Biden Trolled! Says 'Let's Go Brandon'!
Just in Time for Christmas, Here's the Gift of Laughter!
Often the funniest jokes are those in which the brunt of the joke is blissfully unaware of it and, as such, they play a joke on themselves. They think they are laughing along when they are actually been laughed at and then laughed at for laughing along while being laughed at.
Just a few hours ago, Biden declared, “Let’s go Brandon, I agree” in response to a righteous troll. Thank you, troll, whoever you are. You put a smile on everyone’s face! Some might think you’re like the Grinch Who Stole Christmas, but most of us think you’re like the good gift-giving Grinch that brings a happy end to the holiday.

Jill Biden, on the other hand, was not so blissfully unaware. At any rate, here’s your Christmas Trolls making the call…
See a longer video here…
To you and all your loved ones, Happy Hanukah, Christmas, Yule, Solstice or whatever you may celebrate and Happy New Year to you too. My New Year prediction is that those who supported Trump will reject him within a year over his championing of the experimental drugs they pushing on us all.
UPDATE: “BlueAnon celebrates Christmas by doxxing father who said 'Let's go Brandon' to Joe Biden” by Libby Emmons for the Post Millennial
∴ Liberty ∴ Strength ∴ Honor ∴ Justice ∴ Truth ∴ Love ∴ Laughter ∴