ∴ Justice ∴ Truth ∴ Love ∴








Seattle PD released “Fourteen Arrested During Saturday Marches”.






Sources & Further Reading / Viewing
Daviscourt, Katie. “14 arrested in Seattle as Antifa marches on May Day, child assaulted” Post Millennial, May 3, 2021
Price, Bob. “Antifa Assaults Small Child, Seattle Police During May Day Riot, Say Cops” Breitbart, May 1, 2021
Public Affairs. “Fourteen Arrested During Saturday Marches” SPD Blotter, May 1, 2021
My Videos About…
Who Does Antifa ACTUALLY Attack? by Justin Trouble intro 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17
Antifa Being Racist by Justin Trouble 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
My Videos About Antifa Murders
August 4th, 2019 - Dayton Ohio Shooter, multiple victims
“Antifa’s First Murders?" by Justin Trouble
“Dayton Ohio Shooter Was Antifa" by Justin Trouble
June 29th, 2020 - A Killing in the CHAZ
“CHAZ - Antifa Kills Again - May 29, 3am" by Justin Trouble\
June 20th, 2020 - “fatality was a 30 year old black man”
“Shooting in the #CHAZ” by Justin Trouble
“#CHAZ Security Cam Video" by Justin Trouble
July 4th, 2020 - 8-year-old Secoriea Turner
“Black Lives Matter" by Justin Trouble
August 30th, 2020 - Aaron Jay Danielson
“Antifa/BLM Celebrating Murder of Patriot Prayer Member Aaron Jay Danielson (R.I.P.)" by Justin Trouble
“Antifa/BLM Murders Again and Cheers About it" by Justin Trouble
“Updates on Antifa’s Latest Murder" by Justin Trouble
“Antifa Murderer Accomplice Arrested But They Don't Know He is an Accomplice" by Justin Trouble
“Video of the Incident w/MY BREAKDOWN" by Justin Trouble
“Video of the Incident (at different speeds & cropped)" by Justin Trouble
“Antifa ACCOMPLICES in Murder?" by Justin Trouble
“Antifa/BLM Admits Confesses He Murdered Jay" by Justin Trouble
“ANTIFA DEAD - Jay's Murderer is DEAD" by Justin Trouble
October 10th, 2020 - Lee Keltner
“"One less white fucking supremist! Fuck yeah! Right in the fucking dome!" - Antifa Murders Again!" by Justin Trouble
“Antifa Kills Again" by Justin Trouble