Yet an other hoax! The Pee-Pee Gate hoax, the “very fine people” hoax, the Covington Catholic School kids hoax, the hoax about UV light, the hoax about hydroxychloroquine, the hoax about ivermectin, they lied about Jussie Smollett, George Floyd, Kyle Rittenhouse, the Las Vegas shooter, the Dayton Ohio shooter, the man who killed that Antifa on February 19th - will it ever end?
Andy Ngo explains the latest hoax that people who should know better are falling for…

Here are the images in the tweet above…
The link in the tweet above goes to the second tweet in the first screenshot above. It has been removed from Twitter but is archived here. Ngo’s thread continues…

One can point to an endless string of hoaxes that these idiots run with, not knowing or caring if they are real or right. These are vile scum, not decent human beings.
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