"The Science"
Scientist status is granted from on high with grace.
You have NO RIGHT to expound upon the science unless you are repeating what you are told is the science by the mainstream media sponsored by Pfizer and so on.
You see, unless someone, like, the church or the Pope says you are a priest, you are not a priest - errr, um, I mean, unless the system grants you the status of scientist, you are not a scientist and should never deviate from what the Pfizer-sponsored media tells you the science says.
Besides, science is a mysterious, elite, inaccessible thing. It's something only smart people can do, not common folk like we.
So non-scientists like Joe Rogan should not be allowed to have a scientist come and speak on his show.... I mean, a FAKE scientist because that guy was a fake scientist doctor guy.
Follow leaders. Trust your betters.