It was 2 years ago to the day that Andrew “Black Rebel” Duncomb was stabbed in his back by an Antifa; July 25, 2020. This Antifa, Blake D. Hampe, 43 years old at the time, turned out to be a convicted pedophile. He was arrested for the stabbing but it seems Antifa paid his bail which was over a quarter of a million dollars. Antifa soon after ran a smear campaign to essentially blame the victim.
Though there was some great reporting on this matter at the time, none contained everything I include.
The Stabbing
In the small hours of July 25th, 2020, Andrew “Black Rebel” Duncomb was livestreaming from the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon, showing the rioters. If you remember, for most of 2020, Antifa rioted in the city and besieged the federal courthouse almost every day/night. Going by the figure given in this report (over 120 nights by October 5), a few months later, by the time of this stabbing incident, Antifa would have rioted roughly 50 nights in a row.
Duncomb was with friends, including Robert Zerfang AKA the Common Sense Conservative. Duncomb had been wary of someone following them, allegedly Blake D. Hampe. Ian Miles Cheong reported for the Post Millennial…
Black Rebel stated that Antifa militants doxed his identity and posted his location on social media and advised each other to “watch out” for him.
Duncomb handed the phone or camera to his friend while still livestreaming and, weaving through the crowd, circled around behind the man, put his arm around him and asked why he was following them. The man, Blake D. Hampe, immediately stabbed Duncomb in his lower back. Duncomb fell as his friend yelled for help in apprehending Hampe and rushed Duncomb to get him medical attention as they continued to stream.
Chaos ensued. Some Anifas assaulted Hampe and wrestled with him or restrained him and dragged him to the police who apprehend him. As Andy Ngo would tweet…

Duncomb’s livestream now says “broadcast not found” but one can see the part in which Hampe stabbed Duncomb in this video uploaded by The Molyneux Post…
Cheong reported…
“That knife was long enough. He stabbed me to kill me,” said Black Rebel, who says that he spotted Hampe, who was part of a group of Antifa following his group of friends for several blocks before he approached Hampe to ask why he was following them.
“We were all out there, four friends, trying to keep each other safe in the best way possible. I figured I’d try to de-escalate and just have a conversation,” he said. “I went over there, said ‘what’s up buddy?’ and that mother**ker went around and shanked me in the f**king kidney.”
The Oregonian would report…
Duncomb said the blade entered his back between his rib cage and hip, just inches from his spinal cord.
“The adrenelline just soared through me,” he said. “I had a can of bear mace and a knife on me, too. But I didn’t want to endanger innocent bystanders.”
Duncomb would tweet a photo of his wound. This was removed but it is archived here and can be seen in the screenshot below.
That day, Cheong reported…
Footage of Hampe’s arrest was captured by several photojournalists, including Garrison Davis, who posted video of the Portland Police Bureau taking him into custody.
Cheong then includes his retweet of that video from Garrison Davis (@hungrybowtie)…
He also includes this from Elijah Schaffer…

The Portland Police Bureau stated…
Police attempted to create a crime scene but were unable to due to the aggressive crowd behavior and lack of community cooperation.
Cheong quoted..
“That’s what you get here in Portland. You can’t have free speech. You can’t be a conservative or have opposing views to Antifa or otherwise they’ll try to hunt you down, put a couple of bounties on your ass.
And also too let’s not forget that Twitter allows this to happen. There are still posts up of Antifa—Rose City Antifa—these mother**kers actively putting my number, my address, information out about me and trying to tell me to hunt me down. Twitter openly allows this sh*t.”
Cheong also reported on Hampe’s pedophilia. In my upcoming piece Antifa Pedos, I include the info Cheong provided on this matter along with additional info I found. A few hours after that Post Millennial report, Andy Ngo tweeted the booking info for the crime. One can see Hampe’s age was listed as 43.

The tweet includes a link to the booking info for the crime this has since been removed but below is a screenshot of an archive made on July 25th, 2020. One can see his age was listed as 43.
The above archive doesn’t show his second charge. This other archive shows both his first charge at $250,000 bail and his second at $5,000 bail. His bail was $255,000. If he were not Antifa, would they spend two hundred and fifty five thousand dollars to get him out of jail? We’ll see.

Ngo’s thread continued…

KGW 8 reported…
Blake D. Hampe, 43, was charged with Assault II and booked into the Multnomah County Detention Center. He will be arraigned in court Monday.
The victim was transported to an area hospital with a serious injury.
The Oregonian would report…
Duncomb was taken to OHSU Hospital and released Sunday, he said.
Sunday would have been July 25. The following day, Monday, July 26, Duncomb would tweet…

Duncomb would do a phone interview with Daily Caller reporter Jorge Ventura (@VenturaReport).

On July 29th, Duncomb would tweet the following. Unfortunately, his account was since suspended and though it is archived here, it does not include the media in his tweet…
The Daily Mail would report on July 30th…
Duncomb has built an impressive online following with the videos he films of demonstrations and other political events under the moniker 'Black Rebel'.
He believes that people familiar with his work - which frequently features staunch defenses of conservative causes - had alerted activists that he would be at the Portland protest soon after he arrived.
He said that he and a few friends that were with him noticed a group of people was trailing them just before 2.30am on Saturday.
After traveling a several blocks with the people still on their tail, Duncomb said he handed his camera to a friend before he decided to confront one of the men in the group.
A probable cause affidavit quotes Hampe as telling investigators that Duncomb had 'set up' on him and tried to choke him, though that version of events was not supported by the video.
Duncomb maintains that the attack was planned - but says it isn't going to deter him from continuing his coverage when his wound heals.
'I'm not going to let them intimidate me for going back out,' he said.
'I wasn't meant to die. It wasn't my time to go.'
Duncomb was interviewed about the incident by Tucker Carlson on Fox.
Duncomb would soon return to the scene of the crime where he was interviewed by the Daily Caller.
Duncomb would also make this video in late July…
Blaming the Victim - Antifa’s Vendetta Against Black Rebel (Andrew Duncomb)
Andrew Duncomb is a much hated figure among Antifa. See here for example, how he’s listed among their most hated. The “Black” in “Black Rebel” references the fact that he’s black. Of course, this fact doesn’t stop those geniuses from saying he’s a white nationalist or Nazi or whatever. With a straight face and apparently oblivious to how hilarious they are, Rose City Antifa tries to prove that Andrew “Black Rebel” Duncomb is a Nazi by showing him paling around with Kyle “Based Stickman” Chapman who they say is a Nazi.

Well, * stifled laughter * thanks for showing that these guys are not Nazis, you geniuses who are going to save the world from fascism while being unable to tell your left from your right.

Above Andrew “Black Rebel” Duncomb can be seen with Joey Gibson of Patriot Prayer. In the 2nd photo from the top of this piece, he can be seen with Haley Adams Lewis and “Tiny”, the large Samoan man who those people who are, um, sane and * ahem * accurate and not just clueless clowns, say is also a Nazi.
I mean, any group that claims that people of various colors like Joey Gibson, “Tiny”, Haley Adams Lewis and Andrew Duncomb are Nazis must be wise, sane and accurate, right? I mean, when they claim to be against fascism and use violence to stop people from exercising their human and constitutional rights, that’s sane and make sense, right?
On August 12, they initiated an attempt at a smear campaign. Again, one of their own stabbed him, they spend a lot of money to bail him out and then they suggest that he deserved it by trying to say he’s a Nazi. Their thread begins...

Antifa Bails Out the Pedo
On August 13th, Andy Ngo tweeted…

Also on August 13, Duncomb tweeted…
Blake David Hampe has been bailed out and released from jail.
Again, his bail was $255,000. Two hundred and fifty five thousand dollars.
On August 14, 2020, BPR Business and Politics would report…
Apparently, #WhitePedophileLivesMatter most
A convicted pedophile who was arrested in late July for stabbing a conservative black journalist in Portland, Oregon, was reportedly released from jail Thursday, allegedly thanks to the help of the crowdfunding platform GoFundMe.
What remains unclear is whether Hampe will ever even be held accountable for his attack on Duncomb, given Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt’s announcement this Tuesday that most of Portland’s rioters won’t be charged:
It is fair to hold people to the same standards they thrust upon others. While, to any sane person, this serious act of violence does not seem to be racially motivated, if it were the other way around, they would no doubt fervently assert that it was an act of racism.
Hence, this is an other case of Antifa being racist. Be sure to see my report about his pedophilic crimes, Antifa Pedo - Blake D. Hampe.
See all my writings, my videos, and consider donating. Also, please share!
Thank you, ~ Justin Trouble Liberty my right ∴ Truth my sword Laughter my shield ∴ Knowledge my steed Love my solace ∴ Honor my reward
2007, April 18 - Recommended Decision on Motion to Supress - U.S. District Court, District of Maine
2008, May 9 - N.H. man gets 41 months in prison in child porn case by Judy Harrison for Bangor Daily News
2011, May 4th, updated November 5, 2021 - United States v. Hampe (3:11-cr-00195) District Court, D. Oregon by Court Listener (archived here)
2020, March 7 - REVEALED: Antifa has a pedophile problem by Anna Slatz for the Post Millennial
2020, July 25 - One Of Our Reporters Gets Attacked While Confronting AntiFa Following Them by the Common Sense Conservative on Youtube
2020, July 25 - Antifa militant arrested for stabbing black Trump supporter in Portland by Ian Miles Cheong for the Post Millennial
2020, July 25, 5:49am - tweet by @ElijahSchaffer (Elijah Schaffer)
2020, July 25, 9:25am - tweet by @stillgray (Ian Miles Cheong)
2020, July 25, 5:22pm - tweet by @SpaceForceUSA_ (Andrew Duncomb)
2020, July 25, 6:14pm - tweet by @MrAndyNgo (Andy Ngo)
2020, July 25, 6:37pm - tweet by @MrAndyNgo (Andy Ngo)
2020, July 25, 6:45pm - tweet by @MrAndyNgo (Andy Ngo)
2020, July 25, 8:02pm - tweet by @VenturaReport (Jorge Ventura)
2020, July 25, 8:59pm - tweet by @MrAndyNgo (Andy Ngo)
July 25, 2020 20:56 - Man Stabbed Leaving Protest In Front of Courthouse by Portland Police Bureau
2020, July 25 - Video Allegedly Shows Antifa Stab A Conservative, 18 Charged In Portland Riots, Today Will be WORSE by Timcast on Youtube
2020, July 25, updated July 26 - Man arrested for stabbing after downtown Portland protest Friday night by KGW Staff for KGW 8
2020, July 25 - Antifa Attempts Murder Yet AGAIN! by Justin Trouble on Bitchute
2020, July 26 - Antifa Tries to Kill Black Rebel Pt 2 by Justin Trouble on Bitchute
2020, July 26 - Antifa Tries to Kill Black Rebel (Bitchute Version) by Justin Trouble on Bitchute
2020, July 26 - tweet by @SpaceForceUSA_ (Andrew Duncomb)
2020, July 26 - tweet by @SpaceForceUSA_ (Andrew Duncomb)
2020, July 26 - Blake Hampe: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know by Alyssa Choiniere for Heavy
2020, July 27 - This Republican Was Stabbed At Portland Protests by the Daily Caller for Youtube
2020, July 29 - White Antifa Paedophile Charged With Stabbing of Black Trump Supporter by Jack Smith for Medium
2020, July 29, 9:15am - tweet by @SpaceForceUSA_ (Andrew Duncomb)
2020, July 30 - Conservative journalist, 25, is stabbed in the back by Portland protester who he accused of following him - and claims he was targeted because he supports Trump by Megan Sheets for the Daily Mail
2020, July 31 - “Wake up.” - Andrew Duncomb by Southern Gentlemen on Youtube
2020, July 31 - Tucker Carlson - Conservative Journalist Stabbed In Back During Violent Portland Riots - 7-30-20 by BexarPatriot on Youtube
2020, August 1 - Videographer Andrew Duncomb Stabbed During Portland Protest by Staff for San Francisco news
2020, August 11, 4:32pm - tweet by @maxoregonian (Maxine Bernstein)
2020, August 12, 6:34pm - Twitter thread by @RoseCityAntifa
2020, August 12, 6:56pm - tweet by @RoseCityAntifa
2020, August 14 - Red flags over massive bail funds when convicted pedo Antifa rioter released after alleged stabbing of black conservative by BPR Business & Politics
What is the status of Haley Adams and how can we find her now that she is banned on twitter?