This report will be made into a video (to be seen exclusively on my channel on JoshWhoTV for the first week) which will show video clips and more photos than what are included here.
On Meet the Press, Dr. Fauci said he is, "very concerned we are going to see another surge related to" Sturgis, the largest motorcycle rally held from the 6th to the 15th of August. Reportedly, Fauci has not mentioned the Lolapalooza festivals on the 29th and 30th of July and the 1st of August. It seems that the good doctor also has not mentioned Obama’s party.
But we should trust Dr. Fauci. He’s smart enough to make sure that he is clear, consistent and not a self-contradictory hypocrite, right?
Well, maybe it’s just a small party, just a little get together. After all, the New York Times and CNN reported that Obama scaled back the event. And we can trust the NY Times and CNN, right?
As July turned to August on the weekend before he turned 60, Obama was seen in the quaint town on the island of Martha’s Vineyard where the Obamas have a residence, playing some quiet golf, doing a bit of bowling, and throwing a huge, expensive party with hundreds of staff and guests, including a lot of famous people.
Despite their urgency that we peasants wear masks, social distance and lockdown everything they deem to be unessential regardless of vaccination, photos suggest that almost none of them wore masks and show that they didn’t social distance. Also, parties are unessential. The Daily Mail reported that, “only one attendee was seen wearing a mask as they arrived at the resort.”
This resort, photos show, is almost at sea level. One might wonder why the Obamas would buy real estate at almost sea level when the polar ice caps are melting and the coasts will be under water in a couple of decades. I digress.
On August 2, 2021, the New York Post reported ‘Imagine if this was for Trump’: Obama bash for hundreds draws jeers amid Delta outbreaks [archive].
Even if all involved are fully vaccinated, in this age of lockdowns, this hardly seems fair and it certainly doesn’t set a good example. Furthermore, based on photos from the Daily Mail, most didn’t wear masks [archive]. While some of the party was held outside, photos show numerous large tents erected for the party at his estate in Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts.
The Daily Mail reported,
While most of the guests were likely vaccinated, Massachusetts officials are now urging people who have been immunized to put back on their face coverings in indoor public spaces amid a surge in new Covid cases.
What do you think, dear reader? Did they all wear their masks in those tents?
The NY Post reports,
Obama’s former second-in-command, President Joe Biden, will reportedly be unable to attend his big 6-0 soiree. However, Oprah Winfrey, George Clooney and Steven Spielberg are reportedly among the invited guests…
The NY Times reported that Oprah “had pulled out of the party earlier because of concerns over the Delta variant, according to two sources familiar with the party planning”
A photo from the Daily Mail’s report on the event showed Don Cheadle arriving to the party. They reported that Beyonce, Jay-Z, Gayle King and Tom Hanks were also invited and that, Chrissy Teigen, John Legend, Stephen Colbert, John Kerry, Dwayne Wade, his wife Gabriel Union were spotted. USA Today reported…
H.E.R. was among the first high-profile guests to share photos from the event, including a shot standing between the former president and first lady.
When asked to comment about the party on the following Monday (August 2), the White House press secretary, well, what do you think? Was she objective and fair? Or was she a hypocrite as usual? Take a guess.
According to the NY Post, reported…
Asked if Obama was “setting the wrong example about how serious COVID-19 is by hosting a big birthday party with hundreds of people,” Psaki said that the venue is within a county classified by the CDC as having only moderate coronavirus transmission — though there’s an outbreak of the more contagious Delta variant of COVID-19 nearby on Cape Cod.
This ignores the fact that we are talking about hundreds of people traveling from afar into that county. Indeed, they all traveled to one location where they did not social distance and for the most part did not wear masks.

The NY Post adds that the reporter followed up with…
“You’ve had people saying, over the last couple of days, vaccinated people can still spread this Delta variant around, so is there concern that this — that an Obama birthday party — might become a super spreader event?”
“The [new CDC] guidance is about what steps people can take when they’re in public settings — indoor settings, specifically, was the new guidance,” Psaki said.
To which the reporter pressed, “So people who are watching this at home and they see, well, President Obama can have a party with several hundred people — should they think that it is OK for them to have a party with several hundred people?”
The CDC last week urged localities to readopt indoor mask mandates in areas with “substantial” or “high” rates of COVID-19 transmission.
It’s unclear how guests will use bathrooms and whether masks will be required indoors when they do.

The CDC last week urged localities to readopt indoor mask mandates in areas with “substantial” or “high” rates of COVID-19 transmission.
It’s unclear how guests will use bathrooms and whether masks will be required indoors when they do.
Oh, the hypocrisy!
Update: As of the early afternoon of August 15th, the Daily Mail is reporting that 74 people on the island of Martha’s Vineyard have tested positive for covid-19 since Obama’s party was held there.
Attendees were required to take tests and submit their results to gain entry to the compound. But some of the island's residents scoffed at the measures to create a COVID-free zone, given that partygoers were circulating between various events and locations, in a town raging with a Delta strain that spreads quickly.
Even vaccinated individuals aren't immune. Of the 48 people who tested positive last week, more than half were vaccinated, according to health officials.
'I wouldn't have gone to the party even if I was invited,' one resident of Edgartown, who had a friend working at the party, told
'I'm sure some attendees went home with some extra luggage they didn't pack or see. Stay tuned.'
I’d like to end with good news. Let me note that it seems that none of the attendees have died. But now for the good news - since the party, so far no deaths have been recorded related to covid-19 among those who work on the island or live there.